In this paper, we address a confusion in their study and work: k8s of Pod/ReplicaSet/Deployment/Service what’s the relationship between these resources.

Relationships between resources

1) Pod is the smallest scheduling unit. Pod starts and stops container images, etc. 2) THE Pod is controlled by ReplicaSet, which is controlled by Deployment, and the external provider is Service.

RS – > Pod

Check the Pod:

$ kubectl get pods

Check the RS:

$ kubectl get rs

View Pod details:

$ kubectl describe pods pod_name

kubectl describe pods pod_name
Controlled By
Pod is controlled by RS

Deployment – > RS

Check the RS:

$ kubectl get rs

Check the Deployment:

$ kubectl get deploy

To view RS details:

$ kubectl describe rs rs_name

kubectl describe rs rs_name
Controlled By
RS is controlled by Deployment
kubectl describe deploy deploy_name
Controlled By

Reference books: K8S in Action, Kubernetes Definitive Guide