Hello, everyone, I’m ma Ge. Recently, a junior friend came to the group. He said in the group that every time he studied, he always fell asleep easily and could not concentrate

Before that, LET me give you a popular science: the information our brain is receiving is interesting and important, our brain will be activated, and we can learn easily and efficiently. If knowledge information is not important, no interest, do not want to learn, knowledge information can not enter the neural network, storage is not fast, can not remember, learn hard, learn tired, poor effect. So we have to think of ways to improve their interest in learning.

Learning programming should be a very difficult and boring task for most people. But in fact, as long as you use the right way to learn, learning programming can also become a happy thing, to share a game programming website, through the game to make you happy to learn!


It’s a platform that teaches students computer programming in games. It was a community project, with hundreds of players building levels. Supports Java, JavaScript, Python, Lua, CoffeeScript and other languages.


The premise is to program an AI robot, and then use the robot to eliminate all kinds of problems facing the fun game. Strong compatibility, support a variety of programming languages. Support for various programming languages.

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A web game that requires login and you need to use Python or JS to solve the problem in order to continue the game.


Develop programming skills through challenges. Develop your skills in real programming challenges. Supports JavaScript, Python, C#, Java, Python and other languages.


Interest is the best teacher, can experience happiness in the process of learning, in happiness to cultivate interest, is also a very happy thing!

I wish you all can learn into their own love, here I give you sorted out some information, I hope you can reasonable use, need to be private I get free

Dry goods mainly include:

① Over 2000 Python ebooks (both mainstream and classic books should be available)

②Python Standard Library (Most Complete Chinese version)

③ project source code (forty or fifty interesting and classic practice projects and source code)

④Python basic introduction, crawler, Web development, big data analysis video (suitable for small white learning)

⑤ A Roadmap for Learning Python