What is a Luckysheet?

A pure front end similar to Excel online form, powerful, simple configuration, completely open source.

Why do you do it?

Now Web technology is booming, office applications, especially Excel, have moved online, the more popular Tencent documents, Kingsoft documents, graphite documents, Google Doc, belongs to the enterprise service. But what about small businesses or teams that want to build their own online spreadsheet system? Is there an open source solution?

In my investigation, some tables have relatively simple functionality that only shows data and filters, or some tables support multiple cell styles, but such functionality costs a fee. Some of the most popular plugins are SpreadJS and Handsontable, which have obvious drawbacks. SpreadJS add-ons are too expensive, and Handsontable has a lot of secondary development problems.

We are determined to make LuckySheet, an open source spreadsheet with the most rich features, the simplest configuration and use, to provide support for enterprise reporting platform, data analysis platform, OA, collaborative office tools, etc., and to build a data analysis community. Specifically, we provide an Excel – like online editing table with cell styles, formulas, filters, freezes, and other features. We basically support common functions of Excel, data analysis, display and editing requirements.

What function does it have?

List a few key functions

  1. Table Settings, including freezing columns, merging cells, filtering, sorting, querying, conditional formatting, annotation;
  2. Support data analysis functions including PivotTable, column separation, matrix operation, built-in 385 calculation functions;
  3. Support one-click screenshots, copy to JSON data, shared editing, copy and paste data between Excel and LuckySheet.
  4. Enhancements such as Excel import, insert images, data validation, inline styles
  5. Support mobile terminal view
  • The online Demo
  • Github
  • Gitee
  • Import excel Demo