With the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, AI is now an important field that many Internet giants are trying their best to enter. Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei. In terms of pig raising, there are jingdong’s “pig face recognition”, Ali’s “ET Pig Raising” and netease’s “Live Pig Raising”. Now Huawei also has a “smart pig raising” AI scheme. The pig farming system provides dashboard monitoring, big data analysis, digital management, AI recognition, AI learning, AI prediction, AI decision-making, etc. It also realizes full sensing monitoring, robot inspection and automatic/remote control through standardization and programming.

(Photo from Internet)

Huawei AI undoubtedly pokes into the pain point of traditional pig farming. For the traditional pig, artificial feeding, human industrial temperature control, humidity control, artificial patrol and also have pathology and reproductive knowledge, the management process is complex, time-consuming and artificial energy consumption, and the effect is certain to be good; Huawei AI pig raising realizes automation and intelligent control of the whole process of pig raising through big data analysis. Through AI recognition, it can identify whether pigs are full, pregnant, sick and so on for accurate guidance; Through AI decision making, guidance can be given based on relevant knowledge/data. For example, when a pig is sick, AI can give specific treatment plan through cognition of pathological knowledge map. For example, if you are pregnant, the AI will give you a nursing solution based on the knowledge graph. With the help of AI, pig raising has become a trivial matter that can be solved by drinking tea and chatting, greatly improving production efficiency, and realizing the traceability system from pig farm to table, so that consumers can eat meat with ease.

In summary, AI makes raising pigs easier, and what empowers AI cognition and decision making is the knowledge graph. Knowledge graph is a large-scale semantic network that uses graph model to describe knowledge and model the relationship between all things in the world. It helps machines to understand, explain and reason, and is the bottom support of cognitive intelligence. Therefore, knowledge graph is the key to push AI from perceptual intelligence to cognitive intelligence and from weak ARTIFICIAL intelligence to strong artificial intelligence.

From perceptual intelligence to cognitive intelligence

According to the different stages of ai problem solving, the development process of AI can be divided into: computational intelligence, perceptual intelligence, cognitive intelligence and consciousness intelligence.

In the stage of perceptual intelligence, the important performance of a machine is to be able to (see) listen, which mainly depends on machine vision and speech recognition. In Huawei’s AI pig raising scheme, it is not difficult to see that the machine carries out perceptual monitoring and remote and automatic control through big data analysis and AI recognition.

(Photo from Internet)

However, being able to hear and see does not mean that artificial intelligence has the function of thinking and understanding like the human brain. In the stage of cognitive intelligence, it is necessary to make the machine have the ability of cognition, reasoning and decision-making.

Knowledge can expand machine cognition, understanding and decision making, but machines can not directly recognize knowledge, but can recognize knowledge map, therefore, knowledge map becomes an important solution to broaden AI intelligence.

EpiK decentralized knowledge Graph comes to the fore

Huawei AI raises pigs, and the role of the knowledge graph is self-evident. The knowledge graph is now nearly 20 years old as an infrastructure for AI. The knowledge graph will be the key to open the door of AI cognitive intelligence.

EpiK is making every effort to build a decentralized knowledge map collaboration platform with the help of blockchain technology, in order to build human knowledge base and comprehensively broaden AI cognitive intelligence.

With the help of excellent blockchain achievements such as IPFS, DeFi, token economy and DAO, EpiK has built a knowledge ecosystem from the perspectives of community governance, ecological incentives, ecological storage and token trading constructed by the knowledge graph. EpiK has four core capabilities: Trusted storage (Filecoin), trusted incentives (Token), trusted governance (DAO), and trusted finance (DeFi) lay a solid ecological foundation for transforming human knowledge into knowledge maps.

At the same time, EpiK is collaborating with Tsinghua University, OpenKG, Wall Data, Niuxitol and other research institutions to build the knowledge base of the future knowledge Graph. Meanwhile, EpiK also has business cooperation with enterprises in various fields, including medical institutions, e-commerce, and health, to empower enterprise AI applications.

Archimedes said, “Give me a fulcrum, and I will lift the earth.” For artificial intelligence, knowledge map is the fulcrum to cognitive intelligence. By building the human knowledge base, EpiK is poised for the future of artificial intelligence.