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A company is planning to interview 2n people. Given the array costs where costs[i] = [aCosti, bCosti], the cost of flying the ith person to city a is aCosti, and the cost of flying the ith person to city b is bCosti.Return the minimum cost to fly every person to a city such that exactly n people arrive in each city.

Example 1:

Input: costs = [[10,20],[30,200],[400,50],[30,20]]
Output: 110
The first person goes to city A for a cost of 10.
The second person goes to city A for a cost of 30.
The third person goes to city B for a cost of 50.
The fourth person goes to city B for a cost of 20.

The total minimum cost is 10 + 30 + 50 + 20 = 110 to have half the people interviewing in each city.
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  • 2 * n == costs.length
  • 2 <= costs.length <= 100
  • costs.length is even.
  • 1 <= aCosti, bCosti< = 1000


The company plans to interview 2n people. Given an array costs, where costs[I] = [aCosti, bCosti], means that the cost of the ith person flying to city A is aCosti, and that of the ith person flying to city B is bCosti.

Return the minimum cost of flying everyone to one of the cities in A or B, requiring n people to arrive in each city.

If we first transport all the people to B, and then select N people and then transport them to A, if we want to change one person’s journey, the company will bear the cost of aCosti – bCosti, and then order them in ascending order. Arrange the first N people to fly to A, and then the last N people to fly to B, add up all the costs and return.

The time complexity is O(NlogN), and the space complexity is O(1).


class Solution(object):
    def twoCitySchedCost(self, costs):
        N = len(costs)
        result = 0
        costs.sort( key = lambda x : x[0] - x[1] )  
        for i in range(N//2):
            result += costs[i][0] + costs[i+N//2][1]
        return result	
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The results

Given in the Python online submission for Two City Scheduling. The linked submissions in the Python online list for Two City Scheduling.Copy the code

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