
1 Install the SVN package using yum

2. Verify the installation version

3 Create the SVN version library

3.1. Create a SVN folder

3.2. Create a version library named Davesvn

4 the SVN configuration

4.1 configuration svnserve. Conf

4.2 configuration passwd

4.3 configuration authz

5. Start the SVN

6. View the SVN process

7. Kill processes

Run into occasional problems

Item unreadable when accessing the version library SVN: An unreadable path is encountered. Access denied


Disable centos1.7

Check the firewall status.

Command to temporarily disable the firewall. The firewall starts automatically after you restart your computer.

Permanently disable firewall command. The firewall does not automatically start after the restart.

Open the firewall command.



1 Install the SVN package using yum

[root@VM_16_3_centos ~]# yum install -y subversion
Copy the code


2. Verify the installation version

[root@VM_16_3_centos ~]# svnserve --version
Copy the code


3 Create the SVN version library

3.1. Create a SVN folder

 [root@VM_16_3_centos ~]# mkdir /home/svn
Copy the code


3.2. Create a version library named Davesvn

 [root@VM_16_3_centos ~]# svnadmin create /home/svn/davesvn  
Copy the code
  • Davesvn :// IP: port /davesvn


4 the SVN configuration

After the repository is created, three configuration files are generated in this directory:

[root@VM_16_3_centos ~]# cd /home/svn/davesvn/conf/
[root@VM_16_3_centos conf]# pwd
[root@VM_16_3_centos conf]# ls
authz  passwd  svnserve.conf
[root@VM_16_3_centos conf]# 
Copy the code
  1. Svnserve. conf: in the SVN service configuration file.
  2. Passwd: indicates the username and password file.
  3. Authz: permission profile.


4.1 configuration svnserve. Conf

Add the following under [general]

anon-access = read
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
authz-db = authz
Copy the code

So there’s some important stuff here that sometimes comes out of this file and it puts a space after read Write passwd authz and it causes problems when you deploy it, so it’s a good idea to look at it when you paste it if the client has a problem accessing it you can look at this, it’s updated to have no Spaces, But note that the other two files should also be looked at when writing content

4.2 configuration passwd

Create a user password at the bottom of the entire file

test1 = 123456

test2 = 333333
Copy the code
  • Configuring User Information


4.3 configuration authz

Enter the following information under [groups]


admin = test1



@admin = rw

@dev = rw
Copy the code
  • Configuring User Rights


5. Start the SVN

[root@VM_16_3_centos ~]# svnserve -d -r /home/svn
Copy the code

5.1 Sometimes errors are reported, such as:

svnserve: E000098: Can't bind server socket: Address already in use
Copy the code


5.2 The solution is as follows

[root@VM_16_3_centos ~]# svnserve -d -r /home/svn --listen-port 3691
Copy the code


6. View the SVN process

[root@VM_16_3_centos ~]# ps -aux |grep svn
root     14398  0.0  0.0 166320   912 ?        Ss   16:15   0:00 svnserve -d -r /home/svn --listen-port 3691
root     16855  0.0  0.0 112648   960 pts/0    S+   16:45   0:00 grep --color=auto svn
Copy the code


7. Kill processes

[root@VM_16_3_centos ~]#  kill -9 14398(Process No.)Copy the code


Then you can use the Windows client SVN to access it

Windows client download address: SVN…



Run into occasional problems

Item unreadable when accessing the version library SVN: An unreadable path is encountered. Access denied

  •     Item is not readable svn: Unreadable path encountered; access denied
  • Change the content in conf/ SVNserve. conf to anon-access = none as follows

anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
authz-db = authz
Copy the code



  • Use the browser open: SVN: / / / davesvn /
  • Use the browser open: SVN: / / / davesvn /
  • Or use the downloaded SVN to directly enter this address


Disable centos1.7


Check the firewall status.

systemctl status firewalld


Command to temporarily disable the firewall. The firewall starts automatically after you restart your computer.

systemctl stop firewalld


Permanently disable firewall command. The firewall does not automatically start after the restart.

systemctl disable firewalld


Open the firewall command.

systemctl enable firewalld


Continuously updated





