This is the 20th day of my participation in the Genwen Challenge
LiveData overview
Introduction to the
LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular Observable, LiveData is lifecycle aware, which means it respects the lifecycle of other application components, such as activities, fragments, or services. This awareness ensures that LiveData updates only observers of application components that are in the active lifecycle state.
Note: To import LiveData components into your Android project, see Adding Android Architecture Components to your Project.
The instance
The basic use
class LiveDataDemoActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var livedata: MutableLiveData<String>
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?). {
val observerForever = Observer<String> { println("LiveData observeForever changed : $it")}val observer = Observer<String> { println("LiveData observe changed : $it") }
livedata = MutableLiveData()
livedata.observe(this, observer)
override fun onResume(a) {
livedata.value = "onResume"
override fun onPause(a) {
livedata.value = "onPause"
override fun onStop(a) {
livedata.value = "onStop"
override fun onDestroy(a) {
livedata.value = "onDestroy"}}Copy the code
The log is as follows when the Activity is started
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observeForever changed : onResume
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observe changed : onResume
After pressing the home button
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observeForever changed : onPause
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observe changed : onPause
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observeForever changed : onStop
Reopen the app
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observe changed : onStop
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observeForever changed : onResume
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observe changed : onResume
Press the return key
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observeForever changed : onPause
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observe changed : onPause
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observeForever changed : onStop
com.lingdage.androiddemo I/System.out: LiveData observeForever changed : onDestroy
** Note: Using observeForever** will listen for all lifecycle methods, so you’ll see life cycle functions like onDestroy() printed.
LiveData is an abstract class that we can’t use directly. Fortunately, Google has provided some simple implementations for us to use.
The MutableLiveData class is used to store data, which inherits LiveData and exposes setValue and postValue methods.
public class MutableLiveData<T> extends LiveData<T> {
public void postValue(T value) {
public void setValue(T value) {
super.setValue(value); }}Copy the code
Combined with the ViewModel
Create a LiveData object
The ViewModel is a class that prepares and manages data for an Activity or Fragment, and handles the rest of the application’s communication. Note that the ViewModel is only responsible for managing the DATA on the UI and has no control over anything else. It is bound to the component lifecycle and will only be destroyed when the Activity ends.
public class NameViewModel extends ViewModel {
// Create a LiveData object that stores String
private MutableLiveData<String> mCurrentName;
public MutableLiveData<String> getCurrentName(a) {
if (mCurrentName == null) {
mCurrentName = new MutableLiveData<String>();
return mCurrentName;
// The rest of the ViewModel...
Copy the code
In the initial state, the data in a LiveData object is not assigned.
Note: Be sure to store the LiveData object that updates the UI in a ViewModel object, not an Activity or fragment. Here’s why:
- Avoid activities and Fragments that are too bloated. These UI controllers are now responsible for presenting the data, not storing the state of the data.
- Decouple LiveData instances from specific activities or fragments and allow LiveData to survive configuration changes.
Observe the LiveData object
In most cases, you should start observing LiveData objects in the onCreate() method of an application component for the following reasons:
- OnCreate is the first callback when the activity is created. OnResume and onStart are called back multiple times during the activity’s life cycle, making the call listening redundant.
- Make sure your activities and Fragments get updates as soon as they become active and enter the started state, so start listening as soon as possible.
In general, LiveData notifies active observers of updates only when the data changes. There is one exception, however: observers can also receive updates when they go from inactive to active. Further, if the observer goes from inactive to active again, the observer will receive updates only if the data changes in the interim.
The following example code shows how to start observing a LiveData object:
public class NameActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private NameViewModel mModel;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Other code to set up the activity......
/ / get the ViewModel
mModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(NameViewModel.class);
// Create an observer to update the UI
final Observer<String> nameObserver = new Observer<String>() {
public void onChanged(@Nullable final String newName) { mNameTextView.setText(newName); }};// Pass the activity as the LifecycleOwner parameter along with the observer to start observing the LiveData
mModel.getCurrentName().observe(this, nameObserver); }}Copy the code
In [observe ()] (developer. The android. Google. Cn/reference/a… Android), the arch, lifecycle. The Observer)) was introduced into nameObserver parameters and calls, onChanged () is triggered, immediately is used to provide the data stored by mCurrentName latest values. If the LiveData object has not already set a value for mCurrentName, onChanged() will not be called.
Update the LiveData object
LiveData’s methods for modifying data are not of public type and are only called internally, so MutableLiveData is used here, which exposes public methods for modifying data.
When you have set up the observer relationship, you can update the data in the LiveData object. As shown in the following example, all observers are notified when the user clicks the button:
mButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String anotherName = "Naco Siren"; mModel.getCurrentName().setValue(anotherName); }});Copy the code
Calling setValue(T) in this example causes the observer to call its onChanged method with the new value Naco Siren. This example shows when a user clicks a button, but there are more cases where setValue() or postValue() is used, such as in response to a network request or when a database has finished loading: In either case, a call to setValue() or postValue() notifies the observer to update the UI.
Note: In the main thread, you must call setValue(T) to update the LiveData object. If the code is executed in a worker thread, you can update it with postValue(T).
Official documentation: Overview of LiveData
Jetpack source code parsing – LiveData usage and how it works
Android LiveData source code anatomy
Android source code parsing -LiveData