The problem

The js number on the front end is too large. The length of the js number is more than 17 or about 20 bits. When this happens, the Long returned by the back end will be a perfect exception on the front end

For example, the return value of the backend is:

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When the front end receives the id, it will only be used for update, and will not be rendered. Therefore, when capturing the ID for update, the back end will be abnormal, saying that the ID cannot be found, and the front end will print the ID value

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The cause is that the value is too large and exceeds the maximum value of the front-end

> 695065242312409088 > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
< true
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To solve

Most online solutions are front-end conversion operations, but my value has been returned to the front of the time is already wrong, I can also how to operate it, monkey play after a decisive give up.

Solution: Back end conversion to character type

However, there is a problem, the back end is Long, and the shit mountain of code, who dare to change the type, research found that it can do some dirty operation at the time of serialization

Maven fastjson: Maven fastjson

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Then annotate @jsonField on the id attribute of the entity object

@JSONField(serializeUsing = LongToStringSerializer.class)
private Long id = null;
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At this point, if you don’t look down, you’ll start spitting at me and saying that you can’t find the LongToStringSerializer class, here it is:


import java.lang.reflect.Type;

public class LongToStringSerializer implements ObjectSerializer {

    public static final LongToStringSerializer instance = new LongToStringSerializer();

    public void write(JSONSerializer serializer, Object object, Object fieldName, Type fieldType, int features)
            throws IOException {
        SerializeWriter out = serializer.out;
        if (object == null) {
            return; } String strVal = object.toString(); out.writeString(strVal); }}Copy the code

Then, before we’re done, hahahahahahahahaha, you’ll notice that the default json serialization resolution for SpringBoot is Jackson, which needs to be resolved

There’s two steps to getting rid of this thing

The first step is to start the class implementation implements WebMvcConfigurer

public class TmsAppApplication implements WebMvcConfigurer {... }Copy the code

The second step is to match the following code, of course, to the launcher class

/** **@BeanInjection fastJsonHttpMessageConvert * /
	public HttpMessageConverters fastJsonHttpMessageConverters(a) {
		// 1. Define a convert object to convert the message;
		FastJsonHttpMessageConverter fastConverter = new FastJsonHttpMessageConverter();

		// add fastJson configuration information, such as whether to format the returned JSON data;
		FastJsonConfig fastJsonConfig = new FastJsonConfig();

		//3. Add configuration information to convert.

		return new HttpMessageConverters(fastConverter);

	public void configureMessageConverters(List
        > converters)
       > {

		/* * 1, define a convert object to convert the message; * 2, add fastJson configuration information, such as whether to format the returned JSON data; Add convert to converters. * */

		// 1. Define a convert object to convert the message;
		FastJsonHttpMessageConverter fastConverter = new FastJsonHttpMessageConverter();

		// add fastJson configuration information, such as whether to format the returned JSON data;
		FastJsonConfig fastJsonConfig = new FastJsonConfig();

		//3. Add configuration information to convert.

		// add convert to converters.
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The effect