
System -> Security & Privacy -> General -> “Allow any source” is slightly different from Intel chips;


Intel chip

Without encryption chip, the general implementation of the following a series of operations came out

  1. Open the terminal and execute the command as administrator (sudo privilege)
sudo spctl --master-disable
Copy the code
  1. Enter the computer boot password, then press Enter to see

If not, you should turn off SIP and start your own search.

If you can see the whole thing, here’s reboot to go to options and open terminal execution

csrutil disable
Copy the code

Don’t mess around with the shell (delete it!!).

M1 chip

Some people will default to the Intel chip position. In this case, it is necessary to enable the system kernel security to be reduced

  1. To turn it off
  2. Long press the power button and wait for the option to come out
  3. Go to the options

Save and restart

Matters needing attention

If you have macOS 10.15 and above enabled, some software will still report corruption. In this case, you need to do the following: Grant an application permission to run with this privileged command

# sudo xattr -r -d xattr-r-d application path# For example, I installed the M1 version of the finchSudo xattr -rd Quarantine /Applications. AppCopy the code


Change is what it is, as long as Apple doesn’t limit it. There is always a command to break this closed position of safety; Enabling privileges is definitely a security risk, but you can also install third-party software. It’s up to you