In daily use, I found some tips about the Option key on the Mac. It is really very useful. In many cases, with this Option key, there is a feeling of dialing gold in three or two.

At the same time do not know whether Apple deliberately hidden, this skill, every discovery, just like finding an egg, very sense of achievement.

Startup console quickly removes applications

In the launcher, holding down the Option key will put you in the Mac-specific waiting to be deleted App icon shaking state. It may take several seconds to enter this state by holding down the app icon.

Forcing an application to Exit

To forcibly exit an application, the common shortcut keys are Command+Option+ESc

But with the Option key, you can quickly force out an app from the dock.

Set the default opening mode for a single file

On a Mac, select a file, right-click to open it, and if you hold down the Option key, you’ll be prompted to always open it that way.

Gets the path to the current file/folder

On macOS, getting the path to a file is a hassle, and the option key can be used to quickly get the absolute path to a file without throwing it to a terminal to get it.

Full screen preview images



View multiple file sizes


Video address

All the above tips for video effects:

Youtube (recommended)

Bilibili (Log in to super clear)

How can I put it? Whether it works or not, I still want to add that

Guo plant treesOriginal, reprint please addMac Book Beginner, must know 7 Option shortcut keys (selected), hidden “egg” skills. mac option key

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