This is the 27th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

Topic describes

Given an integer columnNumber, return its corresponding column name in the Excel table. For example: A ->1
B -> 2
C -> 3. Z ->26
AA -> 27
AB -> 28. The sample1: Enter: columnNumber =1Output:"A"The sample2: Enter: columnNumber =28Output:"AB"The sample3: Enter: columnNumber =701Output:"ZY"The sample4: Enter: columnNumber =2147483647Output:"FXSHRXW"Tip:1 <= columnNumber <= 231 - 1Source: LeetCode// belongs to the Collar buckle network. Commercial reprint please contact official authorization, non-commercial reprint please indicate the source.Copy the code

Ideas & CODE

1. 26 Base operation

It was the first time I encountered this kind of base problem, and it was amazing

Modulo and division operations

[a-z] corresponds to [1-26], and the range is equivalent to 1*26^0 to 26 *26^0

AA – ZZ] [] [27-702, corresponding range rather then 26 * 26 ^ 0 + 0 * ^ 1 ~ 26 * 26 26 * 26 ^ ^ 0 + 1

A base 26 number can be expressed as:

a1 * 26^0 + a2 * 26^1 + a3 * 26^2 + ... = n
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If you take the modulo of both sides, you get this

n = a1
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If you divide both sides, the result is:

a2 * 26^0 + a3 * 26^1 + ... = n
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That’s the same thing as moving this 26 number one to the right

In this case, you just need to do the multiplication and division until n becomes 0 to get the result. The result of each multiplication can be added to ‘A’ to get the corresponding character

Special treatment: minus one operation

As you can see, the number in the problem starts at 1, so the range of 26 letters is [1-26], but the range of 26 letters is [0-25]. To avoid this, we must subtract one from the number every time we loop.

  • example

Char (15 + ‘A’); char (15 + ‘A’); char (15 + ‘A’); char (15 + ‘A’); char (15 + ‘A’); char (15 + ‘A’

public String convertToTitle(int columnNumber) {
    StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();

    while (columnNumber > 0) {
        int mod = columnNumber % 26;
        res.append((char) (mod + 'A'));
        columnNumber /= 26;
    return res.reverse().toString();
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