Kafka reproduced: https://segmentfault.com/a/11… Zk reproduced: https://segmentfault.com/a/11… Two contrast to see, in addition to check the Kafka message has been a log constantly displayed, do not know how to close, there are children’s shoes that know can be pointed out

Make sure you start ZooKeeper before you start Kafka. The order cannot be changed. Close Kafka first, then ZooKeeper.

ZooKeeper Start: ZkServer.sh Start Check ZooKeeper Status: ZkServer.sh Status Close: ZkServer.sh Stop

Kafka start (note that this must be done under the home directory where Kafka is installed) and execute the following commands on each of the three machines: bin/kafka-server-start.sh.. / config/server. The properties & closed: bin/kafka – server – stop. Sh