Linux yum install centos 7 centos6 Install rlwrap

I am learning Clojure recently, and I need to install Rlwrap during the installation process. I need to download the package manually, compile and download it, which is quite a hassle. Now I find a convenient one-click installation method, and share it with you.

Yum install rlwrap centos install rlwrap from EPEL configuration EPEL yum repository, as described below. In this case, I installed on Oracle Linux 6 (x86-64), so I downloaded the package shown here. Don’t worry that it is listed as an i386 package. It simply installs the YUM repository. The following command downloads and configures the EPEL repository.

rpm -Uvh

With Oracle Linux 7, you can do this.

# rpm -Uvh

With the repository in place, you can install rlwrap using the following command.

# yum install rlwrap

If you are using Oracle Linux 7, you can enable the “ol7_developer_EPEL” repository in “/etc/yum.repos. D /public-yum-ol7”. “Repo” file, which is a clone of EPEL provided by Oracle. You can perform a normal YUM installation.

You can also manually compile and install as follows:

Please download the latest RLwrap software from the following website.…

Use the following command to decompress and install the software.

gunzip rlwrap*.gz
tar -xvf rlwrap*.tar
cd rlwrap*
make check
make install
Copy the code

Run the following command after installation, or append it to “.bash_profile”

alias rlsqlplus='rlwrap sqlplus'
alias rlrman='rlwrap rman'
Copy the code