Using mysql

1. Login, you can use the password to log in, or you can use no password to log in. Mysql -u username -p password

Mysql -u root -p

Mysql -u root // Login without password

2, Exit, command “quit”


3. Create a database and run the create database name command. , notice the semicolon after this command

create database test1;

4. Run show Databases;

show databases;

5. Drop database database name.

drop database test1;

6. Set permissions

Grant permission on database file to username@ip identified by ‘password’; . With Grant, if the user does not already exist, create the user.

 grant insert on test01.* to david@localhost identified by ‘123456’;

 grant all privileges on *.* to david@’%’ identified by ‘123456’;

2) Run the select host, user from mysql.user command to check all permissions of the current database.

select host,user from mysql.user;

3) Check the rights of the current login user and run the “show grants” command.

show grants;

4) Check the privileges of a user on a machine and run the “show grants for user@ip” command.

show grants for david@localhost;

Revoke permission on database files from user@ip

 revoke all privileges on *.* from david@’%’;

show grants for david@localhost; // Delete it

6) Delete user from user where user= ‘username’

use mysql; // Call this command first

delete from user where user=’david’; // Delete the user

select host,user from mysql.user; // View the user