At the beginning of this article, let’s make a summary. What do we need to do

There may be references to other articles in this article, so please let me know if you are offended

  • Build the project
  • Familiar with directory structure, code writing specification
  • Database installation and use
  • Database configuration file
  • Interface to write
  1. We need to build a KOA project quickly, NPM install koa-generator-g then execute koa2 my-project to create our own project then go to the project directory and download the dependencies. NPM install is there and we can run the project NPM start to this project generation is complete http://localhost:3000/

2. What should we do next when the project is set up? Should be need to be familiar with the directory structure, do not know may have a look of…

3. I think the most important thing is the database

I learn node most let me be interested in the database should be related to the content, I do not know what you think?

I’m using the mysql download address… Note that there is a problem with installation-free packages

Go to Download -> Extract -> Install

Once installed, you can use the command line to operate your local database

Navicat Premium 15 can be combined with graphical tools to easily view your database

The next step is to connect to the database

Start by creating a config folder under the directory

├─ config │ ├─ ├─ default. Js Database configuration information │ ├─ mysql.js SQL query as method for calling │ ├─ sql.js as SQL statement

Database: {database: 'XXX ', USERNAME:' XXX ', PASSWORD: 'XXX ', port: '3306', HOST: WxConfig :{APPID: ", AppSecret: "}} module.exports = configCopy the code

Call it using the js method in the Router file

const query = require(".. /config/mysql.js"); Const {SHOW_ALL_DB,QUERY_DATAS} = require(".. /config/sql.js"); Router.get ('/', async (CTX, next) => {let query_res = await query(QUERY_DATAS('nideshop_region')); Ctx. body = query_res; })Copy the code

In this way, I can happily write API. The original intention of writing this article is to help myself familiar with it, as well as to help my friends who have just learned it, and write it is not very good. In the follow-up update, there are better methods