The formation of a workaholic

“Science Creator” once talked with Suzhou To B entrepreneurs about “why Suzhou To B industry starts early, develops well and has a large scale”. One of the important reasons is as follows: In the 1990s, many multinational enterprise giants settled in Suzhou. These enterprises were not only the early customers of China’s TO-B service, but also possessed the ability To export TO-B service, and cultivated a large number of TO-B talents. The representative of these enterprises is the Huangpu Military Academy of China’s TO-B industry — Mingji Bunlu.

After graduating from university, Zhao Zhuwei chose to work as a technical engineer at BenQ and worked there for three years. Zhao said the experience is mainly about developing better work habits and professional attitudes, specifically, the ability to cope with high-intensity work. To this day, he still works 12 to 14 hours a day.

After three years of work, the incubation plan of “BenQ for Deer”, which will transport many talents To B, emerged. The information team shifted from internal support To external service and opened the door To receive customers. Zhao Zhuwei, who had long been eager to enter the vast market, “thought this might be the most important turning point in my career”, so he volunteered to join the team.

Correct choice brought rapid growth. Four years later, Zhao Zhuwei became the director of ERP Division of BenQ, providing ERP solutions based on Microsoft MBS and SAP products.

If you have energy, you must have direction

In 2007, amid the turmoil following the failed investment in Siemens Mobile, Zhao left BenQ and moved north to Beijing for a brief stint at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, before returning to Suzhou to work as CIO of the world’s leading power tool company, Bostech Machinery (China).

“You grow up to a point where you do things and you have blind confidence. That’s the impulse that drives you down the road.” From the end of 2009 to 2016, Zhao Zhuwei has been running on the road of entrepreneurship for seven years. His first venture was a non-productive material trading platform, but he failed to make a big deal due to limited resources. After that, he tried the cutting-edge mobile Internet and the relatively conservative and traditional cultural media. Although it was not a failure, it did not make Zhao achieve success of self-satisfaction. “The process was very interesting, but in terms of the result, it was a dull 7 years”.

Looking back on the 7-year journey of starting a business in the first stage, Zhao Zhuwei believes that the biggest harvest is a broad and three-dimensional perspective. “When I was doing IT Service, I had contact with many industries, and my vision was not short of width, but I could only observe the height of ‘process’. Only after the real business, just know a complete business body is viscera seven through eight collo everything can not be less, and the biggest lesson is that had thought that ideas, enthusiasm can make a successful career, but later found that focus is the foundation of a successful career. This reflection directly influenced Zhao Zhuwei to put the next stage of his life In a very subdivided and focused track.

It is easy to lock decisions into the big health industry

Zhao Zhuwei and the founding team of Decision-making were based on a mutual understanding of opportunities in the IT service field. In 2016, the second half of the wave of “To C” is coming To an end, and “To B” is in the ascendant. In particular, the big health industry, as a long-term positive subdivision industry after the improvement of living standards, is bound To usher in long-term development. From macro to micro, it is the right choice to cut into the subdivision industry to provide fine services and build competitive barriers. “This industry is good enough and special enough, and it is enough.” Under such a consensus, the old comrades joined hands again, positioning themselves as the “digital service provider of life science industry”, the business of decision making was officially launched.

Kechuang: How to analyze and judge the market situation at the beginning of the decision making? Zhao Zhuwei: At that time in 2016, CRM service providers in the pharmaceutical industry, except for the international giants holding high in the head market, all other competitors entered the market for a short time. Each has its own advantages, some are good at resource docking, some have product advantages in individual business areas, and the team of Easy Decision is best at solution and landing, so we established the “solution + landing” route as the initial competitive strategy. And planning out strengthening advantage, filling up the roadmap of the short board, such as the decision to founding team structure, ability and resources sectors and docking ability weak obviously, around 2018 almost became the development bottleneck, we immediately in accordance with the plan, put plenty of resources to enhance the capacity of the market, since the private domain have no advantage, just arrived in customer routes from public domain, Now the market ability is no longer the decision – making competitiveness of the short board.

Kechong: One of the underlying logics of the TO B industry is that the more stable it is, the more prosperous it will be. The medical industry is characterized by the constant promotion of various top-down changes. How do decision makers judge this and how much is the subsequent development affected? Zhao Zhuwei: I personally do not grasp the underlying logic, after all, the opportunity is generated in the change. It may be true that stability means prosperity for the established market leader, but for the new cake or challenger, the opposite is true. Market change means more opportunity. So far, the medical reform is still advancing continuously. The supply-side reform represented by pharmaceutical companies and medical devices has entered the later stage, and the future will be product innovation and management system. In the future, more changes will take place on the medical service side. The main contradiction at present is the scarcity of quality diagnosis and treatment resources, and the contradiction between the needs of a large number of patients. In this regard, we have started to enter the selected points: we hope to connect patients by providing patients with knowledge base based on Patient Journey, self-service, community communication, resource docking and other values to build user engagement, and gradually integrate resources and form a business model. All in all, the changes in the industry should be positive factors for us. After all, the model innovation and fine management represented by digital transformation are more necessary for the standardized market.

The more turmoil, the more growth

On January 9, 2017, the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the Implementation Opinions on the Implementation of the “Two-invoice System” in the Drug Purchase of Public Medical Institutions (Trial), announcing the implementation of the “Two-invoice System” nationwide. Since then, the medical reform for many years has officially entered the stage of intensive introduction and comprehensive implementation of various policies, and the health industry centered on medicine and medical treatment is facing great turbulence and reconstruction.

The change of business environment, for service providers, not only need to follow up, more is to lead and plan. In this change, the Decision Easy team actively responded, analyzed the final impact of policy changes on marketing management, seized the two business pain points of data service and compliance, and quickly adjusted the plan. Launched data service and compliance solutions and products to the industry. The implementation of these solutions and services enabled customers to experience the professional ability of Easy to Decide as a service provider, and led to a series of project cooperation.

In this huge change, easy decision of IT Service solution ability to play a great advantage, rapid response, rapid formation of solutions, quickly help customers to implement, and finally seize the first opportunity in the period of upheaval. In 2019, Decision-making has passed its initial start-up period and has ranked in the first echelon of digital marketing service providers in the medical industry.

Kechuang: When the industry is experiencing major changes, how to use its own advantages to turn it into development opportunities? Zhao Zhuwei: Customers are the most affected by the change. From the perspective of customers, we find the management pain points of customers, determine the real needs of customers, design reliable solutions, quickly iterate and release products, and ensure the implementation of the implementation. In this way, we can help customers reduce the management adjustment cycle and cost brought by the change period. For example, the typical direct marketing and investment promotion business models of pharmaceutical enterprises are faced with completely different compliance construction. For directly-operated teams, the compliance system is relatively easy to build. Under the institutional guarantee of internal accounting and internal control, a behavioral performance system for self-operated teams can basically solve the main problems. For investment teams, the compliance business management system has many business links, including access to service providers, entrusted service management, service data submission and key business management, service data report, etc. The whole business chain is long and involves many roles, so we need to provide a complete set of closed-loop management solutions, so as to ensure the compliance of the whole investment attraction business system. But even that would only help companies, but hardly empower CSOs, and future CSOs that do not self-certify will struggle to survive. When helping pharmaceutical companies with compliance, we found that CSO had the need for self-management, so we got through the behavioral process management of CSO and compliance system management of pharmaceutical companies, and really formed a complete closed loop from the penetrating process management to the compliance evidence chain. This is the leading program in the market, which has helped many customers quickly complete the construction of the compliance system. Our dedication to solutions comes from our sensitivity to the pain points of customer management, which is where our value as a service provider lies. Insist on the strategic perspective level and tool innovation to help customers solve problems.

Data + product + service drive marketing innovation of pharmaceutical enterprises

Kechanger: Starting data intelligence often means that TO B enterprise has stepped from the demand response stage To the innovation-driven and in-depth enabling stage. What possibilities have been found in the combination of data intelligence and the value of the big health industry scene by Decision Easy? Zhao Zhuwei: There are many scenarios that can be combined. Theoretically speaking, as long as the data is sufficient and there is a mature model or logic. All business scenarios can be managed intelligently, which is part of the vision of digital transformation, but it will take time. At present, limited by the completeness of data and the accumulation of business logic, we focus on some business scenarios with a high degree of data mastery, mainly targeting at two points: market strategy and sales strategy. Taking the market strategy as an example, combined with the full volume of market data, it can clearly tell users the breadth and depth of the current market coverage, find out the blank market and prompt the development target, which can greatly improve the efficiency of mastering and making decisions on the current market situation. In terms of sales strategy, for example, a typical scene is the academic communication between medical representatives and HCP. Based on our HCP big data and algorithm, the system will provide a complete customer portrait, according to which the representatives can make action plans. At the same time, when the representative asks for help, the intelligent assistant can suggest the representative in what way, what frequency and what academic materials to communicate with the other party. At this time, the representative only needs to be responsible for the implementation. In such an intelligent scenario, the representative’s ability requirements are more focused, the work content is more simplified, and the production capacity output will be significantly improved. In the future, with the accumulation of easy decision industry data and business logic, there will be more and more intelligent business scenarios. Eventually, our intelligent assistant will become a full-role, full-scene and accompanying AI assistant for marketing business.

Figure ▲ In 2021, the decision is easy to fully reconstruct the full link bottom expansion machine.

Kechuang: The development bottleneck of data intelligence in different fields is different. In the big health industry, what are the core elements of data intelligence? Zhao Zhuwei: The core element of data intelligence is the business logic of big data and data application scenarios. Big data of customers in the big health industry involves a lot of information. In addition to the information of direct end customers such as hospitals, chains and pharmacies, it also includes relevant information of GPO drug purchasing organizations, businesses, KOL key opinion leaders, HCP medical professionals and so on. With the continuous advancement of digital transformation, enterprise decision-making scenarios need the support of full-volume market big data. And it is unrealistic for any enterprise to build a full amount of big data. Therefore, the big data of service providers has become a necessary capability. What we need to do is to continuously improve data coverage, expand data content, and improve and integrate application scenarios. So far, Decisions Easy Big Data has covered 100% of grade hospitals, 98% of businesses, chain stores and drugstores, and 70% of primary medical care. We have established certain advantages in data integrity. The mastery of business logic depends on the research of service providers and the accumulation of best business practices. Relying on research to reinforce the details of business logic is not realistic for us at present and probably will not go that way in the future. So we rely on abstractions of best business practices to accumulate. Our product teams are constantly working on good case studies and business modeling design. This is a process of continuous accumulation. The more benchmark customers we make, the richer the accumulated business logic will be.

Kechang: For To B enterprises, the value sense of PaaS has always been a huge controversy. Why did Easy Decision-Making decide To build APAAS? Zhao Zhuwei: Even if you jump out of the big health industry, I think the development of To B IT services To a certain extent is inseparable from APAAS. The advantages of standardization are clear to both supply and demand: light, fast and convenient, but individuation must exist. Enterprises and individuals alike, any company will take the initiative to build differentiated management or passively form differentiated processes in the process of growth. These differentiated elements inevitably require the service providers to meet the capacity of personalized. APAAS platform is the best choice to use technical means to meet the complex, long-term and changing individual needs of enterprises, so we will firmly invest in the development and iteration of APAAS platform.

Kechang: I see that in the business field of easy decision making, some businesses covered by SaaS also launch business operation services. What is the proportion of these two services in the future? How to handle the transformation from software service provider to operation service and how to build the team? Zhao Zhuwei: The expansion of SaaS service providers to business operations is a natural extension of business, not a transformation. Moreover, this extension is much smoother than we expected. It is a natural extension of the service form after the core competence is equipped, and the team building is not as difficult as we expected. The operational services we provide are all based on the business scenarios covered by our solutions, which are highly data-oriented and systematized. So far, our business services include data flow related services, online meeting overall process services, incentive plan design and bonus calculation services, as well as online academic visits and sales support services. From the form of service, the choice of SaaS or business operation is a reflection of the enterprise’s business strategy, which will coexist for a long time. In the short term, we do not make the choice of emphasis, which depends on the market. Of course the market for business operations services is much bigger in the long term than the SaaS market, and that’s where we’re growing. Decision-easy team focuses on the construction of the three major capabilities of data, products and services, enabling the digital operation of the customer marketing system in the big health industry, helping customers quickly enter the era of compliance, refinement and digital intelligence management, and taking the lead in strengthening capabilities and winning opportunities in the era of industry transformation.