The preface

Recently, I came across an object named “Big root Heap” in Leetcode. Firstly, I am not quite sure what it is, so I cannot change the exact definition. It’s a method, right? Or a ladder idea? Or a data structure? Or something else. Because this name appears in all kinds of problems. Such as:

  • 215. The KTH largest element in an array
  • Interview question 17.20. Median of continuity
  • 295. The median of data streams
  • .

Since so many questions appear [big root pile], it should be very important, and I will not; So I decided to figure it out

The heap

A heap is usually an array object that can be viewed as a complete binary tree

Example: array array = [7,3,8,5,1,2]

Array array can be thought of as a complete binary tree

        /   \
       3     8
      / \   /
     5   1 2
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Do you want to convert an array into a binary tree? No, no, no, just think of an array as a binary tree, or if I say 8 and 7 switch places, you say why switch places?

What is a big root heap?

What is a large root heap: each node has a value greater than or equal to the value of its left and right children. For example: array = [7,3,8,5,1,2

1/2/3 1/2Copy the code

Is the value of each node in the binary tree greater than or equal to the left and right child nodes?

This is the big root pile;

Question: You are still converting an array to a binary tree. No, the array changed from [7,3,8,5,1,2] to [8,5,7,3,1,2]

The array is still an array, but the values in the array have changed;

The changed rule is based on the large root heap rule of binary tree; So when you add or delete elements, you can quickly find the maximum and minimum value in the array

Conclusion: To find the best value, use large root heap, small root heap

How do you build a big root heap?


For example, array = [7,3,8,5,1,2], binary root bit 0; After construction, the big root heap bit list = [0], where 0 has no practical significance and represents the root node

1. Put the first digit of the array 7 into the binary tree

Copy the code

List = [0,7];

  • List =,7,3 [0]
  • Does list fit the big root heap?
7/3Copy the code

Select * from array (‘ array ‘, ‘array’, ‘8’);

  • List =,7,3,8 [0]
  • Does list fit the big root heap?
        /   \
       3     8
Copy the code

No, 8 is bigger than 7 so 8 has to switch places with 7;

It’s easier to see in a binary tree view, but how do you swap them in an application?

A few concepts need to be added here;

In a complete binary tree, for all non-root nodes x

The subscript of the parent value in array is: math.floor (x/2). The subscript of the left child value in array is: 2x. The subscript of the right child value in array is: 2x + 1

        /   \
       2     3
      / \   /  \
     4   5 6    7
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So, the 7 and 8 swap places with 8 at subscript 3 and with 7 at subscript 1, so the array becomes 0,8,3,7 and intuitively the binary tree becomes

        /   \
       3     7
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Select * from array (‘ array ‘, ‘5’)

  • List =,8,3,7,5 [0]
8 / \ 3 7/5Copy the code
  • Does not meet the large root heap condition because 5 > 3

How do you adjust an array? Swap 5 with 3; What’s the subscript of 5? Is 4; The subscript of 3 can be calculated to be 2; So if you swap 5 with 3 you get list = [0,8,5,7,3]

8 / \ 5 7/3Copy the code


Through the above four steps, you can know that when adding data to the array, it is now added to the end of the array, the end of the array represents the array leaf node; After the data is placed on the leaf node, the value is compared with the value of the parent node of the value. If the value is greater than the value of the parent node, the two positions are switched. Refer to Steps 3 and 4

Since the value is swapped upward from the leaf node, it is also the value of the parent node. After the swapped parent node is compared with the parent node, it is judged that the swapped parent node is compared to the root node or less than the parent node.


Now list = [0,8,5,7,3]

8 / \ 5 7/3Copy the code

Return array[1].

How about deleting the maximum value of the array?

First: the value of the last node and the first node switch; List = [0,3,5,7,8]

3 / \ 5 7/8Copy the code

Step 2: Delete the leaf node; List. The pop () list = hc-positie [0]

        /   \
       5     7
Copy the code

Step 3: Rebuild the large root heap

In this case, should the 3 be swapped with the left child or should it be swapped with the right child? This is the key;

Let’s say that 3 is swapped with the left child

        /   \
       3     7
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No, it’s still not a big root heap, because 7 is greater than 5, and if you swap 3 with the right child, you swap

        /   \
       5     3
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Accord with large root heap;

Through the above two assumptions, we can reach a conclusion that if the root node can be swapped with its child node, the large root heap can be reconstructed, and then it can be swapped with the child node

With that in mind, you can edit the code

Write a heap

Put up a shelf first

class Heap {
  constructor(compare) {
    this.list = [0] // Array to store data =
        typeof compare === 'function' ? compare : this.defaultCompare
  // Control heap ascending or descending order
   defaultCompare(a, b) {
   return a > b
  isEmpty() {} // Whether it is empty
  getSize() {}// Array length
  top() {}/ / Max
  pop() {}// Delete the maximum value
  push() {}/ / add value
  left = (x) = > 2 * x // Get the subscript of the left child node of the node based on the current node subscript
  right = (x) = > 2 * x + 1
  parent = (x) = > Math.floor(x / 2)}Copy the code


  isEmpty() {
      return this.num === 0
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 top() {
      return this.list[1]}Copy the code


  push(val) {
      // Add data to the heap end

      this.up(this.list.length - 1)}/ / to rise
    up(k) {
      const { list, parent, compare } = this
      // Iterates between the current node and the parent node
      while (k > 1 && compare(list[k], list[parent(k)])) {
        this.swap(parent(k), k)
        k = parent(k)
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Core code, key and difficult points, need to focus on understanding down function; From the first is, the data [sink] to the corresponding position,

 pop() {
      const { list } = this
      if (list.length === 0) return null
      this.swap(1, list.length - 1)
      const top = list.pop()
      return top

    down(k) {
      const { list, left, right, compare } = this
      const size = this.getSize()
      console.log('size', size)
      while (left(k) <= size) {
        let _left = left(k)
        if (right(k) <= size && compare(list[right(k)], list[_left])) {
          _left = right(k)
        if (compare(list[k], list[_left])) return
        this.swap(k, _left)
        k = _left
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The complete code

  class Heap {
    constructor(compare) {
      this.list = [0] =
        typeof compare === 'function' ? compare : this.defaultCompare

    defaultCompare(a, b) {
      return a > b

    swap(x, y) {
      const t = this.list[x]
      this.list[x] = this.list[y]
      this.list[y] = t
    isEmpty() {
      return this.list.length === 1
    getSize() {
      return this.list.length - 1
    top() {
      return this.list[1]}left(x) {
      return 2 * x
    right(x) {
      return 2 * x + 1
    parent(x) {
      return Math.floor(x / 2)}push(val) {
      // Add data to the heap end

      this.up(this.list.length - 1)}/ / to rise
    up(k) {
      const { list, parent, compare } = this
      while (k > 1 && compare(list[k], list[parent(k)])) {
        this.swap(parent(k), k)
        k = parent(k)
    pop() {
      const { list } = this
      if (list.length === 0) return null
      this.swap(1, list.length - 1)
      const top = list.pop()
      return top

    down(k) {
      const { list, left, right, compare } = this
      const size = this.getSize()
      while (left(k) <= size) {
        let _left = left(k)
        if (right(k) <= size && compare(list[right(k)], list[_left])) {
          _left = right(k)
        if (compare(list[k], list[_left])) return
        this.swap(k, _left)
        k = _left
Copy the code

Reference documentation

Heap – Baidu Encyclopedia