This is the first day of my participation in the August Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

Review ES6 grammar, ** refer to the introduction of ESCMAScript6 by ruanyifeng teacher**… They add a little bit of their own understanding. After insufficient, still ask many give directions!

1. Let the order

The distinction between let and var


console.log(a) // Uncaught ReferenceError
console.log(b) // undefined
let a 
var b 
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From the error report, we can see that the former is a reference error, the latter is undefined because the variable can be promoted

  let a = 1
  var b = 2
console.log(b) / / 2
console.log(a) // Uncaught ReferenceError: a is not defined
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Again, because of scope and variable promotion issues, the two results are different.

The for loop

  1. Var () {var () {var () {var () {var ();
  2. Let declared arguments that are only used in this loop. Each loop I is a new variable
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  console.log(i) // 0 1 2 3 4
console.log(i) // Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined
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Contrast the var

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  console.log(i)  // 0 1 2 3 4
console.log(i) / / 5
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Var declaration parameters are promoted to global, and let is better than that.

Let’s do another example

var a = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  a[i] = function () {
a[2] ()/ / 5
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In the above code, we actually wanted to print 2, but since we declared that we were using var, we did not achieve the desired result. Compare this with let

let a = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  a[i] = function () {
a[2] ()/ / 2
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With let, this block-level scope achieves our goal.

The problem of variable promotion

The problem of variable promotion is what we have mentioned in the previous example. Here we know about temporary dead zones

Temporary dead zone

As long as there is a let command in the block-level scope, variables declared by it “bind” the area and are no longer subject to external influence.

In the code block, the current variable cannot be used until the let variable is used, and the ReferenceError is called a temporary dead zone

The following example

 var a = 123;

 if (true) {
   a = 'abc'; // Uncaught ReferenceError
   let a;
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In the above code, we declare var a = 123 at the top, but use let in the block-level scope, creating a temporary dead zone. Therefore, a reference type error is reported.

Temporary dead zone – function

function bar(x = y, y = 2) {
  return [x, y];

bar(); / / error ReferenceError
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In the function, there is no let or var before x, but var is the default. However, in the process of assigning y to x, y as the value is currently not declared, so the ReferenceError is reported

Let’s look at the example below

function bar(x = 2, y = x) {
  return [x, y];
console.log(bar()) / / (2, 2)
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Declare x and assign it, declare y and assign the value of x to y, perfect!

var a = a
let b = b // Uncaught ReferenceError
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I’m going to focus on the a’s and the B’s

In A, the var a is automatically generated for the assigned a, but there is no declaration for the assigned B. The whole process should be to get the declaration of the assigned parameter first, then get the value if there is a value, then undefined if there is no value, and then assign the value

Repeated declarations are not allowed

Variable declarations cannot be repeated, and arguments cannot be redeclared inside a function. A SyntaxError is reported for repeated declarations. As the following two

var a
let a // SyntaxError
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function a(b) {
  let b
} / / an error
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The following is true

function c(d) {{let d
} / / is not an error
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Block-level scope

var a = new Date(a);function b() {
  console.log(a) // undefined
  if (false) {
    var a = 'a'
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Let’s take a look at this example and see why the output is undefined

var a = new Date(a);function b() {
  console.log(a) // Sun Aug 01 2021 22:00:25 GMT+0800
  // if (false) {
  // var a = 'a'
  // }
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So now we have the outer variables

And then change

var a = new Date(a);function b() {
  console.log(a) // undefined
  if (true) {
    var a = 'a'
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Now you see that it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or false. The real reason is that the inner variable promotion overrides the outer variable.

The following code

var a = new Date(a);function b() {
  var a
  console.log(a) // undefined
  if (true) {
    a = '123'
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Variable leak

An example of this problem is the for loop using var we talked about earlier

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  console.log(i); // 0 1 2 3 4
console.log(i); / / 5
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But using let, we can fix this problem

The following

function c() {
  let d = 5
  if(true) {
    let d = 10;
  console.log(d) / / 5
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Block-level scope and function declarations

ES6 introduced block-level scope, explicitly allowing functions to be declared in block-level scope. ES6 states that within the block-level scope, function declarations behave like lets and cannot be referenced outside the block-level scope.

Examples are as follows

 if (true) {
  function f() {}}try {
  function f() {}}catch(e) {
  // ...

function a() { console.log('Outside')}

  if(false) {
    function a() { console.log('inside')}
})() // TypeError: a is not a function
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Functions are allowed to be declared in block-level scope. Function declarations are similar to var declarations, that is, promoted to the head of the global scope or function scope. Also, the function declaration is promoted to the head of the block-level scope in which it resides.

function f() { console.log('I am outside! '); }
(function () {
  var f = undefined;
  if (false) {
    function f() { console.log('I am inside! '); } } f(); } ());// Uncaught TypeError: f is not a function
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Within the block-level scope, function expressions are preferred

  let a = '1';
  let f = function () {
    return a;
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Const command

  1. Const declares a read-only constant. Once declared, the value of the constant cannot be changed.
  2. If you declare without assigning, you get an error
  3. Valid only in the block-level scope of the declaration
  4. Temporary dead zones also exist and can only be used after the declared location.
  5. Non-repeatable declaration

Here are examples of proof

const b = {}
b.a = 'a'
b = {} // Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
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console.log(a) // Uncaught ReferenceError
const a = 10
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A frozen object can only freeze data of simple types such as string,number, and array

Object property freezing

let constatize = (obj) = > {
  Object.keys(obj).forEach((key, i) = > {
    if(typeof obj[key] === 'object') {

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The above is all my harvest, shortcomings, also please give advice!

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