During the Spring Festival at home idle to have nothing to do, developed a visual low code development platform, here to share with you.

The project’s name is Moria, a reference to the vast underground city of Middle Earth built by the dwarves in Tolkien’s novel, complete with a vast network of tunnels, chambers, mines and halls. This symbolizes the platform’s ability to build large, business-complex applications (still a little far from the goal).

The project has only developed UI layer so far, and there are corresponding development plans for data layer and service layer.

At present, the main front-end functions include:

1. Drag and drop components to build the page

2. The component configuration takes effect immediately

Flex, Grid container layout



4. Form creation submission

5. Display by Highcharts

6. Rich text page creation

7. Preview different device sizes

8. Import and export application configurations

Export configuration:

Import configuration:

Project Address:Github.com/MudOnTire/m…

Project Acknowledgements:

Thanks to Ant Design for its excellent component library

Thanks to @Margox for the excellent rich text editor Braft-Editor

Thanks to the excellent Web Code Editor CodeMirror

Thanks to the excellent charting library Highcharts