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1: background

I have recently restored my computer system and need to reinstall the MAC environment. I stepped on some pits in the process, and I share with you how to lie in pits.

2: The common installation methods are as follows

1:raw.githubusercontent.com domain name cannot be accessed

1:www.ipaddress.com/ Query the IP address of the raw.githubusercontent.com. You can download iHosts on your MAC (free from appstore) and add the host binding. (raw.githubusercontent.com) can be used.

2: Using the domestic mirror
/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)"
Copy the code

Switch to the domestic source and download everything is flying up.

3: Install common software

Brew Search/AdoptopenJDK/brew install Adoptopenjdk8 Configure the JDK environment and create a. Bash_profile in the user directory. Write the relevant configuration to.bash_profileexport JAVA_8_HOME=` / usr/libexec / 1.8 ` java_home - v

alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias maven='mvn'When the relevant configuration is written to.bash_profile, source.bash_profile is required for immediate effect. After the environment configuration is complete, only the current client needs to configure. Bash_profile to.zshrc source ~/.bash_profile in the same directoryCopy the code


Brew artifact installation software is recommended to use domestic sources, installation of relevant software is very fast. If you insist on using foreign downloads, it is recommended that you download in the morning or use your phone’s 4G network to fly up.