In my view, this series of articles on Composing Software details how to learn functional programming and Composing Software techniques from the ground up in JavaScript ES6+.

A very good series of articles, worth a second look.

Because the author of the translation is different, the article is more scattered, put them together, convenient for you to read the system to learn and check in the future ~

The original article was written by Eric Elliott (Medium)

The article goes from shallow to deep, in order as follows:

[翻 译] Composing Software: An Introduction

The ups and downs of functional programming

Why learn functional programming in JavaScript? (Software Construction) (Part 2)

An introduction to JavaScript for functional Programmers

Higher-order Functions (Software Writing) (Part 4)

Reduce (Software Writing) (Part 5)

Functor and Category (Software Writing) (Part 6)

Functional Mixins (Software Writing) (Part 7)

JavaScript Factory functions in ES6+ (Part 8)

Why the use of classes makes composition harder (Software writing) (Part 9)

Composing data types with functions (Software Writing) (Part 10)

JavaScript makes Monad Easier (Software Writing) (Part 11)

Mock is a Code Stink (Software Writing) (Part 12)

Treasure in Object Composition (Software Writing) (Part 13)

Excellent Nested ternary Expressions (Software Writing) (Part 14)

Abstractions and Combinations (Part 15)

The Forgotten History of Object-oriented Programming (Software Writing) (Part 16)

Currization and Combinations of Functions (Part 17)

[翻] Do you know how to do data Processing in JavaScript?

For example: Getters and setters for composite functional programming (Part 19)

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