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ID: AI-front

On the morning of November 28th, Xiaomi held the first Xiaomi IoT Developer Conference 2017 MIDC in Beijing. The biggest highlight of the conference was the strong alliance between Baidu and Xiaomi. Both sides said that ARTIFICIAL intelligence will become a new access point for the continuous development of IoT, and the two will complement each other perfectly.

On the morning of November 28, Xiaomi held the first Xiaomi IoT Developer Conference 2017 MIDC in Beijing. Lei Jun, Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, founder and Chairman of Xiaomi Technology, delivered a speech at the meeting:

Xiaomi IoT strategy began 3 years ago. The strategy was to focus on smartphones and connect all devices. Now, Xiaomi IoT platform has access to more than 85 million devices, with more than 10 million devices daily. Many third-party reports show that Xiaomi has become the world’s largest intelligent hardware IoT platform.

As platforms expand and technology trends change, the core of Xiaomi’s IoT strategy has also changed.

Three years ago, smartphones were the center of these smart devices, but now Xiaomi’s IoT strategy has a new centerpiece: its AI-based speaker, Xiao Ai Classmate.

Lei jun said that the ability of voice interaction represented by Xiao Ai should be everywhere, from the point of view of equipment and scene: any device, any scene, the future may be voice interaction. In addition, Xiao Ai can not only connect with the smart devices produced by Xiaomi, Lei Jun said that in accordance with xiaomi’s consistent principle of openness, it is also the purpose of this conference: Xiaomi hopes to invite more developers to join in and expand xiao Ai’s ability in more fields together with Xiaomi.

Xiaomi IoT Developer Program official website:iot.mi.com

In addition, millet also released a “small love classmate” intelligent speaker handle on the meeting, or the combination of time hand handle + intelligent speaker, according to the introduction, this is a small love classmate intelligent speaker personified image, DO not know “high appearance level” intelligent speaker can bring higher sales?

Lei Jun at the meeting has been emphasizing a sentence: “make a lot of friends, make a few enemies.”

Among these friends, of course, there are also mysterious guests present today baidu. Lu Qi, president and CHIEF operating officer of Baidu Group and vice chairman of the board of Directors, attended the conference and delivered a speech at the meeting. He said, “The era of the Internet of Everything has come!” IoT (Internet of Things) represents the new opportunity that all entities will be digitized and will be connected. Artificial intelligence will become a new access point for the continuous development of IoT, and the two will complement and combine perfectly.

Xiaomi and Baidu will cooperate in the field of “IoT+AI”. Lu Qi did not explain the specific way of cooperation. He mainly talked about the logic of cooperation between the two sides and introduced baidu’s AI technologies related to this cooperation: Baidu Brain and DuerOS.

According to AI Front, As early as this June, Lu Qi went to Mi Home, Lei Jun showed him Mi Xiaobai smart camera, MI Smart home combination, MI plug board, MI Internet audio and other products; In addition, the two also discussed the development trend of artificial intelligence.

It seems that Baidu and Xiaomi have the potential of cooperation, the two giants have become a trench comrade-in-arms, a has advanced AI technology, a has a huge IoT ecological chain, of course, it is good to join hands, but the cooperation between the giants can really smooth sailing? AI Front will stay tuned, and we have attached the full text of Lu Qi’s speech to our readers. If you have any views or insights on the cooperation between the two giants, please let us know in the comments section!

Attachment: Full text of Lu Qi’s speech:

Today I am very glad to have the opportunity to attend such a grand event, the first Xiaomi IoT Developer Conference. IoT plus AI, in many ways, creates a new starting point for our entire industry, especially for every developer and every partner in this room, there are so many, wide and unlimited opportunities for industrial innovation.

Just now, Mr. Lei has made it very clear that the Internet of Everything IoT era has arrived. This is not a new concept, but it needs long-term exploration. Xiaomi leads the arrival of the IoT era with outstanding capabilities, especially product innovation, and a very, very unique ecological model. Why is this a big opportunity for entrepreneurship and innovation? I want to give you a little bit of a history of our information industry, so you can see where this opportunity lies. Because information technology is constantly entering a digital society, it is an unstoppable river of history. It uses technological breakthroughs from generation to generation to open up the wind of industrial innovation from generation to generation. Each generation is larger in scale and has wider opportunities than the previous one.

First of all, in the 1980s, the biggest breakthrough was the personal computer, and we digitized the office, the process of the office, created a lot of business value, created a lot of startups. In the mid and late 1990s, the Internet digitized and connected the world’s information, transforming the world with the knowledge, content and services it represented. The mobile Internet takes this to a whole new level, because everyone’s behavior, everyone’s communication is digitized. As technology continues to evolve, the cloud, the next milestone in computing, it’s natural that we’re going to digitize the entire society, all entities are going to be digitized, they’re going to be connected, and it’s going to bring very, very important opportunities for industrial innovation.

At the same time, the era of artificial intelligence has come, artificial intelligence represents a major capability breakthrough in the computing industry, and artificial intelligence will become a new breakthrough point for the further sustainable development of IoT, it let IoT into a new era. Why is that? Because from the nature of technology and the nature of industrial innovation, ARTIFICIAL intelligence and IoT are perfect complementary, perfect combination.

First, for example, in the case of IoT, it is through the embedded module, digital computing unit, the sensing unit entity, through the Internet of things, the basis of all digital entity connected together, it has created a very, very solid foundation, make artificial intelligence to fully tap and play a IoT can bring all of the user experience value and commercial value.

Why do you say that? Because the core of artificial intelligence technology is established, we can build a new generation of systems through computing technology, it can automatically and quickly acquire knowledge, with knowledge to achieve our goals, its core is to acquire knowledge, use knowledge to achieve goals. There are three most important components of any intelligent system.

First, to observe the world through perception, artificial intelligence and IoT devices connected, its perception will be greatly improved, all the data will be fully utilized, and artificial intelligence will bring new, light and sound, human-like perception, new ability to interact.

Second, the core of artificial intelligence is the knowledge acquisition, especially deep learning, starting in 2006 brought a series of technical revolution, we can effectively and quickly acquire knowledge, makes every device, every family more understand each user, each user group, every scene, imagine every family in the future we have a wealth of knowledge, know you every kitchen, Know your bedroom and your daily commute. All these knowledge can be fully used, the power of knowledge is infinite, with knowledge can do automation, with knowledge can do solutions, with knowledge can bring new interaction, with knowledge we can use IoT+ artificial intelligence to improve efficiency, any traditional modern industry is very, very big opportunity.

Third, cooperation. So many opportunities, throughout history, need a strong platform, a strong company to lead such opportunities, we need a new era of win-win cooperation. Lei always just said the concept, I personally, we Baidu very very agree with. We believe that in this new era, new opportunities require companies that can lead the industry to work closely together, to organically combine IoT capabilities, AI capabilities, open to partners, open to developers, and together we can build the opportunities of the future.

In this context, I think the cooperation between Xiaomi and Baidu that we announced today is very, very epoch-making.

First of all, there is no doubt that the millet is our entire in China, the global leader of IoT, ray always has fully introduced just now, for me it is one of the biggest intelligent hardware platform, a comprehensive intelligent application scenario, a large group of active users, more than 8500 ten thousand intelligent networking equipment, this is a powerful base. I also communicated with Mr. Lei before the meeting. I think the ecology initiated by Xiaomi is worthy of careful study by every enterprise manager in the world. There are very original innovative ideas and ideas in it, which are very successful, and also lay a very solid foundation for the future IoT industry. So, it’s very clear that Xiaomi is the leader in IoT.

Second, in the field of AI, baidu has the strongest AI technology and capability in China, there are the earliest, has the most complete layout, in the era of AI, baidu’s overall strategic way is platform, greening, we firmly believe that let AI faster transition, more to accelerate the commercialization, the best way to cooperation, give developers the ability to open, Our core layout and philosophy is to open our capabilities to our partners and make sustained win-win cooperation through a simple and healthy business model. We use Baidu Brain as the core of our AI capabilities, and intelligent voice is the basis of our AI productization and commercialization.

On top of this, we believe that there is a great ability and opportunity to improve some of baidu’s existing core business, because the smart phone in the future will have more perceptive ability, more computing power, better understanding of users, more personalized, more intelligent interaction, we call it the new mobile. In the new mobile era, Baidu’s search business, information flow and IQiyi will have a great space for growth. At the same time, we will establish new AI platform businesses, including Apollo, which is an open ecosystem of autonomous driving with rapid growth in the world. Our commercialization and commercialization speed really exceed our original imagination. Next year, in 2018 and 2019, many auto manufacturers will have mass production of intelligent driving cars. At the same time, DuerOS represents a new generation of human-computer interaction platform, which will have a very comprehensive and close cooperation with IoT.

Among all the capabilities baidu brings, the most core is the computing capability of AI, which is Baidu brain. The underlying brain in baidu, is the core of the cloud base ability, in the inside of the more important is, to set up new heterogeneous computing capacity, because in the era of artificial intelligence, especially for deep learning, its calculation model is very different and traditional architecture, baidu invested a lot of research in this field with the ability of some of the new intelligent cloud.

But more important is in the upper Baidu brain, I carefully give you a breakdown of the baidu brain in each level of the core ability.

First, the algorithm layer. Machine learning and particularly deep learning platforms are very, very important, and the ongoing development of algorithms and the development of platforms, to provide these platforms to developers. Our platform, PaddlePaddle, is very similar to Google’s Tenseflow, but PaddlePaddle will provide developers with a better, more suitable platform for deep learning development in China. On top of this, we have a perception layer. The forefront of many artificial intelligence technologies is in the perception layer, including the perception of light and sound, which are very important in a series of abilities, including image understanding, video understanding, augmented reality and so on. The core of artificial intelligence is cognitive ability, and the biggest core ability of artificial intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge. Without perception, reasoning and knowledge map, it is impossible to turn the perceived data into knowledge. The perceived data is the carrier of knowledge, but it must be quickly transformed into knowledge through the core algorithm. Based on that knowledge, it has all kinds of capabilities to help develop all kinds of applications, through apis, through SDKS, to all developers.

Second, the core capabilities of Baidu’s brain are fully reflected in DuerOS, a new generation of human-computer interaction platform. We believe that one of the biggest benefits of artificial intelligence is our ability and opportunity to build a new generation of human-computer interaction platforms. Because throughout the history of our industry, every time we’ve improved our interaction capabilities, we’ve created tremendous business value. PC interaction is basically a mouse, keyboard, and image output that changes the world. Smartphone takes it a step further and changes the world with finger touch. In the next generation, our interactions will be more natural, using natural language, using vision, using gestures to communicate with all devices. These scenarios are just the tip of the iceberg, as Demonstrated by Ray and ray’s video. There’s a lot more capability, and we think it’s a very broad platform that can provide many, many opportunities for developers. The core of the DuerOS platform is in the middle layer, where the new perceptive capabilities, the microphone array, the camera array, bring new interactions, voice, visual, more intelligent, omnipresent interactions. At the bottom are far-field speech, computer vision, speech generation and natural language dialogue, which require strong knowledge mapping capabilities to support.

Third, Baidu links comprehensive and rich information, services and content together with these capabilities, so that every device can hear clearly, understand, serve and interact with each other, helping people solve problems and meet their needs.

Finally, DuerOS empowers partners and developers through modules, SDKS, and apis to tap into more devices. Two weeks ago we announced the DuerOS2.0 update on Baidu. We have developed a series of new capabilities, and the DuerOS ecosystem, developers, and partners are growing rapidly.

So, based on all of this, we firmly believe that Baidu and Xiaomi are very, very complementary in IoT and other areas. Xiaomi has a series of powerful application capabilities, such as intelligent scenes, intelligent hardware, big data and intelligent equipment ecological chain, and is the most advanced in the industry. Baidu can bring the strongest AI technology, vast amounts of user data, knowledge map, the ability of a line, including the contents of the information service, summarizes the two together, focusing on a new developer platform, we can let each developer can make better products, more the user experience of innovation, can connect scene better, Connect the user experience deeper, understand the needs more widely, and meet them better.

As for the cooperation between Baidu and Xiaomi in AI and IoT, we will explore a series of all-round cooperation, such as the cooperation of DuerOS just mentioned. At the same time, we will also conduct all-round and multi-level in-depth cooperation in voice technology, deep learning technology, natural speech interaction, computer vision and AI technical capabilities. , the purpose of cooperation is to bring all the core competence of AI, millet ecological capacity, ecological baidu AI brings the ability to focus together, the whole China’s IoT ecological raised to a new level, opening a IoT of new era, let everybody, every partner, every ecological developers can get a more powerful ability.

Finally, I would like to repeat the general principle of Xiaomi cooperation mentioned by Mr. Lei just now: multiple friends, multiple paths, fewer enemies and fewer walls. Because in this era, sincere cooperation is the core foundation to create great value, a good company is a company with a mind. I also said at the Baidu Developer conference on July 5 that Baidu has the ability, determination and sincerity to open up our capabilities. We need a new ecosystem and a new engineer culture. The success of developers is the success of Baidu, and the success of partners is the success of our cooperation. Baidu will certainly use the greatest efforts, the best sincerity and millet cooperation, and every developer and partner here, let us work together to create a better tomorrow. Thank you!

Guide language: more dry goods can pay attention to wechat AI front, ID: AI-front

– Full text –

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