Abstract: While the World Cup is in full bloom, IT people also welcomed the open source event LinuxCon + ContainerCon + CloudOpen China (LC3) Conference. Since last year, LC3 conference began to enter China, at a time when the fire of open source cloud computing is burning more and more in The Chinese technology circle, but also caused more and more international peers to pay close attention to.

In the midst of the World Cup, IT people also welcomed the open source event LinuxCon + ContainerCon + CloudOpen China (LC3) Conference. Since last year, LC3 conference began to enter China, at a time when the fire of open source cloud computing is burning more and more in The Chinese technology circle, but also caused more and more international peers to pay close attention to.

In addition to the classic open source topics, the LC3 conference focused on AI deep learning, blockchain, Serverless, microservices, automatic orchestration and other hot topics of current technology. LC3 conference is hosted by Linux Foundation, which has developed from the initial Linux project to Kubernetes, CNI, Containerd, DPDK, Xen, and several sub-foundations such as CNCF, CF, Hyperledger, and ONAP.

Ali Cloud has always adhered to the compatibility with the community open source standards, such as the first to pass the Kubernetes consistency certification, the first to support Containerd 1.1, provide high-performance network Terway plug-in, support CNI/Helm/Istio and other open source tools, It also supports users to use deep learning frameworks such as Trensorflow/Caffe and Hyperledger blockchain on Aliyun platform. At the same time, Ali Cloud is actively joined a number of international well-known open source organizations, including Linux Foundation, CNCF Cloud Native Foundation, CF Foundation, Free Software Foundation, Apache Software Foundation and Linux Foundation.

Open source drives technological innovation

Open source is undeniably the inevitable trend in basic technology. It has been said that an underlying technology without open source is dead because it is difficult to use widely. The development course of software open source brings great reference value for the people of software industry and non-software industry.

In business, when an open source project is widely used, it can make the whole technology mature very quickly. In the past, it might take three years, five years, even ten years to evolve. Because of the power of open source, it can be done in a few months.

The most well-known open source software is Android. Data shows that 81.7% of people use Android. It is one of the most influential open source software in public life. Without android’s open source, there may not be so many mobile phones and related ISV manufacturers, and it is difficult to predict when such a good mobile Internet ecosystem will be created.

Linux is undoubtedly one of the most successful open source software, no matter from its current ecological construction point of view, or from the industry evaluation, including today’s cloud computing foundation also rely on Linux’s contribution and foundation. Of course, Hadoop, Spark, OpenStack and other open source projects are also very successful. These open source projects are all low-level technologies that support the development of big data and cloud computing today.

Another example is the Redis database ApsaraCache project of Ali Cloud. Before the official open source, it has gone through four years of technical polishing and actual measurement of tens of thousands of production environment instances. Redis founder Salvatore said that the open source ApsaraCache project is a very good thing, will attract more Redis core experts around the world to participate, further improve the stability and usability of the product. At the same time, it also shows that Alibaba has the ability to develop Redis products. We hope that we can work together to improve various functions and features of the products in the future and bring more and better improvements to Redis.

Compiler tool chain from the operating system, database, and then to the Web server, and then to today’s distributed system management projects, deep learning framework and tools, different genre block chain technology, open source technology not only has penetrated into every aspect, but also reflects the technology circle edge direction and focus in the dynamic, to become more vigorous. On the other hand, the expansion of open source will support the business, after all, there are many customers who want the support and value of the business.

The open source power of Chinese enterprises

With the introduction of LC3 into China, IT means that Chinese enterprises have become increasingly important in the field of open source from nothing in the past. Almost all representative enterprises of China’s IT industry are shining in the field of open source, and have become one of the leaders of the open source world from the original claimants. Compared with Europe and the United States, which have decades of history of software development, they are more optimistic about China’s open source environment with late-comer advantages.

One advantage of open source is that Chinese software companies can leverage peer-proven and reliable technology, so they can adopt new technologies faster than their Western counterparts. For Chinese enterprises, what they need to think about is no longer how to cultivate the open source field, but how to stand out in this field.

In fact, Chinese enterprises have already begun to make efforts in open source, catering to the current era of enterprise market explosion, some enterprises have been leading multiple segments. With open and win-win genes, Ali instinctively chose the road of open source. Ali has been actively cooperating with international open source organizations and is an active developer of Linux. Before that, he has submitted more than 290 patches for Linux kernel, making the first contribution among Domestic Internet companies. In GitHub’s latest Organizations Ranking, Chinese company Alibaba has moved up to sixth place with over 150+ open source projects.

The Cloud Conference is a great window into what the Ali family is doing. From cloud habitat conference we can see that Alibaba is determined to go in the road of open source. In 2017, Alibaba Group chief Technology Officer Zhang Jianfeng publicly displayed alibaba open source omnidirectional map at hangzhou Cloud Conference, from 110 to 150 open source projects Star 170000+, from end to cloud to IOT to intelligent full stack technology feedback.

In the open source world, especially in the enterprise market, Chinese enterprises have become the trend leader. Especially with the development of cloud computing, Internet of Things and other emerging technologies, open source is facing challenges as well as unprecedented opportunities. Chinese enterprises are expected to catch up in the new wave of technology, and Aliyun is also moving forward in the open source wave.

See ali Cloud open source matrix from LC3 conference

Ali Cloud technology open source is not to “show muscles” in the industry, but through open source, let more excellent engineers participate in the application of multi-scene progress together. As early as 2012, Alibaba has exploded in cloud open source technology, to take a few classic examples.

RocketMQ, the third generation distributed messaging middleware, opened source in 2012. RocketMQ is responsible for the message flow of Alibaba’s production system behind every transaction made by hundreds of millions of users, and successfully hosted a record peak of 175,000 transactions per second on Singles’ Day in 2016. And ensured that 99.996% of messages fell within 10 milliseconds.

In addition, in the 2016 Cloud Computing Conference, many people witnessed the change of AliSQL code base from “Private” to “Public” on GitHub. Michael Wideneus, the father of MySQL, shook hands with Chu Ba, the father of AliSQL. It reflects the continuous progress of database technology in the process of cloud development.

Last year, Alibaba launched the OpenMessaging project, and the distributed messaging middleware and application development standards in the field of stream processing jointly established by Alibaba, Yahoo, Didi Chuxing and Streamlio have been officially settled in the Linux Foundation, which is also the first international standard in the field of distributed messaging launched globally in China. The standard has an open interface, can connect to other different standards, and can not be limited by programming language, can meet the enterprise’s requirements for scalability, scalability, isolation and security, can provide large-scale industrial support, support the addition of standard reference points and standardized testing.

LC3 conference this year, ali cloud announced officially open source MongoShake data replication platform, the system can cross data center for data replication, top processing QPS of around 500000, makes the cross data center efficient disaster preparedness and live business possible, solve the multiple data centers before deploying disaster preparedness is not flexible, the problem of single point can write, It brings convenience to the business and reduces the pressure of operation and maintenance. Compared with the existing solutions in the industry, it has a strong improvement in functions and performance.

Year after year, Ali Cloud unswervingly walks on the road of open source. As mentioned above, Ali Cloud technology open source is not to “show muscles” in the industry, but to let more excellent engineers participate in the application of multiple scenarios through open source. Progress starts from open source.

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