
class Sort:
	def quickSort(self, arr) :
		self.quicksort_helper(arr, 0.len(arr)-1)
		return arr
	def quicksort_helper(self, arr, left, right) :
		if left < right:
			pivot_final_resting_position = self.partition(arr, left, right)
			self.quicksort_helper(arr, left, pivot_final_resting_position-1)
			self.quicksort_helper(arr, pivot_final_resting_position+1, right)
	def partition(self, arr, left, right) :
		pivot = arr[right]
		i = left - 1
		for j in range(left, right):
			if arr[j] <= pivot:
				i += 1
				self.swap(arr, i, j)
		self.swap(arr, i+1, right)
		return i+1
	def swap(self, arr, first, second) :
		temp = arr[first]
		arr[first] = arr[second]
		arr[second] = temp
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Bubble Sort

class Sort:
	def bubbleSort(self, nums) :
		for i in range(len(nums)-1.0, -1) :for j in range(i):
				if nums[j] > nums[i]:
					temp = nums[i]
					nums[i] = nums[j]
					nums[j] = temp
		return nums
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Merge Sort

class Sort:
	def merge(self, left, right) :
		result = []
		while len(left)>0 and len(right)>0:
			if left[0] < right[0]:
		if left:
		if right:
		return result
	def mergeSort(self, arr) :
		num = len(arr)
		if num < 2:
			return arr
		middle = num // 2
		left = arr[:middle]
		right = arr[middle:]
		left_sort = mergeSort(left)
		right_sort = mergeSort(right)
		return self.merge(left_sort, right_sort)
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Reverse a linked list

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# class ListNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.next = None
class Solution:
    # returns ListNode
    def ReverseList(self, pHead) :
        # write code here
        current = pHead
        previous = None
        while current:
            temp = current.next
            current.next = previous
            previous = current
            current = temp
        return previous
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Check whether the list has rings

If next has ==head, it must be connected to the previous node, indicating that there must be a loop.

# class ListNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.next = None

# @param head ListNode class
# @return bool Bool
class Solution:
    def hasCycle(self , head ) :
        # write code here
        current = head
        while current:
            after = current.next
            if after == head:
                return True
            current.next = head
            current = after
        return False
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Check the brackets

# @param s string String
# @return bool Bool
class Solution:
    def isValid(self , s ) :
        # write code here
        length = len(s)
        if length % 2! =0:
            return False
        my_dict = {
        my_list = []
        for i in s:
            if i not in my_dict:
            if i in my_dict:
                if len(my_list) == 0:
                    return False
                correct = my_dict[i]
                pop = my_list.pop()
                ifcorrect ! = pop:return False
        if len(my_list) > 0:
            return False
        return True
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Stock, Max in array (back – front)

Dynamic programming

# @param prices int One dimensional array of integers
# @return int Specifies an integer
class Solution:
    def maxProfit(self , prices ) :
        # write code here
        profit = 0
        min_start = prices[0]
        for i in range(1.len(prices)):
            if prices[i] < min_start:
                min_start = prices[i]
            profit = max(profit, prices[i]-min_start)
        return profit
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Binary search

The class name, method name, and parameter name have been specified, do not modify, directly return method specified value can be
If the target value exists, -1 is returned otherwise
# @param nums int One-dimensional array of integers
# @param target int Specifies an integer
# @return int Specifies an integer
class Solution:
    def search(self , nums , target ) :
        # write code here
        low = 0
        high = len(nums) - 1
        while (low<=high):
            middle = low + (high-low)//2
            if nums[middle] == target:
                while(middle>0 and nums[middle-1] == nums[middle]):
                return middle
            elif nums[middle]>target:
                high = middle - 1
                low = middle+1
        return -1
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Mirrored binary tree


# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
The class name, method name, and parameter name have been specified, do not modify, directly return method specified value can be
# param pRoot TreeNode class
# @ return TreeNode class
class Solution:
    def Mirror(self , pRoot ) :
        # write code here
        if pRoot == None:
            return pRoot
        temp = pRoot.left
        pRoot.left = pRoot.right
        pRoot.right = temp
        return pRoot
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Longest non-repeating substring

# @param arr int The array
# @return int Specifies an integer
class Solution:
    def maxLength(self , arr ) :
        # write code here
        my_dict = {}
        max_len = 0
        length = 0
        start_ptr = 0
        arr_len = len(arr)
        if arr_len<=1:
            return arr_len
        for i in range(arr_len):
            if arr[i] not in my_dict:
                my_dict[arr[i]] = i
                length += 1
                re_pos = my_dict[arr[i]]
                max_len = max(max_len,length)
                next_pos = re_pos+1
                for j in range(start_ptr, next_pos):
                my_dict[arr[i]] = i
                start_ptr = next_pos
                length = i-re_pos
        max_len = max(length, max_len)
        return max_len
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The missing number

If sum is zero, the last element in the list +1; if sum is zero, the last element in the list +1. If the result is not zero, the last element of the list – the result

# Find missing numbers
# @param a int Specifies a string of numbers in a one-dimensional array
# @return int Specifies an integer
class Solution:
    def solve(self , a ) :
        length = len(a)
        sum1 = (0+len(a)-1)*length/2
        sum2 = 0
        for i in a:
            sum2 = sum2+i
        result = sum2-sum1
        if result == 0:
            return a[-1] +1
        return (a[-1]-result)
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Three Sum finds all non-repeating triples that Sum to zero

If the first element is greater than 0, start from the left. If the first element is greater than 0, start from the left. If the first element is greater than 0, start from the left. If the sum is <0, it is too negative and the left pointer moves to the right. Duplicate_list = 0; duplicate_list = 0; duplicate_list = 0; duplicate_list = 0; duplicate_list = 0; duplicate_list = 0

# @param num int One-dimensional array of integers
# @return int Two-dimensional array of integers
class Solution:
    def threeSum(self , num ) :
        # write code here
        num = self.quickSort(num)
        length = len(num)
        if length < 3 or num[0] >0:
            return []
        i = 0
        dup = []
        my_result = []
        while i<length:
            left = i+1
            right = length-1
            while (left<right):
                result = num[i]+num[left]+num[right]
                if result == 0:
                    string = str(num[i])+str(num[left])+str(num[right])
                    if (string not in dup):
                    left += 1
                    right -= 1
                if (result<0):
                    left += 1
                if (result>0):
                    right -= 1
            i += 1
        return my_result
    def quickSort(self, arr) :
        self.quicksort_helper(arr, 0.len(arr)-1)
        return arr
    def quicksort_helper(self, arr, left, right) :
        if left < right:
            pivot_pos = self.partition(arr, left, right)
            self.quicksort_helper(arr, left, pivot_pos-1)
            self.quicksort_helper(arr, pivot_pos+1, right)
    def swap(self, arr, first, second) :
        temp = arr[first]
        arr[first] = arr[second]
        arr[second] = temp
    def partition(self, arr, left, right) :
        pivot = arr[right]
        i = left - 1
        for j in range(left, right):
            if arr[j] <= pivot:
                i += 1
                self.swap(arr, i, j)
        self.swap(arr, i+1, right)
        return i+1
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