Xcode on the MAC is the development of magic, excellent code prompt, error prompt, debugging system, so Xcode can undoubtedly improve the development of code efficiency

1. Run commands to generate an Xcode entry

  • Entered theQT project with FFMpeg integrationIn the
qmake xxx.pro  -spec macx-xcode
Copy the code
  • Can generate XXX. Xcodeproj entry file

2. Possible link errors

3. The reasons for the link problems are as follows

4. Resolve link errors

  • deleteLib folder
  • usebrew info ffmpegFind the ffmpeg installation directory
brew info ffmpeg
/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.32. (274 files, 50.3MB) *
Copy the code
  • Click in the XcodeBuild Phases+., the choice ofAdd Other FilesAnd then useCommand + shift + GEnter the/ usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg 4.3.2 / libDirectory, will*.aAdd the file to the project

  • To successfully run the project: