Programming is hard, you can’t learn!

There are often small partners and I complain, oh, Brother Qing, I am really about to collapse, this programming is so difficult, I feel that they are fast learning from the closed!

I said what’s wrong? What kind of problem did you meet? It doesn’t matter. It’s too real for me!

This programming is difficult, so much to learn, what is the most hateful, learn to forget the front now, feel their mastery of the well before MAO, but come here for a few days, to learn the new knowledge, find previously learned to forget about, still have even if ah, I’m watching video or reading a book, feel oneself already watch ah, but once to his writing code, I go, This is the feeling of brain short circuit ah, why can’t think of anything?

The heart, the heart, it’s the heart, don’t know whether you learn programming friend w met such a problem, in fact, I think the problem is not simply the beginners of programming is encountered, as far as I know, this is also a lot of is not a novice programmer’s pain, that is to say, many programmers most meet such problem, this is the common fault, the existence of the occupational disease.

So newbie? Novice in addition to these problems, big probability will encounter the problem is that sometimes encounter problems don’t know how to solve, or looking for someone to ask, but can not find ah, so have a problem or stagnation, or directly to give up, this will delay learning progress, lower the quality of learning, a waste of time, the new friends, I said right!

A lot of problems, everyone will encounter

Actually, you also don’t have to worry about, I more than once said that like many programmers actually English and the data structure and algorithm are bad, these problems, basically most programmers encounter, dissatisfaction with you, is I now, occasionally in the confusion, but I know the reason of such problems and solution, So I will quickly pull out, to do the right thing, in order to improve their own programming learning efficiency.

Speaking of all these are tears, ah, my own these are their own before a pit stepped out of ah, are sacrificed a lot of time for ah, alas, experience is the most valuable, many people have experienced the pit and then summed up the experience is actually most do not want to share out, why don’t you know?

It’s like I buy something from you, but a few days later, you share it for free. I can’t accept it. Why? Is because I have paid, but I always is a love to share the scholars, I will own the experience to share with you, hope to be able to help some programming enthusiasts from suffering, this is what I do good work, ha ha, because I have seen that kind of lost the pain, so, today’s share is dry, don’t miss!

How do you start learning a programming language

When I was in college, I almost learned programming by myself, because I had never listened to the teacher’s lectures, because what the teacher taught was for the public, so it must be shallow, not in-depth, not comprehensive in general, and the progress was relatively slow. Therefore, MY private self-study progress was relatively fast.

So how do you start learning a programming language? Generally, books cover the basic grammar of a language from the very beginning to learn most of the basic content of the programming language. It seems that taking a programming course in university will not teach you the knowledge of the framework, so the basic knowledge is given priority to. Much of the higher-level knowledge will have to be learned on your own.

I see a lot of learning programming friends just began to learn, are everywhere for learning route, what learning route ah, find a Java book, the directory above is the learning route you want, and a lot of learning route now spread everywhere, not add some framework knowledge and some advanced knowledge? But as a beginner, you also can’t go to study these high order knowledge at the beginning, early stage beginner, what pay attention to is to lay solid foundation certainly, do not build high platform in floating sand, this is really too important.

So, early learning, your task is very simple and clear, for example, if you want to learn Java, you can directly find a Java introductory book or a set of Java introductory tutorial, both in the Internet era, it is very easy to get, if you really can not find, that is ok, you contact me, I will give you, And these are my selected materials, you can contact me on wechat H653836923.

In fact, I recommend watching the video, why?

1. Watching videos is more interesting than reading books, which is very important for beginners and easier to understand

2. Videos are generally structured courses that are more complete and comprehensive than a typical Introduction to Java

So, if you like to start learning to program, early so dry, of course, not just the Java oh, the other is the same, many beginners when first learning to really have a lot of problems, feel not understand that don’t, I tell you, this is normal and programming itself is a certain threshold, You say you just start to learn this also know that also know, study effortlessly, then you really are a genius, but you are?

So, you have many don’t understand, don’t understand, this is normal, you need not meddlesome sentiment, want to so many do, directly open just a matter of dry, what also don’t say, read a book or a video first again, when you finish reading, after a lot of you don’t understand the problem before you may know, your next learning would not be so confused, believe me!

By the way, in the process of learning, remember to write a blog, recommend the nuggets, knowledge recorded themselves, remember, to add their own thinking and understanding, it will be your most important study notes, is the biggest wealth, your help in your study drops greatly, must write up, later you will find that, in their learned knowledge will often easy to forget, so forget it, I just read my own blog.

Don’t wait or feel like you don’t know enough right now

Some friends always feel that their current state is not good when learning programming, or think that they still have a piece of knowledge is not good, want to learn this knowledge point after doing what, I tell you, do not wait for the state, do not think of a certain knowledge point after learning what to do.

Don’t you know that knowledge is never finished?

There is such a wrong thinking you know, is that many people think, I need to learn more knowledge points, and then go to the actual combat application, is that I think this thing only if I know, can be used in the always ah, this sounds logical very consistent, I was so thought.

But with continuous learning, I found that the things to learn is too much, and in the process of learning is very easy to forget, which let me learn very distressed, I do not know this is a pit ah, think, so much knowledge, you finish learning? Let’s say you’ve learned it all, but can you be sure you won’t forget it?

So ah, it is very important to change this way of thinking, and then we need a new way of thinking, you think, we learn so much knowledge to use, ultimately not to be applied to the actual combat, class is not to participate in projects, to solve problems? So, this knowledge, not just at the beginning you keep learning, and then to deal with the actual combat, the correct should be in the actual combat to learn new knowledge.

Do you want to, don’t you go to the actual combat, even if you learned a lot of knowledge, but this knowledge does not necessarily actual combat can be used after you get, maybe some is seldom used in actual combat, was one of those don’t need to spend too much time and energy to learn, but you don’t know, you still spent a lot of time, still have even if, you learn so much knowledge, In fact, most of them stay in the theoretical stage, and you don’t know how this knowledge is applied in the actual project, which will lead to your memory and understanding of this knowledge is not deep, so you will easily forget.

And if you are in actual combat encounter problems to solve problems and learn new knowledge, so that knowledge is often appear in the project can be determined, and because you are in order to solve the new problems and learn it, then your understanding of this knowledge will be more deeply, and then you add to read or watch blog to carry on the comprehensive study to the knowledge, Then write a blog post. This is the best way to learn new information. This way, you will retain it more firmly and make sure that most of what you learn is useful, high frequency knowledge.

So, project-driven, problem-driven is a key learning model.

Is above suggest that you first start learning to program the best from a book or a set of video tutorials ah, after you have completed this step, you will not hesitate to find related practical project learning, this is the fastest way to let your ascension, now some related programming practice teaching video really many, such as mu class network, believe me, This is the fastest way to improve your learning.

Computer based learning problems

Do not know why, I found a lot of programmers of English and computer foundation are not very good, this English let’s not talk about, I will talk with you about the computer foundation of the problem.

To tell you the truth, I am not good at this area either. I did not realize the importance of this area at the beginning and thought that learning was boring and boring, which led to my poor learning. I don’t know why you did it.

This computer foundation ah, which I think the most important is the data structure and algorithm, no matter what programming language you learn, that knowledge you are the same important, can say that learning programming, ultimately can not escape data structure and algorithm, of course, if you want to be a salt fish that is another word.

How to learn the data structure and algorithm? What I recommend is to learn some basic data structures first. After you have these foundations, you can directly brush LeetCode to learn and make breakthroughs when you encounter problems.

Based this in addition to the data structure and algorithm, and then it is probably operating system, composition principle of computer network and compilation principle of these, about this, one of the standard is after finished the main learning task, squeeze time to learn as much as possible, so, learning programming or want you spend time to self study.

I suggest you look at the interview questions often

We all know the phrase:

Interview builds a rocket, work turns a screw

Who has complained a lot of job interviews, now really is too difficult to apply for a job, some problem to estimate the interviewer are not yourself, that’s the reality, the interview in general will be asked about your knowledge of blind spots and make you find yourself not too familiar with the place, it is also exposed the place you in the process of learning to program is weak, so, It’s a great learning opportunity. It’s about finding your weaknesses and working on them.

So, even if we don’t usually need to apply for a job interview, already have a job, then we can also often brush to brush the interview questions, blind spots to find their own knowledge and is difficult for his place, found himself the master is bad, and then pointed to solve, just ask you, this can increase your technical ability?

Finally, I suggest you do this if you can

Start blogging, it’s a great way to learn how to program!

Well, the share will be here, if you want to learn more about learning programming and lifelong growth of dry goods, welcome to my WeChat public number: encoding, WeChat search “encoding” can, of course, you can directly add me WeChat H653836923 and I discuss more related topics, I will wait for you outside the code!

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