Form (@submit.native. Prevent) {form (@submit.native. Prevent); <el-form inline @submit.native. Prevent > <el-input V-model =”query.orderNo” :placeholder=” input order number query “clearable @keyup.enter.native=”enterInput” /> 2. The last row of the fixed column in the table is not displayed completely

This is sometimes the case when the width is just at the critical state. Because the height of the fixed column is dynamically calculated independently of the body of the table, the height of the fixed column is less than the height of the table, so the last line is blocked. // set global. El-table__fixed-right {height: 100%! important; } 3. The confirm event in the bubble confirmation document does not take effect

Version: element-UI: “2.13.2”, vue: “2.6.10”

OnConfirm @onconfirm =”onDeleteOrder(” The input field is displayed correctly, but the binding value is not updated. Change onKeyUp to onInput.

PS: After being pointed out by my brother in the comment section, v-Model will be invalid after input Chinese. The following way is better:

<el-input v-model=”form.retailMinOrder” placeholder=” placeholder” @ keyup. Native = “form. RetailMinOrder = form. RetailMinOrder. Replace (/ / ^ \ d/g,”) “/ > 5, remove type =” number “input box when focusing up and down arrow

El-input ::-webkit-outer-spin-button, */. Clear-number-input. El-input ::-webkit-outer-spin-button, .clear-number-input.el-input::-webkit-inner-spin-button { margin: 0; -webkit-appearance: none ! important; } .clear-number-input.el-input input[type=”number”]::-webkit-outer-spin-button, .clear-number-input.el-input input[type=”number”]::-webkit-inner-spin-button { margin: 0; -webkit-appearance: none ! important; } .clear-number-input.el-input { -moz-appearance: textfield; } .clear-number-input.el-input input[type=”number”] { -moz-appearance: textfield; In some user registration scenarios, we sometimes verify some individual fields before submitting the entire form. For example, we send the mobile phone verification code. When sending, we only need to verify the mobile phone number field. Refs [‘ form ‘].validateField(‘ mobile ‘,valid=>if(valid)// Send verification code) If you need more than one parameter, change the parameter to an array. Refs [‘form’].validateField(‘mobile’, valid => {if (valid) {// Send verification code}}) Change the parameters to an array. Refs [‘ form ‘].validateField(‘ mobile ‘,valid=>if(valid)// Send verification code). If multiple parameters are required, change the parameters to an array. 7. The last checksum of the form was not cleared when the popup reopens. Someone will reset the form in nextTick when the popup is open, but I choose to reset the form when the popup is closed.

$refs[‘form’].resetFields()} {this.$refs[‘form’]. El-table –scrollable-y. El-table__body-wrapper {overflow-y: overlay! important; } rules: {‘’: [{required: true, message: ‘Name cannot be empty ‘, trigger: {blur’}]} {row-key = reserve-selection () {row-key = reserve-selection (); 11, According to the condition to highlight the row and remove the default hover color

tableRowClassName({ row }) { return row.status === 2 ? ‘highlight’ : ” }

// Set the global.el-table. highlight {background-color: #b6e8fe; &:hover > td { background-color: initial ! important; } td { background-color: initial ! important; }} if the table does not want to display a required asterisk (*), the table should display a blank space

Refs [‘inputRef’].focus() this.refs[‘inputRef’].focus() This. Refs [‘ inputRef ‘]. Focus () this. Refs [‘ inputRef] [0]. The focus () this. Refs [‘ inputRef ‘]. Refs [‘ inputRef]. Refs [‘ inputRef ‘]. El. Children [0]. The focus ()

// valid document.getelementById (‘inputRef’).focus() Just add show-overflow-tooltip and you’ll get the tooltip effect.

expandTree(expand = true) { const nodes = this.$refs[‘tree’].store._getAllNodes() nodes.forEach(node => { node.expanded = expand }) }

By: 4am on the 8th Link:… The copyright belongs to the author. Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization, non-commercial reprint please indicate the source.