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A static method

To define static methods in Java, you simply add static before the method.

There are four methods in Kotlin: object singleton, Companion Object (which can write static methods locally), JvmStatic annotations, and top-level functions.

1.1 the object

Classes decorated with object, which are actually singletons, are called by the class name and method directly in Kotlin.

object Util {
    fun doAction(a){
        Log.v("TAG"."doAction")}}/ / in the kotlin calls

// Calling INSTANCE in Java is a singleton class for Util
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1.2 companion object

Methods modified with the Companion Object can also be added by class name. Directly, but in this case through the companion object. It works by creating a companion class in the original class, and Kotlin guarantees that the companion class has only one object.

class Util{
    // This is where the singleton class can be called
    companion object {
        fun doAction(a){
            Log.v("TAG"."doAction")}}// Here is the normal method
    fun doAction2(a){
        Log.v("TAG"."doAction")}}/ / kotlin calls

// Java calls, Companion is a singleton class
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1.3 @ JvmStatic annotation

Annotate the methods of a singleton class (object) and associated objects with @jVMStatic, and the compiler compiles these methods into true static methods.

Note: JvmStatic can only be commented on methods in singleton classes or Companion Objects.

class Util{
    // This is where the singleton class can be called
    companion object {
        fun doAction(a){
            Log.v("TAG"."doAction")}}// Here is the normal method
    fun doAction2(a){
        Log.v("TAG"."doAction")}}// call in kotlin
// Calls in Java become true singleton classes
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1.4 Top-level Method

Top-level functions are those that are not defined in any class. Just write them on the outer layer of any class. Kotlin compiles all top-level functions into static methods that can be called directly from anywhere.

// Outside the class
fun doAction(a){}class Util {}// Kotlin call method
// Java call method, true static method
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Infix function

The infix function modifies the syntax of function calls.

For example, A to B is equal to (B).

How to do it: Add infix in front of the function.

Restrictions: 1. Cannot be a top-level function; 2. 2. Only one parameter can be configured.


infix fun String.beginsWith(p:String) = startsWith(p)
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Simplify common apis with higher-order functions

The apply function simplifies intent.putextra ():

 fun SharedPreferences.Editor. () - >Unit) {
        valEditor = edit() editor.block() editor.apply()}"user", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).open {
            putBoolean("graduated".false)}Copy the code

Simplify the SharedPreferences:

 fun SharedPreferences.Editor. () - >Unit) {
        valEditor = edit() editor.block() editor.apply()}"user", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).open {
            putBoolean("graduated".false)}Copy the code

Simplify the ContentValues:

fun cvOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any? >) =  ContentValues().apply {
        for(pair in pairs){
            val key = pair.first
            val value = pair.second
                is Int -> put(key, value)
                is Long -> put(key, value)
                is Short -> put(key, value)
                is Float -> put(key, value)
                is Double -> put(key, value)
                is Boolean -> put(key, value)
                is String -> put(key, value)
                is Byte -> put(key, value)
                is ByteArray -> put(key, value)
                null -> putNull(key)
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The lazy loading technique implements lazy():

  fun <T> later(block: () -> T) = Later(block)
    class Later<T>(val block: () -> T){
        var value: Any? = null
        operator fun getValue(any: Any? , prop:KProperty< * >): T{
            if (value == null){
                value = block
            return value asT}} use:val haha:String by later {
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Generic implementations simplify startActivity() with an intent pass:

    inline fun <reified T> startActivity(context: Context, block: Intent. () - >Unit){
        val intent = Intent(context, intent.block() context.startActivity(intent)}this){
        putExtra("hahaaaa"."1111")}Copy the code

The maximum value and minimum value of the simplified N number:

   fun <T : Comparator<T>> MyMax(vararg nums: T): T{
        if (nums.isEmpty()) throw RuntimeException("params can not be empty")
        var maxNum = nums[0]
        for (num in nums){
            if (num > maxNum){
                maxNum = num
        returnMaxNum} uses:val a = 1
        val b = 3
        val c = 2
        val largest = MyMax(a,b,c)
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Simplify the Toast:

    fun String.showToast(context: Context, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT){
        Toast.makeText(context, this, duration).show()
    fun Int.showToast(context: Context, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT){
        Toast.makeText(context, this, duration).show()}"ahah".showToast(this, Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
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Simplify the Snackbar:

fun View.showSnackbar(text: String, actionText: String? =null, duration: Int = Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT, block: (() -> Unit)? =null){
        val snackbar = Snackbar.make(this, text, duration)
        if(actionText ! =null&& block ! =null){
    fun View.showSnackbar(text: String, actionResId: Int? =null, duration: Int = Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT, block: (() -> Unit)? =null){
        val snackbar = Snackbar.make(this, text, duration)
        if(actionResId ! =null&& block ! =null){
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