Have you ever thought about replacing the Java programming language with another language? Well, Kotlin is a controversial choice. While it remains to be seen whether programming languages can overcome Java with application developers, it is another option to consider.

When we talk about mobile application development, Android application developers are still confused about which platform is the “right” choice between Kotlin and Java. When you compare the functionality between Kotlin and Java, it’s clear to me that Kotlin wins a clear victory because it’s simple, clean and has no code.

Let’s take a look at some of Kotlin’s features to clear up any doubts about the language and why developers are considering it for their next project.

Full Java interoperability

One of the main conveniences associated with Kotlin is its Compatibility with Java. Developers can use all of Java’s tools and frameworks and add them to Kotlin projects without changing the entire project in Java. Kotlin’s interoperability with Java can be a major selling point for developers, since migrating the entire project from Java requires no additional effort.

More concise

Unlike Java, where bug fixes typically require a lot of code, Kotlin uses fewer lines of code to solve the problem. With proper programming, developers using Kotlin will see more solid code on the UX side with fewer bugs and crashes.

Kotlin consists of intelligent transformations, data classes, type interfaces, and attributes that are easy to maintain, read, and make necessary changes to projects.

Protected code

When you compare Kotlin to Java code, Kotlin is much more compact and clear. Therefore, a small amount of code can also add a layer of security to your application development. Less code reduces code errors and prevents common programming errors, reduces crashes and reduces system failures.

Developers are always encouraged to consider potential problems in their code early in the development process. However, this is not always an easy task when you program in Java. Kotlin developers can more easily identify potential problem areas early in the programming phase and write more careful code to mitigate these problems before they occur. Intelligent and secure compiler

When Kotlin was created, one of its main goals was to include a powerful compiler for developers to use. A compiler is a crucial element in any programming language because it helps detect errors at compile time, not at run time, taking advantage of the “fail fast” principle. Also, the compiler performs multiple checks, potentially reducing the number of runtime errors and errors in the code.

Easy to maintain

I wouldn’t consider Kotlin a “one-stop language” for all application development, but it does provide support for most ides and Android Studio. Developers can choose to continue with their preferred development environment or use their preferred tool to test any other supported tool to maintain their large code base.

Increase productivity

Kotlin was created with developer productivity in mind. Kotlin focuses on clean design and intuitive syntax to help developers write new code in less time than other programming languages. It also ensures that code can be rapidly deployed and maintained on a large scale. The language also has other useful features, such as object declarations, parameter values, and extension capabilities.

Carefully weigh the pros and cons of Kotlin and Java to suit your development needs and consider whether it makes sense for future projects.