The theory of

1. What is kafka?

Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system. Originally developed by LinkedIn and later part of the Apache project, Kafka is a distributed, partiable, redundant and persistent logging service that processes streaming data.

2. Why kafka

A distributed message server can be used in one of three scenarios

  • Buffering and peaking
    • The upstream data has a burst of traffic, the downstream may not be able to carry, or there are not enough machines downstream to handle the data requests, leading to server collapse. At this point, the message service can buffer the message requestkafkaMid-stream, downstream services are then consumed slowly under pressure.
  • The decoupling
    • System A sends data to three systems BCD, and A sends data through interfaces. When system E is added, we need to add corresponding interfaces to process system E. If system B is removed in the process, the corresponding interfaces have to be manually removed. The introduction of A message service can send messages tokafkaThen whoever needs it, you can subscribe to the messaging service yourself

  • asynchronous
    • When A distribution system to write data to BCD three service database, it is A need to call BCD three services, and write data back to A system as A result, because it is synchronous, users need to wait here for A period of time will be returned as A result, at this point to the user is not very friendly, if will write operations on the message server data directly, no matter Follow-up operations. This is instantaneous for the user and obviously highly usable

3. Differences between Kafka and other MQ


  • Extensible.KafkaThe cluster can expand transparently, adding new servers to the cluster.
  • High performance.KafkaPerformance far exceeds traditionalActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, etc.KafkasupportBatchOperation.
  • Fault tolerance.KafkaeachPartitionData is copied to several servers when aBrokerFails,ZookeeperProducers and consumers will be notified to use the othersBroker.

The deployment of installation

Installation environment Linux Centos7.6

1. Download package

Enter the server specified folder directory, according to personal preferences. My side is /usr/local/,

  1. cd /usr/local/Go to the specified directory
  2. Download packageWget HTTP: / /
  3. Unpack theThe tar - XVF kafka_2. 11-2.2.2. TGZ
  4. renameThe mv kafka_2. 11-2.2.2 kafka

2. Prepare for deployment

  1. Kafka is based on distributed message management, so you need a medium to manage kafka Broker. Zookeeper is an efficient distributed management tool, so you need to build zkZooKeeper before using Kafka

  2. Modify the kafka configuration file

  • Go to the specified directorycd /usr/local/kafka
  • Modify the configurationvi config/

The following points need to be modified

Change the server IP address
advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT: / /
The log folder can be modified or left unchanged by default
The default partition number is 1
# zk all nodes if cluster is multiple nodes single-node is one node
Copy the code
  1. Start thekafkaService, window startup and background suspension startup. It is recommended to start the window for the first time to check whether logs are successfully started

The. / bin/kafka – server – start. Sh. / config/server. The properties and specify the configuration file

The following shows the successful startup

Use CTRL + c to close the current service, use nohup background startup mode. / bin/kafka – server – start. Sh. / config/server properties &

Then using the ps command – ef | grep kafka see whether startup success, success is shown below

3. Related operation commands

  1. View all files in the current servicetopic
Sh --zookeeper [service name or IP address] --list./bin/kafka-topicsCopy the code
  1. createtopicSpecify the name astestThe number of partitions is 4 and the number of copies is 2
./bin/ --zookeeper --create --replication-factor 2 --partitions 3 --topic test
Copy the code
  1. deletetopicDelete.topic. enable=true in; otherwise, it marks the deletion and does not actually delete the topic.
./bin/ --zookeeper  \
--delete --topic test
Copy the code
  1. To viewtopicdetails
bin/ --zookeeper  \
--describe --topic first
Copy the code

5. Send the MESSAGE

./bin/ \
--broker-list topic test # if create kafka is cluster startup - broler - the list at the back of the multiple addresses, splicing # after input the above command is successful there will be a ">" logo, # can input data input data, To delete it, press CTRL and click on Backspace. >hello worldCopy the code
  1. News consumption
/bin/ --bootstrap-server192.168.10.122:9092 --from-beginning --topic test
Copy the code

  1. Modify the partition becausekafakaInternal data processing is too duplicative. Currently, only the partition operation is added without reducing the partition function
 ./bin/ --zookeeper --alter --topic test --partitions 6 
Copy the code

Kafka in Java (see next installment)

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