
Flutter_ good excellent _ project _ collection

The purpose of this project is to list all the open source projects about Flutter on the web to help you improve quickly

The project will continue to keep up with the new, at the same time, we hope that you feel good project, PR to this project, or direct Issue

Learning comes in no order, and one who achieves it is his teacher!

Documents continue to keep up with the new, continue to eliminate unqualified projects, the ultimate goal, this project only includes 100 star projects

Qq exchange group payment can be added

The directory index structure is as follows

  • |–Root
    • | – Flutter project
    • | – pure dart package
    • | – plug-in package
    • | – excellent blog/Jane books/nuggets… recommended

Flutter project

Flutter_boss_v1. 0

Making address flutter_boss_v1

The project is based on the v1.0 refactoring of the boss Zhipin app that was released by the Internet giant nine months ago

, the original project version is too old, the new project can run perfectly after reconstruction


githubaddress flutter_study

Nothing more. The big guy claims to have learned flutter development in three days



This function only realizes the basic pull up and down refresh, which can be improved, optimized and encapsulated on this basis.

If used only, you can modify the generics of the ListView control and List array in the Build method, which is IOS compatible and supports separate control of pull-down and pull-up

The advertisement sliding switch of jingdong chao Male module is imitated. I made it rough, so we can improve it on this basis.

Such as lag of sliding, the underlying resizing images and so on, because there is no screen adaptation, so may show different phones very ugly, this is because I Magin is to use screen width between the design image minus the both sides of the width of the screen, divided by 3, we can according to need to set up image between Magin, best fixed value

Draw with ListView and set ListView to unavailable

Manually slide, then start Timer and drag back and forth, creating the illusion of running lantern


github base flutter_easyrefresh

The project document is neat, so it looks like the author wants to have some fun

As the name suggests, EasyreFresh is an easy way to implement pull-down refresh and pull-up load operations on a Flutter application. It supports almost any Flutter control, but only if it is wrapped in a ScrollView. Its functionality is similar to Android's SmartRefreshLayout, but it also takes advantage of many of the tripartite libraries. EasyreFresh integrates Header and Footer styles, but there are no limitations and you can easily customize them. With Flutter's powerful animations, even a simple control can be created. The goal of EasyreFresh is to create a powerful, stable and mature pull-down refresh framework for Flutter

Support for Andorid(halo), ios(out-of-bounds rebound) effect support for arbitrary ScrollView controls, Support for customization if not simple encapsulation (so all controls, in theory) and has integrated a lot of cool Header and Footer support for pull-down refreshing, pull-up loading (automatic) support for Header and Footer list embedding, and view floating


github base cool_ui

The author called it cool UI. Isn’t that cool?

Use Flutter to implement some UI controls that I think are nice to look at. I hope you can suggest some controls that are nice to look at

A popover button that mimics iOS UIPopover

! [CupertinoPopoverButton] (github.com/TopGuo/cool…).

Toast effect mimicking Weui

Custom keyboard usage quick start


Making address flutter_news

The news application was developed to practice, learn and test the potential of the Flutter framework.

News application developed for practice, learning and testing the potential of this powerful Framework.


Making address flutter_layout

Page view SliverPersistentHeader Row,Column,CrossAxisAlignment InkWell

ListView SliverGrid Stack Shadow CustomScrollView SliverFixedExtentList,SliverList Expanded,Padding Image.asset Nested ListView SliverFillViewport SizedBox GridView — Center

Pure dart a package


Making address common_utils

Recommended language: someone for our open source out of some common class library to save our own wheel, and the line cut cherish, if there is a need for the place, the package is not, you can PR, let everyone together to maintain

Dart common utility class library Common_utils

MoneyUtil MoneyUtil MoneyUtil MoneyUtil MoneyUtil (LogUtil) DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil: DateUtil 8, ObjectUtil: check whether the object is empty (String List Map), check whether two lists are equal.


githubadress flustars

I didn’t read the source of the library in detail, but I used SpUtil for the launch page and I recommend it here

ScreenUtil does not rely on context to get screen data. MyAppBar is added to openDrawer without GlobalKey

ScreenUtil gets the screen width, height, density, AppBar height, status bar height, and screen orientation of the Widget.


GitHubadress lpinyin

Lpinyin is a Dart package that converts Chinese characters to pinyin.

① Accurate and perfect font library ② Fast conversion of pinyin ③ support a variety of pinyin output formats: with phonetic symbols, without phonetic symbols, digital phonetic symbols and pinyin output format ④ support the recognition of common polyphonic characters, including phrases, idioms, place names, etc. ⑤ Simple and traditional Chinese conversion ⑥ support the addition of user-defined dictionaries


githubadress flukit

I’m just pulling out the source code for swiper and putting it in the project

Flukit (Flutter UI Kit) is a library of Flutter widgets.

Note: this project is under development, there is no stable version at present, we do not recommend you to use it in production, welcome everyone to contribute code.

The plug-in package

Good blog/ simple book/nuggets… recommended


Making address flutter – study

Flutter - a different cross-platform solution

The existing project integrates the Flutter layout (1) – Container – Flutter layout (2) – Padding, Align, Center – Flutter layout (3 Fit the layout of a Flutter (4) – Baseline, FractionallySizedBox, IntrinsicHeight, IntrinsicWidth details about Flutter layout (5) – LimitedBox, Offstage, OverflowBox, SizedBox details Description of the layout of a Flutter – – Row, Column – – – ListBody, ListView, CustomMultiChildLayout – ListBody, ListView, CustomMultiChildLayout The layout of the Flutter control


Brief address Brief address

A complete Flutter APP project

4, Flutter start page + Splash screen AD page + Guide page Fluintl Singleton “Synchronization” of Flutter SharedPreferences