Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash

There are only eight or nine hours left in 2018. Taking advantage of these hours, I would like to review my 2018 and set some flags for the upcoming 2019.


Let’s start by talking about work.

In April, I successfully changed my job and entered the payment field. Here’s to the folks who push in.

After entering the new company, I encountered greater challenges. In the past, the development of the order of magnitude is up to one hundred thousand, at that time, performance will not be considered too much, random code can also meet the requirements, but also meet the performance. However, after entering the new company, the order of magnitude increased exponentially, and I encountered problems that I had never encountered before. In the process, you have to force yourself to think more.

Almost two months after entering the company, I entered the development of a new project team. In this project, I experienced the process from project approval to development and then to online. Although the process was very hard, and even experienced an overnight release, the harvest was more than the effort, and I really integrated into the team.

After this year, I am familiar with the business of my group and can be independent.


Let’s talk about life.

In February this year, after thinking for a long time, I finally decided to go to the hospital and have laser surgery. I got rid of the glasses I had worn for more than ten years, and the world became so clear and beautiful.

I started to run in the gym in October, running about two or three kilometers every day. Just began to run really very difficult, run a kilometer, almost tired half dead. But I’m glad I stuck with it. Although the final effect of these two months also successfully lost a catty, embarrassing.


Let’s talk about your finances this year. As a financial novice, this has been a miserable year for me.

I bought funds this year and lost more than 1000 at last. I bought stocks and lost more than 9000 at present. I also bought some EOS and lost nearly 2000.

Although the loss was really painful, it also made me realize my lack of knowledge in this area.

  1. Before investment, although I knew the risks, I didn’t know the profit method of the product at all. It was just blind buying.
  2. Lack of some basic investment common sense, chasing after rising is also common.


Finally, personal growth.

At the beginning of this year, I started to learn about knowledge payment. Later, I learned about products such as Knowledge Planet and Geek Time.

This year, I joined several excellent planets and learned a lot from the master. This made me realize that technical people should not be so short-sighted and only focus on technology. In addition to technology, we should also learn some knowledge about products and operations. That awareness, I think, is really the biggest takeaway from this year.

Looking ahead to 2019

After talking about 2018 and looking ahead to 2019, set a few flags for yourself.

Take the initiative to learn about other products and modules of the company, form my own understanding of the industry, and output the knowledge into the article.

Finish reading the current columns on MySQL Technology insider :InnoDB Storage Engine, Learn how to spend Money, Pyramid Theory and Geek time, and output your knowledge to the article.

Keep writing, keep sharing, and make sure to produce two articles per week.

Operation of their own public account, by the end of 2019, 5,000 followers.

Keep working out and keep your weight at 65KG.