Introduction of aar: ali phoneNumber – AuthSDK – 2.8.3. Aar, at the same time you need to use the Json parser library: implementation ‘com. Alibaba: fastjson: 1.2.61, WeChat SDK: API ‘com. Tencent. Mm. Opensdk: wechat – SDK – android – without – the mta: 6.6.4’


import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.os.Handler import android.os.Looper import import com.blankj.utilcode.util.LogUtils import com.blankj.utilcode.util.Utils import* import object AliAuthHelper { val SERVICE_TYPE_AUTH = 1 // Number authentication val SERVICE_TYPE_LOGIN = 2 // One-click login val ALI_AUTH_SDK_KEY = "z6Gec9VW0EY8h47ZKDa/YY+nPDlJ6NpJbsttsJYGe3W4U0BgJIiDmOLJoUCDYXwaoJuc0nt+YJ6/7NU2Z59s7OCwjespuDtmquMB2Cutykkpq/E9Vet1fdm se1LF9RgUglwVNncMDtc5SS5ggKThY7ownlph2gPgiTgYFX4ngJ361RJ5Xe9i3D00bJa4T52cLzgr+PqYmHmcWxPuAqLea9fJNXKy0C9YHZ6f0z6eJh2OCx+ wwVPTbFCfPrj4G3VqVPC400SW23wRkM5LyOd22w5td0pJhrV7IIu1xpEMyGQ=" val mAlicomAuthHelper: PhoneNumberAuthHelper by lazy { PhoneNumberAuthHelper.getInstance(Utils.getApp(), mTokenListener ) } var mainHandler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) var mTokenListener = BaseListener() var config: BaseAliAuthConfig? = null init {/ / initialization mAlicomAuthHelper setAuthListener (mTokenListener) mAlicomAuthHelper. SetLoggerEnable (true) mAlicomAuthHelper.setAuthSDKInfo( ALI_AUTH_SDK_KEY ) } private fun initConfig(config: BaseAliAuthConfig) { mAlicomAuthHelper.setUIClickListener(config.createUIClickListener()) mAlicomAuthHelper.setAuthUIConfig(config.createAuthUIConfig()) if (config.createAuthRegisterXmlConfig() == null) { mAlicomAuthHelper.removeAuthRegisterXmlConfig() } else { mAlicomAuthHelper.addAuthRegisterXmlConfig(config.createAuthRegisterXmlConfig()) } } fun getLoginToken(config: BaseAliAuthConfig) { LogUtils.d("getLoginToken") mAlicomAuthHelper.checkEnvAvailable( SERVICE_TYPE_LOGIN ) initConfig( config ) AliAuthHelper.config = config mAlicomAuthHelper.getLoginToken(Utils.getApp(), 5000) } class BaseListener : TokenResultListener { override fun onTokenFailed(ret: String?) { mAlicomAuthHelper.hideLoginLoading() LogUtils.d("onTokenFailed p0 = $ret") var failTokenRet: TokenRet? = null try { failTokenRet = JSON.parseObject<TokenRet>(ret, } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } if (failTokenRet ! = null) { if (failTokenRet.code.contains("6000")) { { config? .let { it.onAuthFailed(ret) config = null } } } } else { { config? .let { it.onAuthFailed(ret) config = null } } } } @SuppressLint("CheckResult") override fun onTokenSuccess(ret: String?) { LogUtils.d("onTokenSuccess ret = $ret") var tokenRet: TokenRet? = null try { tokenRet = JSON.parseObject<TokenRet>(ret, } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } if (tokenRet ! = null) {when (tokenret.code) {"600000" -> {// Obtain token successfully {config? . Let {it. OnAuthSuccess (tokenRet. Token) config = null}} mAlicomAuthHelper. QuitLoginPage ()} "600001" - > {/ / authorized page successfully { config? .let { it.onStartAuthUISuccess(ret) } } } } } } } }Copy the code

Call method:

AliAuthHelper.getLoginToken(object : AliAuthLoginConfig() { @SuppressLint("CheckResult") override fun onAuthSuccess(token: String) { LogUtils.d("onTokenSuccess token = $token") viewModel.showLoading() AccountManager.quickLogin(token) .dofinally {viewmodel.dismissloading ()}.subscribe({// login successful}, { LogUtils.d("error it = $it") viewModel.handleError(it) }) } override fun onUiEventClick(viewType: Int) { when (viewType) { TYPE_CLICK_OTHER -> { LogUtils.d("TYPE_CLICK_OTHER") ActivityUtils.startActivity( } TYPE_CLICK_WECHAT -> { LogUtils.d("TYPE_CLICK_WECHAT") weChatLogin() } TYPE_CLICK_BY_PWD -> { LogUtils.d("TYPE_CLICK_BY_PWD") ActivityUtils.startActivity( } } } override fun onStartAuthUISuccess(ret: String?) { viewModel.dismissLoading() } override fun onAuthFailed(ret: String?) { LogUtils.d("onTokenFailed ret = $ret") viewModel.dismissLoading() ActivityUtils.startActivity( } }) private fun weChatLogin() { viewModel.showLoading() ThirdPartLoginManger.weChatLogin(this, object : ThirdPartLoginManger.ThirdPartLoginCallback { override fun onAuthSuccess(authCode: String) { } override fun onAuthFail(error: Int, errorMsg: String) { viewModel.dismissLoading() } override fun onAliAuthSuccess() { viewModel.dismissLoading() } override fun onLoginSuccess() { viewModel.dismissLoading() } override fun onLoginFail(error: Throwable) {viewmodel.dismissloading () {viewmodel.handleError (error)}})}Copy the code


import import android.view.View import com.blankj.utilcode.util.LogUtils import com.blankj.utilcode.util.StringUtils import com.etekcity.componentAccount.R import com.etekcity.vesyncbase.utils.PRIVACY_POLICY_URL import com.etekcity.vesyncbase.utils.TERMS_URL import import import import abstract class AliAuthLoginConfig : BaseAliAuthConfig(){ override fun createUIClickListener(): AuthUIControlClickListener { return AuthUIControlClickListener { code, context, jsonObj -> LogUtils.d("OnUIControlClick:code=" + code + ", JsonObj =" + if (jsonObj == NULL) "" else jsonobj.tojSONString ()) when (code) {"700001" -> {//700001 OnUiEventClick (TYPE_CLICK_OTHER)}}}} Override fun createAuthUIConfig(): AuthUIConfig { return AuthUIConfig.Builder() .setNavHidden(true) .setStatusBarHidden(true) .setPageBackgroundPath("bg_login") .setLogoImgPath("vesync_logo_white") .setLogoWidth(120) .setLogoHeight(53) // .setLogoOffsetY(92) .setSloganText(StringUtils.getString(R.string.login_logo_title)) .setSloganTextColor(Color.parseColor("#ffffff")) .setSloganTextSize(15) // .setSloganOffsetY(153) .setNumberColor(Color.parseColor("#ffffff")) .setNumberSize(18) // .setNumFieldOffsetY(245) .setLogBtnTextColor(Color.parseColor("#ffffff")) .setLogBtnTextSize(16) .setLogBtnText(StringUtils.getString(R.string.login_quick_login)) .setLogBtnBackgroundPath("ripple_button_bg") .setLogBtnHeight(44) // .setLogBtnOffsetY(308) .setLogBtnMarginLeftAndRight(40) .setSwitchAccText(StringUtils.getString(R.string.login_other_phone_login)) .setSwitchAccTextColor(Color.parseColor("#ffffff")) .setSwitchAccTextSize(14) // .setSwitchOffsetY(370) .setPrivacyBefore(StringUtils.getString(R.string.login_privacy_before)) .setAppPrivacyOne(StringUtils.getString(R.string.login_term), TERMS_URL) .setAppPrivacyTwo(StringUtils.getString(R.string.login_policy), PRIVACY_POLICY_URL) .setAppPrivacyColor(Color.WHITE, Color.parsecolor ("# 55c1A0 ")).setPrivacyTextSize(11).setCheckBoxHidden (true).setVEndorPrivacyPrefix (" SetVendorPrivacySuffix (" "). SetAuthPageActIn (" slide_in_right ", "slide_out_left") .setAuthPageActOut("slide_in_left","slide_out_right") .create() } override fun createAuthRegisterXmlConfig(): AuthRegisterXmlConfig? { return AuthRegisterXmlConfig.Builder() .setLayout( R.layout.login_include_other_way_auth, object : AbstractPnsViewDelegate() { override fun onViewCreated(view: View) { view.findViewById<View>( { onUiEventClick(TYPE_CLICK_WECHAT) AliAuthHelper.mAlicomAuthHelper.quitLoginPage() } view.findViewById<View>( { onUiEventClick(TYPE_CLICK_QQ) AliAuthHelper.mAlicomAuthHelper.quitLoginPage() } view.findViewById<View>( { onUiEventClick(TYPE_CLICK_BY_PWD) AliAuthHelper.mAlicomAuthHelper.quitLoginPage() } } }) .build() } }Copy the code


import import import abstract class BaseAliAuthConfig : AliAuthTokenListener, AliAuthUIClickListener {companion object {// Other login methods const val TYPE_CLICK_OTHER = 1 const val TYPE_CLICK_WECHAT = 2 const val TYPE_CLICK_QQ = 3 const val TYPE_CLICK_BY_PWD = 4 } abstract fun createUIClickListener(): AuthUIControlClickListener abstract fun createAuthUIConfig(): AuthUIConfig abstract fun createAuthRegisterXmlConfig(): AuthRegisterXmlConfig? }Copy the code


Interface AliAuthTokenListener {/** * The authorization interface is invoked successfully */ fun onStartAuthUISuccess(ret: String?) */ fun onAuthFailed(ret: String?) /** * Get token successfully */ fun onAuthSuccess(token: String)}Copy the code


interface AliAuthUIClickListener {

    fun onUiEventClick(clickViewType: Int)
Copy the code


object ThirdPartLoginManger { private var loginRepository = RepositoryProviders.of(CloudGlobalConfig.appSession).get( ) var mOauthType = "WeChat" var mCallback: ThirdPartLoginCallback? = null fun qqLogin(context: context, callback: ThirdPartLoginCallback) {} /** * Context, callback: ThirdPartLoginCallback) { WeChatHelper.initApi(context) mCallback = callback mOauthType = "WeChat" WeChatHelper.getAuthCode(object : WeChatHelper.WeChatAuthCallback { @SuppressLint("CheckResult") override fun onAuthSuccess(authCode: String) {callback.onAuthSuccess(authCode) GetThirdPartyAccount (mOauthType, authCode)} Override fun onAuthFail(error: Int, errorMsg: String) {// Failed to log in, throw to UI layer processing mCallback? .let { it.onAuthFail(error, errorMsg) mCallback = null } } }) } @SuppressLint("CheckResult") private fun getThirdPartyAccount(oauthType: String, authCode: String) {// Obtain the user information of the third party, determine whether the third party is bound to the mobile phone number, Go different branches AccountManager. GetThirdPartyAccount (oauthType, authCode). The subscribe ({the if (it. HasBindPhoneNumber) {/ / have bound their hands immediately, Direct login AccountManager. ThirdPartyLogin (oauthType, it. ThirdPartyAccountID). The subscribe {/ / login mCallback success? .let {callback -> callback.onLoginSuccess() mCallback = null}}} else { BindPhoneByVerityPhone (it. ThirdPartyAccountID)}}, {// Failed to get the interface, throwing it to the UI layer to process the mCallback? .let { callback -> callback.onLoginFail(it) mCallback = null } }) } /** * Call Ali Cloud account authentication interface to read token-> Read mobile phone number in the background interface -> Determine whether the account is bound -> Callback interface binding * Ali account authentication fails to obtain token-> Manual input mobile phone number interface * */ private Fun BindPhoneByVerityPhone (thirdPartyAccountID: String) {/ / callback interface read ali phone number AliAuthHelper. GetLoginToken (object: AliAuthBindConfig() { @SuppressLint("CheckResult") override fun onAuthSuccess(token: String) {logutils. d("onTokenSuccess token = $token") // After successful jump to verify mobile phone number interface // Check whether the account exists loginRepository.isAccountExit("accessToken", null, null, Token).subscribe({logutils.d (" it = $it") if (it.accountexist) {// The account exists, Play box prompts the user var activity = ActivityUtils. GetTopActivity () if the activity is FragmentActivity {showPhoneBoundDialog ( Activity. SupportFragmentManager, it countryCode, it. PhoneNumber, thirdPartyAccountID, token)}} else {/ / account was not found, Direct binding / / callback interface binding thirdPartLoginAndBindPhone (it countryCode, it phoneNumber, thirdPartyAccountID, token)}}, { LogUtils.d(" it = $it") mCallback? .let { callback -> callback.onLoginFail(it) mCallback = null } }) } override fun onUiEventClick(clickViewType: Int) {when (clickViewType) {// Click to bind other mobile phone numbers TYPE_CLICK_OTHER ->{ BindPhoneActivity.start(ActivityUtils.getTopActivity(),mOauthType,thirdPartyAccountID) } } } override fun onStartAuthUISuccess(ret: String?) { LogUtils.d("onStartAuthUISuccess ret = $ret") mCallback? .let { it.onAliAuthSuccess() } } override fun onAuthFailed(ret: String?) {logutils. d("onTokenFailed ret = $ret") // Failed to authenticate the account. Enter the binding process of mobile phone number mCallback? .let { callback -> callback.onAuthFail(1111,"") mCallback = null } BindPhoneActivity. Start (ActivityUtils. GetTopActivity (), mOauthType, thirdPartyAccountID)}})} / dialog already on the display account * * * * / fun  showPhoneBoundDialog( fragmentManager: FragmentManager, countryCode: String, phoneNumber: String, thirdPartyAccountID: String, accessToken: String ) { IOSMsgDialog.init(fragmentManager) .setTitle(StringUtils.getString(R.string.login_phone_bound_title)) .setNegativeButton(StringUtils.getString(R.string.login_phone_bound_other), View.OnClickListener {// Click to bind another phone BindPhoneActivity.start(ActivityUtils.getTopActivity(),mOauthType,thirdPartyAccountID) }) .setpositiveButton (stringutils. getString(r.string.mon_bind), view. OnClickListener {// bind, Call the third party registration binding mobile phone interface thirdPartLoginAndBindPhone (countryCode, phoneNumber, thirdPartyAccountID, AccessToken)}). Show the three of ()} / * * * account login binding mobile phone number * / @ SuppressLint (" CheckResult ") private fun thirdPartLoginAndBindPhone ( countryCode: String, phoneNumber: String, thirdPartyAccountID: String, accessToken: String ) { AccountManager.thirdPartyLoginAndBindPhone( mOauthType, "oneKey", countryCode, phoneNumber, ThirdPartyAccountID, NULL, accessToken). Subscribe ({// Login successful}, Let {callback -> callback.onLoginFail(it) mCallback = null}})} interface ThirdPartLoginCallback  { fun onAuthSuccess(authCode: String) fun onAuthFail(error: Int, errorMsg: String) fun onAliAuthSuccess() fun onLoginSuccess() fun onLoginFail(error: Throwable) } }Copy the code


import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import com.blankj.utilcode.util.ConvertUtils import com.blankj.utilcode.util.LogUtils import com.blankj.utilcode.util.ToastUtils import com.blankj.utilcode.util.Utils import import import import import import import import /** * * @Description: WxLoginHelper * 1, wechat Login Authorization * 2, wechat sharing * @author: connorTang * @createdate: 2020/7/13 19:23 */ object WeChatHelper { private lateinit var WXAppId :String private var isInit = false private var api: IWXAPI? = null const val SCENE_FRIEND_CIRCLE = 0 const val SCENE_CHAT = 1 var authCallback: WeChatAuthCallback? = null fun setWxAppId(appId: String) { LogUtils.i("setWxAppId appId = $appId") WXAppId = appId } fun initApi(context: Context) { if(! this::WXAppId.isInitialized){ LogUtils.e("you should set appId first!" ) return } if (! isInit && api == null) { isInit = true api = WXAPIFactory.createWXAPI( context, WXAppId, true ) api!! .registerapp (WXAppId)}} /** * getAuthCode */ getAuthCode(callback: WeChatAuthCallback) {API? .let { authCallback = callback if (! IsWXAppInstalled) {// toastutils. showLong(" not installed ") authFail(100, Scope = "snsapi_userinfo" req.state = "request_login" it.sendreq (req); }} /** * authFail(errorCode: Int, errorMsg: String) {authCallback? .let {it. OnAuthFail (errorCode, errorMsg) authCallback = null}} /** * String) { authCallback? .let {it. OnAuthSuccess (code) authCallback = null}} /** ** url shared link * imageUrl shared image address * title shared title * description Share the scene to share the scene description * * / fun shareUrl (url: String, imageUrl: String, title: String, the description: String, scene: Int) { initApi(Utils.getApp()) val webPage = WXWebpageObject() webPage.webpageUrl = url val msg = WXMediaMessage(webPage) msg.title = title msg.description = description Thread(Runnable { var thumb = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(URL(imageUrl).openStream()); var thumbBmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(thumb, 120, 150, true); thumb.recycle() msg.thumbData = ConvertUtils.bitmap2Bytes(thumbBmp) val req = SendMessageToWX.Req() req.transaction = "share" req.message = msg req.scene = SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneTimeline when(scene){ SCENE_FRIEND_CIRCLE ->SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneTimeline SCENE_CHAT ->SendMessageToWX.Req.WXSceneSession } api!! .sendreq (req)}).start()} /** * handleIntent(context: context, intent: Intent, handler: IWXAPIEventHandler) { if (! isInit) { initApi(context) } try { api!! .handleIntent(intent, handler) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } interface WeChatAuthCallback { fun onAuthSuccess(authCode: String) fun onAuthFail(error: Int, errorMsg: String) } }Copy the code