Here is a tutorial to install and use Neo4j on Windows system, ubanTU and MAC tutorials please baidu to go.

Download and install Neo4j

  • Neo4j is a graphical database based on Java. To run Neo4j, you need to start the JVM process, so you must install Java SE JDK. Download the Java SE JDK from the Oracle website. The current version is JDK8.

  • 2. Download the Neo4j installation file. Download the latest Neo4j 3.2 Community version: Neo4J-community-3.2.0-Windows. Zip to the home directory, D:\Program Files\neo4j-community-3.2. The Neo4j application has the following main directory structure:

    • Bin directory: an executable used to store Neo4j;
    • Conf directory: configuration file used to control Neo4j startup;
    • Data directory: used to store core database files;
    • Plugins directory: plugins used to store Neo4j;
  • 3. Create system environment variables. Create the home directory environment variable NEO4J_HOME and set the home directory to the value of the variable.

2. Start the Neo4j program

  • 1. Start the Neo4j program through the console. Click the combination key: Windows+R, enter CMD, start the DOS command line window, switch to the home directory, and run the command: neo4j.bat console as the administrator

  • 2, install and uninstall Neo4j install-service: bin\ Neo4j install-service

  • 3. Neo4j uses other commands to start, stop, restart, and query the service status: bin\ Neo4j start bin\ Neo4j stop bin\ Neo4j restart bin\ Neo4j status

3. Open neo4J-Web test service

  • The Neo4j server has an integrated browser that accesses http://localhost:7474/ on a running server instance, opens the browser, and displays the startup page

  • The default host is bolt://localhost:7687, the default user is neo4j, its default password is: neo4j, after the first successful login to the neo4j server, you need to reset the password.

  • When you see the main screen, you can use it normally.



The next article

3-3. Cypher and its grammar