My wife

The author had a four-month self-study experience last year, and encountered many difficulties in the learning process. Fortunately, everything is on the right track now. If you are also self-taught, check out the following and hope this article will give you some inspiration and confidence. Not much BB, load!

1 Personal Information

  • Double non-bachelor degree, cross-major self-study.
  • Has graduated three years, during the school took an examination of the “three” computer level, copy of the kind, “did not lead ~”
  • I started self-study at home in August 2019 and got the Offer of 15K in December. Everything was just right.

2 Learning related

2.1 Learning Materials

  • Recommend a complete set of courseware system. Why recommend systematic courses?

A: 1. Systematic courses can help you build a “systematic knowledge system” quickly. Make sure the lessons are timely. Some of the lessons shared online are old and outdated. 2, save your learning “time”, do not have to learn while looking for information, the process of looking for information is also quite a consumption of energy, because you and know whether the course content is in line with your expectations, you must spend time to learn to judge. A pep up, and then decline, three and exhaust.

  • Materials recommended.

1. Books: advanced JavaScript Programming, Introduction to ECMAscript 6, DOM Programming Art, The Essence of JavaScript Language, Writing Maintainable JavaScript, Illustrated HTTP, Deliberate Practice Wang Hongyuan teacher Vue entry to master “, “YJango learning view 3, nuggets of community leaders related blog summary (bottom of the article) 4, all kinds of leaders blog summary (bottom of the article)

2.2 Learning methods

  • Thinking. In fact, this may be most of the students have a feeling, that is, encounter this problem my brain a group of paste, how to die? How to test? I can’t.

Answer: 1. Change your mind. First of all, I don’t know how to solve this problem. “, this is very key, the former is the denial of their own, passive learning; The latter is to trigger curiosity and active learning. 2, check. Oneself think impassable, look back courseware, check blog, check book. This is when you’re most effective at learning, because you’re learning with questions in mind, not through indoctrination. I have read all the above books and the blog posts of related leaders for four months. 3. Practice deliberately. Programming is still a test of hands-on ability, if you just don’t think, there is no real thinking, there will be no problems, no problems, no learning to solve, no learning to solve, there will be no improvement. So be sure to be able to “tap” out of the video. Be sure to create a virtuous cycle by tapping. Here I recommend you to take a look at deliberate practice. No time can see crayons and small xun deliberately practice

  • Decomposition. How to break the problem down? (Here, too, is a cue from a headline leader, ConardLi.)

Answer: it is not known whether the warden has ridden a bicycle up the slope. Now I go to work by bike every day, but there are always two steep slopes on the way that make me very headache. When I rush straight up for the first time, it is very natural at the beginning, but in the middle it is very awkward and I can’t get up. But when I tried the twisting mountain style, I found that I could go up without charging! Although the “length” of riding is increased, the “slope” is resolved and it is very easy to go up the mountain. Saying this example actually wants to extend to our study, when the study meets the big problem how to do? We can take the same approach, “break down”, break down our problems into smaller pieces, study and analyze them one by one, and then, unknowingly, solve the problem. This technique has also been used in my interview, and it works well every time.

  • Summary. Summing up is a process of internalizing the output. You can only prove that you have learned it if you can give the output. How to sum it up?

Answer: 1, draw a brain map. The author likes to draw brain map when he meets some process problems. Brain map has several characteristics: image, system, saving time and convenient review. As an example of what happens when I draw “what happens when I enter a URL to the page?” “I know what this actually does?” I never got a solution, but when I learned the problem of project optimization, I found that these two problems can be learned together. That is, we can find the corresponding solution at every node of network communication for the optimization point of the project. You can see the beauty of their own experience. 2. Tables. Table can be learned knowledge for comparison type output, basically the same knowledge point, you write two or three times to remember. (If you have other powerful methods, you can leave a message in the comments section, so that we can learn together)

  • Reading a book. Why read? What if I can’t read it?

Answer: 1, inject soul. Video tutorials may allow you to take shape quickly, but at this point you are just like the instant chicken, without any chicken flavor, tasteless food, pity to discard, not fragrant. And when you read a book, you learn something beyond the video, you know, that’s what this is all about, and sometimes it’s like, “OH, that’s the problem.” Make your body of knowledge more comprehensive and robust. 2. There are methods. You can’t read a book from the beginning of the first chapter every time, because you will find that no matter how many times you pick Up the book, the first few pages are always the most read, and you will never get to the end, and probably Give Up at the end. “You have to know yourself.” How should we look at that? “Read with questions.” Turn directly to the relevant chapter that answers your question. Read with questions in mind. Sometimes you may encounter a problem several times, so read it more than once. The end result is that you’ve read all the books, and you’ve read them more than once!

Time, energy, attention and psychology

3.1 time

  • The duration should be guaranteed. How long do you study every day?

Answer: Guarantee fixed time. During the 4 months of self-study, the author kept learning at least 12h every day, and it may be more than 16h if the spirit is good or the key points are met (remember that when learning JS operation, DOM and BOM, I went to bed at 12:30 every day and got up at 5am, which was also helpless and painful).

  • Work and rest. How do I adjust my schedule? Don’t come?

A: Get up on time and take a nap. I set myself a deadline to get up at 7 o ‘clock every day. I couldn’t get up at first, so I turned off the alarm and went to sleep, but then I felt like I was such a jerk. I set no fewer than five alarms, and set them to go off half an hour earlier on my phone and tablet. Put it 10 meters away from the bed, and that’s it, because you’ll find that after a few twists and turns, you’ll be completely awake. Make sure you take a half-hour nap every day. That goes without saying. Be sure to take a nap, and no longer than half an hour. The reason in the middle we can baidu by ourselves.

3.2 Energy and attention

  • Two force. How to study efficiently and intently? Why did I start playing with my phone before I knew it?

A: It’s impossible to be consistently productive and focused. I had the same problem at first. I had to watch the video from the beginning without knowing what they were talking about. Looking at the video began to play the phone, the results of the video put over, the phone has not put down, the heart of ten thousand grass mud road, how can you ah, to be shameless? Shame not ashamed? I can’t wait to drop my phone. What the hell is this? It’s toxic. Then, with shame in your heart, continue to learn. To this end, I uninstalled all the entertainment apps on my phone, turned off all App notifications, and placed my phone 10 meters away from my desk, silent! Although the middle will pick up the phone, but found that the frequency has been much lower! Here is recommended crayons and small hoon single-core work method

  • Social gatherings. Do you want to go to parties during the study period?

Answer: attend? No way. A true friend is one who cares about each other all the time. At this point, a careless party could take you a day and a half, because your mind is not on your study. Half a day after the party, you are still in the aftertaste, yesterday eat that really delicious, yesterday called that classmate really beautiful. Tut tut. It doesn’t smell at all. So if you can still refuse!

3.2 psychological

  • The fear. What if I can’t find a job after studying? What if you don’t know the interview questions? .

A: I experienced this kind of question when I was studying, and I often fell apart when I thought about it. Because human nature had decided to fear, especially in the face of the unknown or the environment, here I can only say that fear is inevitable, but must learn to control the fear rather than controlled by fear, not the family make a phone call to your friend when you talk about, don’t put yourself down half dead, difference Up directly. All you can do now is use that fear to drive yourself to learn, to learn deeply, because you can’t decide whether you get hired or not, and you can’t decide what the interview questions are. All you can decide is to keep learning! Play your cards right.

  • Anxiety. The market is bad right now. Can I get a job? Am I still fit to study technology at 28? What about your family after you drift away? .

Answer: questions about the quotation, during the period of self-study, I have heard that the present stage of primary front is saturated, training standard of training directly to cultivate intermediate, junior can’t go out and find work, economic downturn, at present, the Internet cut around (especially the outbreak of this year, many companies on the dissolution of ~ ~ ~) and so on information. But we can also see some outstanding people, such as the community of God three yuan students, not much introduction, should all know, have not formally graduated has received a number of big factory Offer, with what? You can think about it, right? I also believe that most of the students who have been laid off or can’t find a job are not skilled enough, and they don’t have a continuous input of learning. They still want a high salary. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. What we can do is to hibernate for a period of time and improve ourselves is the key!

  • The ones. How can I not learn this? Am I that bad? .

A: No. I would say that the fact that you have such doubts proves that you are getting into the groove. But their expectations do not match reality, leading to self-doubt and depression. When faced with this kind of problem, you might as well lower your expectations and slow down your learning pace. Nibbling away at the problem.

  • When you encounter difficult problems or complicated feelings, you might as well go for a run and let nature melt away the troubles in your heart. For some time, I ran around the reservoir 5 kilometers away from my home every day. For nothing else, I just wanted to let the wind on the dam and the flowers and plants along the road solve the problems in my heart. Listen to Joe Hisaishi or Sojiro. We might as well leave the problem alone and come back to it. But never give up!

4 the interview

4.1 brush the topic

  • When do you start brushing?

A: At the beginning. The author began to brush questions from the beginning of learning, benefits: one is to let me understand their potential and improve the space is still very big, because just began to make ten wrong ten, can be imagined to improve the “potential” is how big!! Second, it allows me to study with “problems”, with a purpose, this is no longer said. Finally, you can test your learning effect, words not to do the purpose of learning are paper tigers, false. Brushing can give you direct feedback on how well you are learning.

4.2 preliminary surface

  • The road is built on the cliff. What meaning?

A: Be strategic in your interview. The method here is excessive, but very useful. When you want to develop in city A, it is better to send A resume for A week and have A telephone interview for A week in advance according to the recruitment information in city B. So when we go to the real world, we have a lot of experience. Ten phone calls a week is enough to turn you into an interview pro. Sweet.

4.3 pay attention to

  • Introduce yourself.

Keep your introduction to no longer than three minutes and be “focused and story-telling.” Everyone’s situation is different here, but the overall framework remains the same.

  • resume

Make sure the project is familiar to you. The interviewer asks the project mainly about the group work you are responsible for in the project and the problems you meet. How to solve them?

  • Scenario questions

Think, do not rush to answer, have a certain train of thought to answer again. The process of thinking should pay attention to the decomposition method mentioned earlier

  • communication

An interview is not a question and answer session. It’s a networking session. This should pay attention to the guidance of the interviewer, even guide the interviewer. Learn to pace the interview.

  • Why is it not specified here? Because everybody’s condition is different, have a plenty of this year’s unripe, have a plenty of turn a profession, the circumstance is differ, can draw a circle for everybody only. In this free play, so as to show their own characteristics, if I write a template, may use too many people, there will be a problem. I’m the one who scolded you

5 Pass the Probation Period

5.1 Ensure the task progress

  • Project tasks

First of all, ensure the progress of the project and complete the daily tasks on time. Be sure to know the requirements of the product before you start. Don’t panic about your current problems!

  • Meet a problem

If it is a programming problem, you are advised to direct Baidu is better, never without thinking to consult colleagues, betrayed. If it’s a project issue, talk to the product or your team. Remember that your boss wants you to solve problems and get the job done. We can talk about everything else.

5.2 diligence

  • There’s nothing to talk about. It’s over, Ollie.

6 Just getting started

Now that I’m safely past my probation period, things are just beginning. In the middle also took a lot of detours, so now doubly cherish. It’s always a matter of hindsight and experience, but it’s never too late. Because I’m already awake.

Life cannot wait for others to arrange it. It must be fought for. No matter the outcome is happy or sad, you can take comfort in the fact that you have lived your life in this world. With this knowledge, you will appreciate life and not be cynical; At the same time, it will also give people themselves into a powerful inner power. — Lu Yao, Ordinary World

Interview Questions

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What figure?

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