A lot of people have the intention to buy a house directly to the sales office to see the house, did not do any preparation, there is no detailed understanding of whether there is a purchase qualification, whether to loan, how much can be borrowed. They say not to fight unprepared, let alone buy such an important thing?

Today I will tell you in detail what you need to prepare before going to the sales office.

1. Apply for a new mobile phone number

Why do you need a new phone number? Don’t understand, only experienced users can really understand. The reason is that in the process of viewing the house will go to a lot of real estate, the time span is also relatively long, if you use the mobile phone number of life or work, there will be a long time to sell a house, sell home, decoration, financial management, loans to call you, and even with a lifetime may be, this is not an alarmist.

In 2010, the author bought a southern provincial capital city to buy x, and up to now there are all kinds of sales calls from that city.

Remember to buy three years after the house often receive all kinds of phone calls, even a day received five or six calls, there is no way to set the mobile phone harassment for the highest just better, to some new numbers or will play out.

When you go to the sales office to see the house, will let you fill in all kinds of information, need to learn to protect their personal privacy, to understand, you have seen more than one real estate, if each real estate has written their mobile phone number, you will have all kinds of harassment after buying a house.

In order to avoid the future of all kinds of harassment, it is strongly recommended to deal with a new mobile phone number, as the purchase of a house.

When you determine the purchase of real estate, sign the contract to write the real phone number, convenient intermediary, developers or property contact you. And before the number can cancel, through dealing with new mobile phone number can avoid the vast majority of harassment phone.

2, determine the first need to buy a house

First determine the purpose of buying a house is what, such as children to school, just need, improvement, investment and so on, of course, needs can be more than at the same time, but must confirm the first need, because it is difficult to meet all your needs at the same time.

You need to make trade-offs and buy around your first need. You can also list all requirements and prioritize them.

2.1 School:

This purchase purpose is also very clear, relatively speaking, the location, price, traffic and other factors are not too sensitive, the most concerned is whether there is a good education supporting resources, the school corresponding to what district.

Some people may make some mistakes in buying houses around the school. I need to tell you that the houses next to the school may not belong to the school district, so we must know clearly in advance.

Each school will have a corresponding school district, and good schools are concentrated in urban areas, urban houses are old and small, living comfort is general, but the surrounding supporting relatively complete, transportation is also very convenient.

In the school district housing this matter, some people say that “better to buy old broken small downtown, not to buy the suburbs broad new”. This is not absolute, need a comprehensive understanding to do a comprehensive comparison, relatively speaking, urban education resources will be more concentrated, more mature. After all, there is no room for carelessness when it comes to children’s education.

Also need to understand the current policy to go to school, some cities require the purchase of a full number of years to enter the school, some cities require six years of a degree and so on, must need to understand clearly.

2.2. Demand:

Just need sex is family first housing commonly, satisfy basic living demand to go commonly. Just need to buy a house is the most concerned about the price of nature.

It is not easy for anyone to make money, especially for young people. If they want to get married or just get married and work for a short time, they don’t have much savings in hand. If they want to settle down in the city, buying a house is a hurdle they have to take.

For just need to buy a house more need to do a comprehensive planning, need to consider traffic, children go to school, just need to buy a lot of consideration.

The thinner the base, the more places you have to cover, and the paradox of wanting to find a house that meets all your needs and is cheap.

First of all, the lot can be a little far, at least there is room for appreciation, can go up a little, the future may want to replace a bigger one, the traffic should be convenient, the community environment is better, there are green, children can play in the community, the best community is equipped with kindergarten and primary school, go to school worry-free,

2.3 Investment:

The so-called improvement type is generally the type of house replacement, for example, the economic capacity has been improved, there is more demand for the living environment or the population in the family increases, the living area needs to be upgraded and so on.

Improved home buyers have more demands for surrounding facilities,

There are two main types of improvers:

A class of people living conditions are relatively poor, the need to improve the living environment and buy a house, the living atmosphere, commercial and transportation facilities, environment, house design, real estate quality, property services and other aspects have higher requirements.

On the other hand, changes in housing demand caused by changes in the needs of family members, such as second child, pension, surrounding traffic, schools and so on, should be taken into consideration.

2.4 Investment:

Has the advantage of better location value. In the future, the regional positioning is higher, the development prospect is better, and the real estate is more likely to appreciate.

Current national policy is housing does not fry, can choose really not much, first to buy the city of development to determine the region in the city. In terms of cities, my suggestion is not to buy cities below second-tier, but first-tier cities. First-tier cities have siphon effect.

Have absolutely enough hard matching. In addition to focusing on the location of residential investment, we must look at whether there are rigid needs and scarce supporting facilities, such as school districts.

Have strong liquidity. The most core aspect of real estate investment is liquidity. If liquidity is not good, no matter how high the price is, there is no market.

3. Purchase qualification

Verify your purchase qualifications, familiar with local purchase policies, such as whether outsiders need to pay a few years of social security to have a purchase qualification?

Every city is different, can baidu search, still uncertain for instance, can look for the intermediary staff member nearby to understand clearly.

Still have the simplest way, download some shell software, find the city that you plan to buy, look for intermediary personnel above a few houses, telephone contact or chat to communicate, explain your situation and the other side of the case, but must make clear you have the intention that buys a house strongly, just uncertain have buy a house qualification.

4. House purchase budget

There are too many problems involved in the purchase budget. This time, I will give a general introduction and you will know it well. Next time, I will write a professional article to focus on it.

You can also open www.fangdaivip.cn to download the software, which has a detailed housing affordability assessment, more convenient for you to do the housing budget assessment. Detailed evaluation reports can be listed with a simple input of data.

Let’s get a few things straight:

  1. How much money do you have now? Funds include cash, deposits, stocks, old homes that can be sold or mortgaged
  2. Know your family’s balance sheet and how much money is left after taking into account monthly expenses, including the family’s normal living expenses, entertainment expenses and, if you have children, children’s education.
  3. Determine your ability to make monthly payments. Regular monthly payments cannot exceed 50% of a family’s monthly income, including debt. For example, if a family has a monthly income of 10,000 yuan and already has a house for 2,000 yuan, the monthly mortgage for the second house should be controlled within 3,000 yuan.
  4. Consider your payment method, whether it’s a lump sum or a mortgage. If it’s a mortgage loan, think about what kind of down payment you can accept, think about the loan amount, the number of years.
  5. What is the down payment ratio and whether the monthly payment capacity in 2 can be met? If not, the down payment ratio needs to be increased until the monthly payment range in 2 is within the range.
  6. It is secondhand room for instance, still have intermediary fee, loan evaluates charge, the tax fee that house property trades, the content of this respect is too much, write an article to introduce in detail next time alone. These costs are also early need to prepare, want to save taxes and fees, you can choose full five only. If it is a new house, only taxes and fees, and the taxes and fees only such as housing card to pay.

Use the results of the evaluation to find the appropriate location and building.

We need to remind you once again that we should not spend all our money, but must leave some leeway. The so-called leeway is to leave some rich funds. To deal with unexpected emergencies.

For example, the medical expenses of elderly parents in the family, if you plan to have children, and the baby milk powder money.

It’s easy to overwhelm a family if it’s not well planned. In the society, the problem of broken supply is not to do a good budget evaluation of the house, leading to the situation of broken loan. The problem is even worse, the house is going to be auctioned off, and what if it doesn’t cover the debt?

Monthly offer reasonable range is in the 40% of domestic monthly income, but do not exceed 50% easily, this is a red line, once exceed, can let you feel more pressure, the quality of life also can affect bigger, unless the back has the method that raises income.

5. Loan policies

Accumulation fund user evaluates the amount that accumulation fund can loan, the telephone that can make local accumulation fund branch understands clearly.

Can use accumulation fund must use, accumulation fund interest rate lowest, without one of.

Accumulation fund is not enough, can choose combination loan. But the accumulation fund has to be used up, the rest is commercial loans.

Find out the local business loan policy and how many basis points LPR rate plus. What are the requirements for a loan?

To evaluate personal credit investigation, you need to get the latest personal credit investigation report first. The following two methods are recommended:

5.1 go to the dot for printing

You can go to the local bank to print the credit report. Bring your ID card to the outlet and you can print it for free. (Not just any bank branch can print)

5.2. Online query

Open: ipcrs.pbccrc.org.cn/ online query, will be 24 hours after the results. Just download it and save it on your phone.

Remember not to print or inquire personal credit information frequently, for many times in a short time may affect the approval of bank loans, and the bank will recognize that you lack money.

If there is no overdue is the best, if there is a problem, you can explain with the intermediary or sales consultant, and give them the report, they have channels to understand clearly, whether can loan, how much loan amount, etc..

Later, there is a special detailed introduction of personal credit, pay attention to me, I only share dry goods.

6. Don’t buy fake goods

Buying a house investment has four big pit goods: apartment, small property rights, shops, parking space, only buy ordinary residential, ordinary residential, ordinary residential, important things said three times.

Why? It’s so important. A lot of people don’t understand that they fell into this trap, bought an apartment, and most of them regret it.

Some people don’t believe me and say I didn’t lose money when I bought an apartment a few years or more years ago. Yes, you don’t want to make more money when you bought a house a few years or more years ago.

The number of times it has risen a few years or more than ten years ago is not your ability to earn it, it is just the big market is rising, if you earn money is not within your cognitive range, that money depends on luck.

If you continue to buy in this way, your previous gains will be recouped sooner or later, unless the big market continues to rise.

But there are too many uncertainties in the market today, not as many years ago.

It requires certain professional knowledge. I always believe that buying a house is not buying cabbage must be careful. Pay attention to me, I only share dry goods, take you how to buy a good house.

Due to the length of the relationship about residential and apartments, small property rights, shops, parking Spaces these problems, will not be introduced in detail, behind a special detailed introduction, you just need to remember to buy ordinary residential, pay attention to me let you buy to avoid pits.

Life is not easy, buy a house can not be careless. Wechat search public number [buy a house property treasure dian], I will continue to share, we have more than ten years of real estate research, committed to sharing dry goods, focus on actual combat, in-depth explanation of how to buy a house, buy a good house.