There are several topics related to “Searching for a value in a rotated sorted array” in LeetCode. This is an extension of the topic related to “Finding the minimum value in a rotated sorted array”.

The core idea of solving the problem is: binary search.

The first questionSearch rotation sort array

Key words:

  • Sorted in ascending order
  • Different elements
  • Return -1 if not found

In the code, I still consider repeating elements. First, there is no additional burden on running the code. Secondly, the solution of this problem and the solution of the next problem are unified.

Please refer to the comments for details. The reader should think more about the examples in the notes and exclude some sections by contradiction.

To sum up. There are four possibilities for analyzing an interval:

  • The left element of the interval is less than the right element
  • The left element of the interval is larger than the middle element
  • The middle element is larger than the right element
  • The left, middle, and right elements of the interval are equal

Take full advantage of what we know, narrow the search area as much as possible.

The solution is as follows (code submission approved)

func search(nums []int, target int) int {
    l := len(nums)
    if l == 0 {
        return - 1
    if l == 1 {
        if nums[0] == target {
            return 0
        return - 1
    var (
        low int
        high = l- 1
    for low <= high {
        // Middle position
        mid := low + (high-low)>>1
        v := nums[mid]
        / / found
        if v == target {
            return mid
        // The left end of the interval is smaller than the right end of the element.
        / / as /..., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...
        if nums[low] < nums[high] {
            if v < target {
                low = mid+1
            } else {
                high = mid- 1
        [...,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,...] , 5 > 1.
        if nums[low] > v {
            // Target may exist in index range (mid,high)
            if target < nums[low] && v < target {
                low = mid+1
            } else { // Target may exist in index range [low, mid]
                high = mid- 1
        // the middle element of the interval is larger than the right element, such as [...,2,3,4,5,6,7,1...]
        if v > nums[high] {
            // Target may exist in index range [low,mid]
            if target < v && nums[high] < target {
                high = mid- 1
            } else { // Target may exist in index range (mid, high)
                low = mid+1
        Nums [mid] == nums[high]
        for i := low; i < high; i++ {
            // A different value is encountered
            // It could be one of the following
            / / /..., 9,5,6,9,9,9,9,9,9,...
            / / /..., 9,9,9,9,9,9,5,6,9,...
            / / /..., 9,10,11,9,9,9,9,9,9,...
            / / /..., 9,9,9,9,9,9,10,11,9,...
            / / /..., 9,10,2,9,9,9,9,9,9,...
            / / /..., 9,9,9,9,9,9,11,2,9,...
            ifnums[i] ! = nums[i+1] {
                low = i+1
                if i+1 < mid {
                    // Index interval [low, I] and [mid,high] are equal, and not equal to target.
                    // just continue searching in index interval [I +1, mid-1].
                    high = mid- 1
                } else { // I +1 > mid. I +1 == mid
                    // Index range [low, I] and index high are equal, and not equal to target.
                    // Just continue searching in index interval [I +1, high-1].
                continue OuterLoop
        // The elements in the for loop above are all equal
        / / not found
    return - 1
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The second questionSearch rotated sorted array II

Key words:

  • In non-descending order
  • Element values need not be different
  • Returns true if found, false otherwise

This is definitely going to be a case of repeating elements. In this code, the logic is the same except that the return value is different, because the solution already takes into account repeating elements.

The solution is as follows (code submission approved)

func search(nums []int, target int) bool {
    l := len(nums)
    if l == 0 {
        return false
    var (
        low int
        high = l- 1
    for low <= high {
        mid := low + (high-low)>>1
        v := nums[mid]
        if v == target {
            return true
        if nums[low] < nums[high] {
            if v < target {
                low = mid+1
            } else {
                high = mid- 1
        if nums[low] > v {
            if target < nums[low] && v < target {
                low = mid+1
            } else {
                high = mid- 1
        if v > nums[high] {
            if target < v && nums[high] < target {
                high = mid- 1
            } else {
                low = mid+1
        for i := low; i < high; i++ {
            ifnums[i] ! = nums[i+1] {
                low = i+1
                if i+1 < mid {
                    high = mid- 1
                } else { // I +1 > mid. I +1 == mid
                continue OuterLoop
    return false
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The third questionSearch rotation array

Key words:

  • Sorted in ascending order
  • There are duplicate elements
  • To return the index. If there are multiple elements of the same type, the smallest index is returned. There is one more implicit detail, which returns -1 if not found.

The logic is similar to the first problem. I just made some adjustments for that problem.

The solution is as follows (code submission approved)

func search(arr []int, target int) int {
    l := len(arr)
    if l == 0 {
        return - 1
    var (
        low int
        high = l- 1
        k = - 1
    for low <= high {
        mid := low + (high-low)>>1
        v := arr[mid]
        if v == target {
            k = mid // Record the target index
        if arr[low] < arr[high] {
            // when v == target, try to find a smaller index
            if v >= target {
                high = mid- 1
            } else { // v < target
                low = mid+1
        if arr[low] > v {
            if target < arr[low] && v < target {
                low = mid+1
            } else {
                high = mid- 1
        if v > arr[high] {
            if target < v && arr[high] < target {
                high = mid- 1
            } else {
                low = mid+1
        if arr[low] == target {
            // Low is the minimum index
            k = low
        for i := low; i < high; i++ {
            ifarr[i] ! = arr[i+1] {
                low = i+1
                if i+1 < mid {
                    high = mid- 1
                } else { // I +1 > mid. There is no I +1 == mid
                continue OuterLoop
        // There is no need to look again
    return k
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