This is the 9th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Six POD configuration list

6.1 Pods. metadata POD Metadata

6.1.1 labels tag

  • Labels define labels, labels made up of key-value pairs
    app: myapp
    tier: frontend
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6.2 the pods. The spec specification

6.2.1 nodeName Running node

  • When defining a POD with a resource manifest, nodeName is used to directly bind the node on which pod the resource object runs
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-deme
  namespace: default
    app: myapp
    tier: frontend
  nodeName: node2                           # directly specify the node on which the POD will run
  - name: myapp
    image: ikubernetes/myapp:v1
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
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6.2.2 nodeSelector Node Selection

  • When defining a POD using a resource list, use the nodeSelector field to define the node’s orientation
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-deme
  namespace: default
    app: myapp
    tier: frontend
  nodeSelector:                            Define the node orientation of this POD in the spec
  	disktype: ssd                         The POD will eventually run on Nodes with a diskType tag and a value of SSD
  - name: myapp
    image: ikubernetes/myapp:v1
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
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  • Start the POD from the file and look at the node on which the POD is running. It is already running on the tagged node
kubectl create -f pod-demo.yaml
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kubectl get pods -o wide
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6.2.3 restartPolicy POD restartPolicy

Always: Whenever a container hangs, Always restart it. K8s restarts twice as many times as 30 seconds each time until waiting 300 seconds to restart.

OnFailure: Restart it only if its status is wrong

Never: Never restarts

Once a POD is scheduled on a node, it will not be rescheduled as long as the node is there. It will only be restarted unless the POD is deleted or the node hangs. Otherwise, the POD will not be rescheduled as long as the node is there. If the POD fails to start, the POD will be repeatedly restarted.Copy the code
When the POD needs to be terminated, k8S is sentkill-15 signal, let the container smoothly terminate, wait for a 30-second grace period, if not terminate, then sendkillsignalCopy the code

6.2.4 hostNetwork hostNetwork space

Use a Boolean value to specify whether to let POD use the host’s network namespace

6.2.5 hostPID PID space of a host

Use a Boolean value to specify whether to make POD use the PID namespace of the host

6.2.6 containers configuration

kubectl explain pods.spec.containers

Containers <[]Object>, indicating that its value is an array. The array uses the way objects are used to describe a container, which can have the following parameters:

  • The available parameters
parameter role
env Pass environment variables to the container
  • Sample configuration
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-deme                     # the name of pod
  namespace: default
    app: myapp
    tier: frontend
    - name: myapp                      The name of the container to run
      image: ikubernetes/myapp:v1      # mirror of container
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent    Policy for getting images from the repository
      ports:                           Define the port where the container leaks
    - name: busybox
      image: busybox:latest
        - "/bin/sh"
        - "-c"
        - "sleep 10"
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  • ImagePullPolicy Policy for obtaining images. For details, see:kubectl explain pods.spec.containers
Always            Always download from the repository
Never             # Never download, local have use, no fail
IfNotPresent      # Use it if it exists locally, download it if it doesn't
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If the label is Latest, always download from the repository Ports Port Information

  • Ports define the container to protect exposure, see:kubectl explain pods.spec.containers.ports

The port exposed here provides the system with information about the container’s network connection, but it is primarily informational. There is no specified port here and it does not prevent the container from exposing this port. Any port in the container listening for address is accessible from the network

    ports:                    Define two port objects, one HTTP and one HTTPS
    - name: http              Define the name of this port so that other objects can reference it
      containerPort: 80       # port
    - name: https             # easy to reference the name
      containerPort: 443      # This port number is only used for informational purposes, so it is easy to view and use name references
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  • Use Pod fields
        - name: MY_NODE_NAME
              fieldPath: spec.nodeName
        - name: MY_POD_NAME
        - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: MY_POD_IP
              fieldPath: status.podIP
        - name: MY_POD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
              fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
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  • Use Container fields
        - name: MY_CPU_REQUEST
              containerName: test-container
              resource: requests.cpu
        - name: MY_CPU_LIMIT
              containerName: test-container
              resource: limits.cpu
        - name: MY_MEM_REQUEST
              containerName: test-container
              resource: requests.memory
        - name: MY_MEM_LIMIT
              containerName: test-container
              resource: limits.memory
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Get in the container POD The information of

You can use environment variables
You can use downwardAPI
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  • Command defines the program that the container runs. See:

Kubernetes. IO/docs/tasks /…

An entryPoint array command does not run in the Shell. If you want to run it in the Shell, you need to fill it in. If you do not provide this command, you will run entryPoint in the Docker image.

Image Entrypoint Image Cmd Container command Container args Command run
[/ep-1] [foo bar] [ep-1 foo bar]
[/ep-1] [foo bar] [/ep-2] [ep-2]
[/ep-1] [foo bar] [zoo boo] [ep-1 zoo boo]
[/ep-1] [foo bar] [/ep-2] [zoo boo] [ep-2 zoo boo] args CMD

  • Args passes parameters to command

If you do not define args and there are ENTRYPOINT directives and CMD directives in the image, the image’s own CMD will be passed to ENTRYPOINT as an argument. If args is specified manually, the CMD field in the image is no longer passed as a parameter.

If you reference a variable in arGS, you need to use $(VAR_NAME) to reference a variable. If you don’t want to do command substitution here, you can use $$(VAR_NAME) to escape and use it in the container.

- name: MESSAGE
  value: "hello kaliarch"
command: ["/bin/echo"]
args: ["$(MESSAGE)"]
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Annotations Annotations

Annotations differ from label in that they cannot be used to pick resource objects. They only provide metadata for objects, and their length is not limited

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-deme
  namespace: default
    app: myapp
    tier: frontend
  annotations:                                      # Annotate keywords
    kaliarch/created-by: "xuel"                     Add resource annotations for key-value pairs
  - name: myapp
    image: ikubernetes/myapp:v1
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
Copy the code POD Life Cycle

  • The general state of
Pending: Created but no node suitable for it, scheduled but not yet completed Running: Failed: Failed: Succeed: This state is short Unkown: Unknown state that Apiserver will be in if it fails to communicate with KubeletCopy the code
  • Create POD phase

The user’s creation request is submitted to Apiserver, which stores the target state of the request in ETCD. Apiserver then requests Schedule for scheduling and updates the result of scheduling into THE POD state of ETCD. Then once saved in etCD and updated schedule, kubelet of the target node will know from the state change of ETCD that it has a new task for itself, so it will get the target state of the resource list that the user wants. Run the POD on the current node according to the list. If the creation succeeds or fails, The result is sent back to apiserver, which again stores it in etCD. livenessProbe storage activity detection

Detailed see: kubectl explain the pods. Spec. Containers. LivenessProbe

  • LivenessProbe/readinessProbe are two k8S lifecycles, both of which can define probes to detect container states and react differently
livenessProbe     Indicates whether the container is running. If the survival probe fails, restart is performed according to the restartPolicy
readinessProbe    Indicates whether the container is ready to service the request. If the ready probe fails, the endpoint controller removes the Pod's IP address from the endpoints of all services that match the Pod
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  • LivenessProbe/readinessProbe Available probes and probe properties. Only one type of probe can be defined, for example: HTTPGetAction
exec          Execute the specified command in the container. If the return code is 0, the diagnosis is successful.
tcpSocket     TCP checks the container IP address on the specified port. If the port is open, the diagnosis is considered successful.
httpGet       # HTTP GET requests to specify ports and containers on paths. If the response code is greater than or equal to 200 and less than 400, the diagnosis is considered successful.
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failureThreshold    A probe must be tested several times before it is deemed to have failed.
periodSeconds       The interval of each probe cycle.
timeoutSeconds      Timeout to wait for results after each probe is issued. Default is 1 second.
initalDelaySeconds  How long to delay probing after the container is started. Default is probing immediately after the container is started.
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  • Using the Exec probe, the experiment should result in POD showing ERROR after 39 seconds, but not automatically restarting POD
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: execlive
  namespace: default
    app: myapp
    tier: frontend
    - name: busybox
      image: busybox
        - "/bin/sh"
        - "-c"
        - "touch /tmp/healthy; sleep 30; rm -rf /tmp/healthy; sleep 3600"    Create a file wait 30 seconds, the time probe should be successful, 30 seconds after the failure
      livenessProbe:                                   If the container fails, restart the POD according to restartPolicy
        exec:                                          # exec type probe that enters the container to execute a command
          command: ["test"."-e" ,"/tmp/healthy"]      Run the following command to test file existence
        initialDelaySeconds: 2                         # how long to delay probing after the container is started
        periodSeconds: 3                               The interval of each detection cycle is 3 seconds
        failureThreshold: 3                            # 3 failures will be judged as failure of container detection
  restartPolicy: Never                                 Whether to restart POD when detecting container failure
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  • Using the httpGet probe, the experimental results should be about 40 seconds after the detection of survivability fails and the POD automatically restarts, with the first restart immediately followed by a doubling of 30 seconds to 300 seconds.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: httpgetlive
  namespace: default
    app: myapp
    tier: frontend
    - name: nginx
      image: ikubernetes/myapp:v1
        - name: http
          containerPort: 80
        - name: https
          containerPort: 443
      livenessProbe:                   If the container fails, restart the POD according to restartPolicy
        httpGet:                       # httpget probe
          path: /error.html            # probe page, for effect this page does not exist
          port: http                   Port to probe, using a name to reference the container's port
          httpHeaders:                 Set the request header when # httpget
            - name: X-Custom-Header
              value: Awesome
        initialDelaySeconds: 15        # how long to delay probing after the container is started
        timeoutSeconds: 1              # How long to wait for results per probe
  restartPolicy: Always                Whether to restart POD when detecting container failure
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For example, if a container is running Tomcat and Tomcat expands the WAR package, the deployment may take a long time to complete. By default, K8S will mark the read state when the container is started and receive service scheduling requests. However, when the container is started, It does not mean that Tomcat has been successfully run. Therefore, readinessProbe is required for readiness detection to determine whether the service can be accessed.

  • LivenessProbe/readinessProbe The available probes have the same properties as the probes. Only one type of probe can be defined, for example, HTTPGetAction
livenessProbe     Indicates whether the container is running. If the survival probe fails, restart is performed according to the restartPolicy
readinessProbe    Indicates whether the container is ready to service the request. If the ready probe fails, the endpoint controller removes the Pod's IP address from the endpoints of all services that match the Pod
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  • Using the httpGet probe, the experimental results should be about 40 seconds after the detection of survivability fails and the POD automatically restarts, with the first restart immediately followed by a doubling of 30 seconds to 300 seconds.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: httpgetread
  namespace: default
    app: myapp
    tier: frontend
    - name: nginx
      image: ikubernetes/myapp:v1
        - name: http
          containerPort: 80
        - name: https
          containerPort: 443
      livenessProbe:                   If the container fails, restart the POD according to restartPolicy
        httpGet:                       # httpget probe
          path: /error.html            # probe page, for effect this page does not exist
          port: http                   Port to probe, using a name to reference the container's port
          httpHeaders:                 Set the request header when # httpget
            - name: X-Custom-Header
              value: Awesome
        initialDelaySeconds: 15        # how long to delay probing after the container is started
        timeoutSeconds: 1              # How long to wait for results per probe
  restartPolicy: Always                Whether to restart POD when detecting container failure
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  • Manually enter the container and remove index.html to trigger the readiness probe
kubectl exec -it httpgetread -- /bin/sh
$ rm -f /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
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  • As a result, the POD’s READY state has become unready, and the Service will no longer be scheduled to this node
[root@node1 ~]# kubectl get pods -w
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
httpgetread                     0/1     Running   0          2m50s
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  • Create another file inside the container to trigger the readiness probe
kubectl exec -it httpgetread -- /bin/sh
$ echo "hello worlld" >>/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
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  • The result is that the POD is programmed to be READY, and the Service will be scheduled to this node
[root@node1 ~]# kubectl get pods -w
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
httpgetread                     1/1     Running   0          8m15s
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See: kubectl explain the pods. Spec. Containers. The lifecycle

postStart           # command to execute immediately after the container is started. If this operation fails, the container terminates and restarts according to the restartPolicy
preStop             Command to execute immediately before the container terminates
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  • Basic use of postStart/preStop
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: lifecycle-demo
  - name: lifecycle-demo-container
    image: nginx

          command: ["/bin/sh"."-c"."echo Hello from the postStart handler > /usr/share/message"]
          command: ["/usr/sbin/nginx"."-s"."quit"]
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POD controller

The POD managed by the controller can be realized and the number of POD copies can be maintained automatically. It can realize the expansion and reduction of POD, but it cannot realize advanced functions such as rolling update.

The name of the role
ReplicationController The original K8S only has this kind of controller, which is now close to being abandoned
ReplicaSet Create a specified number of POD copies on behalf of the user, and also support scaling, known as the new generation of ReplicationController. It mainly consists of 3 indicators: 1. Copy of POD desired by users; 2. Label selector to determine whether POD is managed by itself; 3. If there are not enough REPLICas of pods, create a POD from the POD template, but generally we don’t use ReplicaSet directly.
Deployment Deployment implements its functions by controlling ReplicaSet. Besides scale-up of ReplicaSet, Deployment also supports rolling update and rollback, etc. It also provides declarative configuration, which is the most commonly used controller in our daily life. It is used to manage stateless applications.
DaemonSet This controller is used to ensure that only one POD is running on each node in the cluster, and that any new nodes automatically run the POD, so there is no need to define the number of pods to run, just the label selector and POD template. So you can run only one POD copy on a node selected according to the label selector.
Job After performing a one-time task, such as database backup, and exiting normally, the POD will not be started again unless the task terminates abnormally.
CronJob Perform periodic tasks
StatefulSet Manage stateful POD, but need to write scripts for each different stateful application to complete the management of stateful service, in order to solve the problem that StatefulSet is not convenient to write stateful application management. K8s also provides A YUM-like way to install a stateful application from the Helm marketplace.


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