Run ifconfig to view the NETWORK adapter IP address

Netstat Displays the network port number

Netstat-tulpn or netstat-ano

Netstat Common options

T Displays the TCP connection status

U Displays the udp connection status

L Displays network connections in the listening state

P Displays the application PID and program name

N Displays the IP address

A Displays all connections

O Display timer

View process && Kill process

ps -ef

kill -9 PID


Start Starts the service.

Stop Stop the service

Restart Restart the service.

Enable Enables startup upon startup

Disable Disables startup

Status Displays the service status

Daemon-reload Reload the service configuration file

List-unit-files Lists all services

Common commands used by users and user groups

Useradd creates a new user

Passwd Changes the password

Usermod Modifies user information/assignment group (overwrites the original group)

Groupadd Creates a user group

Chown Changes the owner or owner group of a file

Chmod Changes the access permission of a file

Newgrp Switches the current user group


Sudo allows ordinary users to have execution privileges as super administrators

Common users must be authorized by the super administrator

Authorization command: visudo

A firewall

A firewall is a measure to protect the internal and external network environment by means of hardware and software

CentOS 7 uses firewall to implement application-layer firewall, and CentOS 6 uses iptables

Firewall-cmd is the core firewall command

Linux shell classification

Bourne Shell /usr/bin/sh or /bin/sh

Bourne Again Shell /bin/bash (default)

C Shell /usr/bin/csh

K Shell /usr/bin/ksh

Shell for Root /sbin/sh