LaTex overview

Texpad introduction

Texpad profile

Texpad is a very professional paid LaTeX editor that allows you to focus on projects of any size. When Texpad opens your project, it scans the project for LaTeX structures, commands, and any contained files. Texpad’s elegant single-window design saves you time wasted in a messy multi-window environment.

  • Texpad website

Texpad Basic Settings

Background theme, font and size Settings are as follows:

Texpad use tips

  • In the edit screen or PDF screencommand+clickCan quickly locate the corresponding position
  • Edit the π\ PI π icon in the upper right corner of the screen to find special symbols

Texpad Chinese output

Many people online say that TEXPad is not compatible with Chinese. Through searching various materials, I find the following solutions:

First set the document type to cTexart:


If the display cannot be read, follow the following configuration:


LaTex Basics

The basic structure

The basic function

The blank space

Blank size The width of the code
Two quad Spaces 2m a\qquad b
A quad space 1m a\quad b
Big space 1/3m a\ b
Medium space 2/7m a\; b
Small Spaces 1/6m a\, b
There is no space 0m ab
Close to the -1/6m a\! b

A newline

code The effect
\ \ A newline
\newline A newline
\\[offset] Newline and spacing with the next line is the original line spacing +offset
\linebreak Enforces line breaks and current line scattered alignment


code The effect
% Single-line comments


Multiline comment



Paragraph annotation

Mathematical symbols

  • LaTeX representation of commonly used mathematical symbols

Insert a list

% List % Numbered \begin{enumerate} \item AAA \item BBB \item CCC \end{enumerate} % Unnumbered \begin{itemize} \item AAA \item BBB Item CCC \end{itemize} % With title \begin{description} \item aaa \item BBB \item CCC \end{description}Copy the code

Insert table

Mark: : mark \begin{table}[HTBP] \ Mark % Select {table name} % Number + Begin {tabular}{CCC} % L - left-aligned, r - right-aligned, c - centered, | - vertical bar, | | - two vertical lines, the number of letters on behalf of the number of columns, p} {set width, content exceeds the width of the word wrap \ toprule & index a & 2 & 3 \ \ % & indicators - space \ \ - a newline \ hline - horizontal line Bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \bottomrule \end{tabular} \bottomrule \end{table}Copy the code

Insert the picture

\usepackage{graphicx} \begin{figure}[HTBP] \includegraphics[width=8cm]{image_code.jpg} \end{figure}Copy the code


  • LaTeX inserts references

Excellent tutorials and resources for LaTex

Document resources

  • Liu Haiyang – An Introduction to LaTex

Video resources

  • Liu Haiyang: A Slow Introduction to LaTex

The resources

  • Liu Haiyang – An Introduction to LaTex