【 Abstract 】 Walt Whitman once said, “Keep your face always to the sunshine and the shadows will pass you by.”

On September 23, Huawei HC 2020 Fully Connected Conference opened, which is another blockbuster conference of Huawei after the Developer Conference. Huawei rotating chairman Guo Ping attended and delivered a keynote speech entitled “5 Machines” collaboration to create new value in the industry “. He said in the speech that the United States has brought great pressure to Huawei, and survival is the main line of Huawei.

He also quoted Dumas as saying: “All human wisdom is contained in two words: wait and hope.” CEO ren zhengfei, huawei has visited Peking University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said huawei will cooperate with domestic scientific research institutions on the basis of theoretical research, and promote to yield more significant scientific research achievements, dare to be upward tong skyshatter, go to the international forefront, down to the root, make the motive force of the basic education and basic research into innovation. ‘Extremely difficult external conditions will push us to the top of the world,’ Mr. Ren said.

Guo also shared huawei’s phased progress and business strategy in connectivity, computing, cloud and AI. Over the past few years, Huawei has completed a certain amount of technology accumulation in the ICT field, he said. Next, scenario-based solutions will be provided according to different needs to help enterprises achieve commercial success and governments achieve prosperity, benefit the people and good governance. Connectivity, computing, cloud, AI and industry applications will represent five significant opportunities across the industry. We hope to create new value of the industry together with our partners through “5 machines” cooperation.

The following is the full text of the speech:

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends online, hello!

First of all, on behalf of Huawei, I would like to welcome all of you to Huawei Fully Connected 2020 and take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you, old and new friends, for your continued support of Huawei.

This is the fifth year that we have been together in Shanghai. In 2017, we proposed to be one of the five clouds in the world. In 2018, Huawei released its AI strategy and elaborated its computing strategy comprehensively. This year, 5G has been deployed on a global scale. These five technologies and five opportunities have come together in an unprecedented way. Today, the theme of my speech is “five machines” to create new value in the industry.

As you all know, Huawei is in great difficulty. Continuous suppression, to our business has brought great pressure, survival is our main line. Dumas once said, “All human wisdom is contained in two words: wait and hope.” We see the ICT industry is facing huge development opportunities, as governments and enterprises are fully engaged in digitization and intelligence. Huawei hopes to open a new chapter with its partners.

We see that digital economy is the main theme of economic growth. The Oxford Economics report shows that digital economy has long been the main engine of growth, not only the growth of the digital industry itself, but also the digital growth of the industry brought by digital technology. One yuan of digital technology investment can bring three yuan of digital growth of the industry. In China, for example, the added value of the digital economy accounted for about one-third of GDP last year, but contributed two-thirds of China’s growth. We are seeing new demands from governments and businesses to go digital.

In Huawei’s view, the digital economy is based on connectivity and computing. 5G and the Internet of Things are connectivity technologies; Cloud and AI represent computing technologies. Moore’s Law is familiar, and computing power has become more powerful and cheaper over time. Metcalfe’s law tells us that the value of a network multiplies as the number of connections increases. The density of connections multiplied by the precision of calculations is the strength of the digital economy. The convergence of connectivity and computing will transform transportation, finance, energy and other industries, creating new value for society.

In specific government and enterprise scenarios, we can see that connectivity has changed. 1G to 4G has solved the problem of connecting people to people, and 5G has opened up a new era of connected everything. The shift in computing to AI is already creating real value in the main business of government and enterprise. Connection and calculation need to be deeply combined with the industry, find the scene that can be implemented, aim at the pain points in the production system, and quickly create value through the combination of ICT technology and industry knowledge. When we put these scenes together, they will trickle down into a river, gradually completing the grand picture.

Let’s share a few examples.

First of all, let’s look at the case of coking industry. Coking is the conversion of coal into coke. In this process, coal blending is the key, which determines the quality, price and cost of coke. At present, coal blending mainly relies on manual blending by old experts, which is of low efficiency and difficult to achieve the best. Huawei and Henan Xinlei cooperated to build an intelligent coal blending model through AI technology and expert experience, effectively improving accuracy, efficiency and stability. According to calculation, this system can save the coking cost of 15 yuan/ton, and can save 27 million yuan for Xinlei every year. Zoom in to the whole Coking industry in China, we assume that saving 10 yuan per ton will also bring cost savings of 6 billion yuan per year for the whole industry.

And this is just a small scene in a niche industry. Let’s look at another example of a logistics park. Shanghai Kangqiao Logistics Park covers an area of 100,000 square meters. In the past, the degree of information and automation was low, and the inventory count completely depended on manual work, which took one month each time. Vehicle scheduling without planning leads to congestion and serious detention; There are problems with cargo congestion.

Aimed at these challenges, huawei and the DHL logistics park for the motion wisdom upgrade, relying on the huawei wisdom park digital platform, pull through more than two dozen business system, realized the wisdom berth management, warehouse management, asset management, asset inventory efficiency, traffic efficiency, berth efficiency are improved, the overall operation of 30%.

In recent years, city managers have embraced wisdom even more resolutely than businesses. In Shenzhen, for example, the sense of gain and happiness of businesses and citizens has really improved in the past few years. Wisdom city is a huge systematic project, in shenzhen wisdom city construction, huawei play 5 g, cloud, AI advantage in areas such as technology, joint hundreds of partners, to help the city management service command center through the 42 WeiBanJu business system, more than 100 class data, constructed the city 1 + 10 + N integration command system. Later, Shenzhen Mayor Chen Rugui will share this information in his speech.

We have just seen the advanced practices of enterprises, parks and cities. We believe that in the next phase more governments and enterprises will be able to enjoy the dividends brought by technology. In the past few years, Huawei has accumulated certain technologies in the ICT field. Next, our focus is on working with our partners to apply these technologies to various industries, providing scenario-based solutions tailored to different needs, helping companies achieve commercial success, and helping governments achieve prosperity, benefit the people, and good governance. Connectivity, computing, cloud, AI and industry applications will represent five significant opportunities across the industry. We hope to create new value in the industry together with our partners through “5 machines” cooperation.

Next, I would like to share with you the phased progress and business strategy of Huawei in connection, computing, cloud and AI4 fields one by one. Focus on how to support partners, build industry applications, strong supply chain, stronger and bigger industry.

** First of all, let’s take a look at connectivity, which is the basis of government and enterprise digitization. ** As industries move into production systems digitally, the need for connectivity has changed dramatically. For example, mines, ports, and factories all require higher bandwidth. For example, intelligent manufacturing in different industries requires different latency and reliability, which requires the network to provide differentiated experience and SLA guarantee at the same time. In order to meet these needs, Huawei has proposed the concept of intelligent connection to create a ubiquitous gigabit, deterministic experience and super-automated network. My colleague Wang Tao will explain how to do this in detail in tomorrow’s Keynote.

As we all know, diversified scenarios such as big data, artificial intelligence and HPC have generated diversified computing requirements, which cannot be satisfied by a single architecture. We need a multiplicity of computing forces to work together to meet new demands. Huawei is committed to providing customers with diversified computing power, and adopts the design of software and hardware decoupling to adapt to different processors, including X86 and Kunpeng. In the agenda of the next two days, my colleagues Hou Jinlong and Deng Taihua will give a detailed introduction.

The cloud is the best platform for unleashing computing power, the digital base of the intelligent world. **3 years ago, it was also at this conference that Huawei proposed to be one of the five clouds in the smart world. Commit to long-term strategic investment in public cloud. After three years of continuous efforts, Huawei Cloud now has more than 1.5 million developers in 23 regions around the world. This is not a relief for our cloud team, but more pressure, because they have to challenge higher goals. Looking to the future, we will further improve the hybrid cloud solution to meet the complex needs of government and enterprise transformation and become the first choice of customers for intelligent upgrading.

**AI technology has advanced rapidly in the past few years. ** We have also made a number of attempts to apply AI to the primary business systems of government and enterprise. For example, Shenzhen Airport launched “One face to visit the whole airport”, in which differentiated security inspection has increased efficiency by 60%. During the epidemic, AI was applied to clinical CT-assisted diagnosis, which reduced the viewing time from 12 minutes to seconds. Applied to financial anti-fraud, risk warning time reduced to minute level, become impossible possible. Tomorrow, my colleague Jia Yongli will share with you how to deeply integrate AI and business master system to solve key problems through knowledge driven and data driven.

** Next, we’ll focus on industry applications. ** To me, connectivity and computing are a bit like electricity was 100 + years ago. Moving from mere lighting to household appliances and industrial equipment has turned industries on their heads, propelling humanity into the age of electrification. In the process, home and industrial electrification has created an industry tens, if not hundreds, of times the size of the electricity sector. In 2016, we proposed to build costa Rican ecology, enabling partners to expand the market, and enabling Huawei’s partners to become the biggest beneficiaries of the new value chain, just like electrical enterprises in the age of electricity. In this exhibition, our partners exhibited many application samples, we welcome you to visit.

Here I will briefly introduce a few stories to you. First, let’s take a look at an example of a partner and Huawei working together to expand the market through business innovation. Teck Education is a traditional IT training institution. Through cooperation with Huawei Cloud, Teck Education transforms ICT education enabler. Huawei Cloud provides technical solution innovation and business realization support for Teck Education. In 2020, yanxuan transaction volume of Teck Education in the cloud market exceeded 80 million yuan, with a year-on-year growth of more than 8 times. This is just a typical representation. So far, Huawei cloud has gathered more than 13,000 consulting partners and more than 5,000 technology partners around the world. Huawei is committed to helping more partners like Tektronix achieve business innovation and rapid growth, as well as the success of its customers and its own business.

** In terms of strengthening supply chain, we advocate to grow together with suppliers and share benefits. ** Here IS an example of a key component of a 5G base station. Strong electronics is a traditional radiator suppliers, in 2016 started to work with huawei, in 5 g radiator transformation development process, strong positive input, with the help of huawei, a breakthrough in the technology of surface treatment, at the same time, through coordination with huawei, strong machining process was optimized and the logistics path, improved the production efficiency and product quality, supply ability, Costs have also fallen by 30%. After cooperating with Huawei for 3 years, the sales in Huawei increased by more than 20 times. Huawei will continue to invest in improving the capabilities of its partners, and at the same time ensure that partners get reasonable benefits and grow together with them.

We advocate long-term cooperation through thick and thin, and Chinasoft International is a good example of this. Chinasoft international has cooperated with Huawei for more than 10 years. Chinasoft International has cooperated with Huawei as early as 2009. In 2014, it started to go to the international market. In 2017, he became the first partner of Huawei Cloud. In 2019, he joined Huawei Cloud Partner Program. It can be said that at different stages of Huawei’s development, Chinasoft International has continued to adhere to our strategic coordination, complementary interests, stand together through thick and thin, advancing and advancing together at critical moments. At the same time, Sinosoft also gets the most powerful technical support from Huawei to jointly expand the new market. Taking huawei cloud cooperation as an example, Sinosoft International has achieved a nine-fold growth in just four years. We will continue to work with willing and capable partners to lay a solid foundation for cooperation and grow together.

We will continue to focus on connectivity, computing, cloud, AI and other products and services. We generate electricity, partners do electrification, we work together to create value for customers, together to achieve business success! In addition, Huawei will work with global partners in the broader areas of basic innovation, standards, talent and social responsibility. We will continue to strive to adhere to the global customers to provide quality products and services.

Walt Whitman once said, “Keep your face always to the sunshine and the shadows will pass you by.” In this uncertain year of 2020, let’s work together! Thank you!

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