After the development of the live broadcast platform is completed, the live broadcast platform is built. The main process includes: setting up environment configuration (LNMP), Redis configuration, database creation, Web site construction, Node.js deployment, management background information configuration, etc. Today I want to talk about a few of them.
** Live streaming platform **
Preparation before setting up:
Note: For the following operations, Install the necessary software yumInstall -y zip unzip wget curl git vim. Install the software yumInstall -y zip unzip wget curl git vim ZSH nano screen (4) Install oh my ZSH (help to complete and select directory) sh-c “$(wget -)”
** Live broadcast [platform building]( environment: **
Lnmp or Lamp environment is usually adopted for the development of live broadcast platform, namely: LNMP is a one-click installation package for Nginx, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and eAccelerator, which is based on CentOS/Debian. You can easily install LNMP production environment on VPS and independent hosts.

LAMP refers to Linux+Apache+Mysql/MariaDB+Perl/PHP/Python, a group of open source software commonly used to build dynamic websites or servers. They are all independent programs themselves, but because they are often used together, they have higher and higher compatibility. Together, they form a powerful Web application platform.

** Live broadcast platform construction, **
Video playback implementation scheme:

1, AVPlayer

You can customize the UI and control it


Simple play, no UI control, and if you want to display the play interface, you need to use AVPlayerLayer, add layers to the layer you want to display

2, MPMoviePlayerController

Built-in playback control UI, do not need to manually add
You cannot customize the UI. You can only add this controller view to other views for display. This controller is not a view controller and cannot be ejected

3, MPMoviePlayerViewController


This controller is a view controller, you can pop it up, you can push it down, you can manually resize your view, and you can add it to other views


You cannot customize the UI

4, for the second and third implementation scheme, after iOS9.0, unified use of AVPlayerViewController

This controller is a view controller, you can pop it up, you can push it down, you can manually resize your view, and you can add it to other views
Therefore, it can be seen that once the live broadcast platform is developed, how to build the live broadcast platform is also a key issue, which should not be taken lightly.