Navicat Premium database management tool

MAC on the best use of database management tools, support the database is very full. Examples include MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL. Navicat Premium makes it easy to export data from tables/collections, views or query results to Excel, Access, CSV and…Extraction code: 6G24 Decompression password:

The Transmit professional FTP/SFTP client

As an essential SFTP tool for back-end development, Transmit should be a better UI on the MAC. And Transmit has a function that simulates directory synchronization, which allows you to see what files will be modified before deciding whether to synchronize. At the same time, users can also Transmit in any application without downloading real-time editing documents, convenient and simple, one-step in place.…Extraction code: JNJP Decompression password

MouseEveryWhere is a multi-screen fast mouse movement tool.

It is a very useful small tool. When using a macbook external screen, it is relatively slow to move the mouse on the touchpad, so it is very inconvenient to move such a long distance. With MouseEveryWhere, the mouse can easily jump repeatedly between two screens, which is much more efficient.

MouseEveryWhere displays a virtual mouse on each screen. You can see where your mouse is relative to other screens, and the virtual mouse moves with your real mouse.

When you click a shortcut key, you can immediately move your mouse to the corresponding position on the other screen, is a rare productivity tool.

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Alfred is one of the most legendary productivity tools on the Mac, and it’s worth a long article about it.

To be clear, we’re not looking for a start button, we’re looking for a program entry. In any operating system, the user’s job is not to find the start menu, but to find programs and open them to do their job. In the Mac, the best person to do this isn’t the Dock, it’s Alfred. So my advice to anyone entering OS X is to go to the App Store and download Alfred. The free version is enough for the average user, and developers can buy Powerpack for good value.

Download from…

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ITerm2 is OS X’s next open source free Terminal tool, I basically use it to replace the native Terminal.

The Mac’s support for native shells is one of the reasons so many programmers love the Mac. Programmers who use a Mac instead of a Shell are essentially cutting themselves off and losing their power. The Shell doesn’t come out of nowhere; its entry point is terminal tools. OS X’s built-in terminal tools, while good, pale in comparison to iTerm 2.

Some basic functions are as follows:

Shift +command+d(horizontal) Command + D (vertical)

2, search and paste: command+ F, call search function, TAB key to select the found text, option+ Enter paste

3, automatic completion: command+; According to the context call auto – complete window, up and down key selection

4, Paste history: Shift +command+h5, playback function: Option +command+ B

6. Full screen: Command + Enter

7. Where is the cursor? command+/

8, Expose Tabs: Option+Command+E

There are many functions, multi-purpose experience.
