Faced with piles of complex code every day, I believe that many partners who love programming can not bear the same boring bar! So xiaobian today put some programmers some interesting pictures, to solve the boredom!

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Finally, some suggestions for programmers:

I advise their friends who go on learning technology, don’t take the imperial examination mentality to learn technology, the obsession with technology study is close to, want to master all the technology, in order to let oneself become authorities and experts in the field of technology, to when necessary or in the heart not carefree to online at the rookie, who says he is elder. Technology is just a tool, a tool to survive in a stage of your life. You can like it all your life, but it’s better not to live on it all your life.

Finally, we recommend a Java communication group 626267345, no matter where you are on earth, no matter how many years you work, you are welcome to enter! (The group will provide some free study books collected by the group owner and hundreds of interview questions and answers documents for free!)