“This is the 27th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. See details of the event: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021”

In my last post, I shared a common Laravel utility class that I encapsulated and received several comments like this

Laravel can request()-> IP () directly to obtain the IP, and laravel has a plugin for Carbon to manipulate the time, and a Str::random() method to generate random strings.

What digg friends said made a lot of sense, and I reflected on it. In order to minimize this kind of thing, I should be familiar with Laravel’s common commands, familiar with the built-in functions of the framework, and avoid repeated wheel building and repeated encapsulation.

Here are some of the common commands I’ve compiled

Common commands


PHP artisan --help OR -h // Print the version information of Laravel PHP artisan --version OR -v // Force the output of PHP artisan in ANSI format PHP artisan list // Cache view files for efficiency PHP artisan view:cache // Clear view file cache  php artisan view:clearCopy the code


Create a project

composer create-project laravel/laravel folder_name
Copy the code

Global installation

composer require global vendor/packages
Copy the code

List all extensions including version information

composer show
Copy the code


Check whether the current environment is Local

if (app()->environment('local')){}
Copy the code

Check whether the environment is Local or test…

if (app()->environment(['local', 'test'])){}
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The second argument supports passing in arrays without the need to concatenate data into the first argument via json_encode()

Log::info('info',array('context'=>'additional info'));
Copy the code

Obtain monolog instances

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Adding listeners

Log::listen(function($level, $message, $context) {});
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SQL query statement

Open the log

Copy the code

Gets an array of executed queries

Copy the code


Returns the IP address of the user

Copy the code

Access to the Url: xxx.com/a/b

Copy the code

Get the Uri: xxx.com/a/b/?c=d

Copy the code

Get the original POST data

Copy the code

Welcome to the interactive

What common commands are welcome to discuss in the comments section

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The last

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