This is the 19th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The last Gwen Challenge in 2021

First, address management

1.1 Creating an Address Model and Migrating Files

Run the commandphp artisan make:model Address -m Create table structure in migration file:

Schema::create('addresses'.function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->integer('user_id')->comment('user id');
            $table->integer('city_id')->comment('id in city table');
            $table->string('address')->comment('Full address');
            $table->string('phone')->comment('Mobile phone Number');
            $table->tinyInteger('is_default')->default(0)->comment('Default address 0=> not default, 1=> default');
            $table->index('user_id'); // query the index
Copy the code

Run the commandphp artisan migrate:

1.2 Creating an Address Authentication Class

Run the commandphp artisan make:request Web/AddressRequest:Writing:

    public function rules()
        return [
            'name'= >'required'.'city_id'= > ['required'.function ($attribute.$value.$fail) {
                    $city = City::find($value);
                    if (empty($city)) $fail('Cities don't exist'); },].'address'= >'required'.'phone'= >'required|regex:/^1[3-9]\d{9}$/',]; }/**
     * 提示消息
    public function messages() {
        return [
            'name.required'= >'Consignee required'.'city_id.required'= >'Address cannot be empty'.'address.required'= >'Full address cannot be empty'.'phone.required'= >'Mobile phone number cannot be empty',]; }Copy the code

1.3 Configuring Address transform Create an ADDRESS resource API controller

Configure the model with fields that can be inserted in batches:

    use HasFactory;
    protected $fillable = ['user_id'.'name'.'phone'.'address'.'city_id'.'is_default'];
Copy the code

In the city.php model, write the linkage to find the parent:

    /** * find the parent */
    public function parent() {
        return $this->belongsTo(City::class, 'pid'.'id');
Copy the code

Find the upper-level linkage data according to the area ID in the auxiliary function:

    /** * select * from ** * where */
    if(! function_exists('city_name')) {
        function city_name($city_id) {
            $city = City::where('id'.$city_id)->with('parent.parent.parent')->first();
            // $str = $city['parent']['parent']['parent']['name'] ?? '';
            // $str .= $city['parent']['parent']['name'] ?? '';
            // $str .= $city['parent']['name'] ?? '';
            // $str .= $city['name'] ?? '';
            $str = [ 
                $city['parent'] ['parent'] ['parent'] ['name']????' '.$city['parent'] ['parent'] ['name']????' '.$city['parent'] ['name']????' '.$city['name']????' '

            return trim(implode(' '.$str)); }}Copy the code

Create addresstransform.php and say:


namespace App\Transformers;

use App\Models\Address;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;

class AddressTransformer extends TransformerAbstract {
    public function transform(Address $address) {
        return [ 
            'id'= >$address->id,
            'name'= >$address->name,
            'city_id'= >$address->city_id,
            'city_name' => city_name($address->city_id),
            'phone'= >$address->phone,
            'address'= >$address->address,
            'is_default'= >$address->is_default,
            'created_at'= >$address->created_at,
            'updated_at'= >$address->updated_at, ]; }}Copy the code

Run the commandphp artisan make:controller Web/AddressController --api Write add delete change check and whether the default method:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Web;

use App\Http\Controllers\BaseController;
use App\Http\Requests\Web\AddressRequest;
use App\Models\Address;
use App\Transformers\AddressTransformer;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

class AddressController extends BaseController
    /** * my address list */
    public function index()
        $address = Address::where('user_id', auth('api')->id())->get();
        return $this->response->collection($ AddressTransformer());

    /** * Add address */
    public function store(AddressRequest $request)
            'user_id' => auth('api')->id(),
            'name'= >$request->input('name'),
            'phone'= >$request->input('phone'),
            'address'= >$request->input('address'),
            'city_id'= >$request->input('city_id'),]);return $this->response->created();

    /** * Address details */
    public function show(Address $address)
        return $this->response->item($ AddressTransformer());

    /** * update the address */
    public function update(AddressRequest $request, Address $address)
            'user_id' => auth('api')->id(),
            'name'= >$request->input('name'),
            'phone'= >$request->input('phone'),
            'address'= >$request->input('address'),
            'city_id'= >$request->input('city_id'),
            'is_default'= >$request->input('is_default')]);return $this->response->noContent();

     * 删除地址
    public function destroy(Address $address)
        return $this->response->noContent();

    /** * Default address */
    public function isDefault(Address $address)
        if ($address->is_default == 1) { 
            return $this->response->noContent(); // If the address has been changed to the default address, it is returned directly
        try {
            DB::beginTransaction(); // Start things to prevent one setting from succeeding and the other from failing
            // Set all addresses to non-default
            $default_address = Address::where('user_id', auth('api')->id())
            if (!empty($default_address)) {
                $default_address->is_default = 0;
            // Set the current setting to default
            $address->is_default = 1;
            return $this->response->noContent();
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw $e; }}}Copy the code

1.4 Configuring Address Routing

 // Add, delete, and check the address
        $api->resource('address', AddressController::class);
        // Set the default address
        $api->patch('address/{address}/default', [AddressController::class, 'isDefault']);
Copy the code

1.5 Order address modification

Because there is no API related to address writing before, the address block is simulated fake data, now modify it:

// Address data
        $address = Address::where('user_id', auth('api')->id())

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Another place to verify that the address exists when submitting an order is:

'address_id'= >'required|exixts:addresses,id'
Copy the code

1.6 Test Effect

1. Add an address

2. Address list

3. Change the IP address

4. Address details5. Delete the address6. Set the default address

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