The same function often has different performance in different products, so the evaluation of a function should be based on the specific scenario of the specific product, and the login and registration function is no exception.

  • A product unexpectedly support mailbox registration, mailbox registration this way is mainly popular on the PC side, now mobile phone number registration receive verification code is more convenient, this way is not good;
  • B product can not set a password, every time you log in to the mobile phone verification code, this case mobile phone signal can not receive the verification code how to do, this way is not good;
  • I used a third party to log in to product C, and even let me bind my mobile phone number, which is not to deceive users, too shameless, this way is not good;

There are a lot of opinions about the design of the log-in function, and none of them seem wrong, but remember:

All put aside the product itself to talk about the registration of the behavior is playing rogue

Product A may have developed from the PC era and has accumulated A large number of registered email users. Moreover, product A often sends some information to users through email, such as gourmet food

The functions and services provided by product B may require verification of mobile phone before they can be used. For example, Ele. me requires verification of mobile phone number when ordering food even if it is not verified when logging in (of course, now they also have a password to log in, but it is still recommended to log in with mobile phone number + verification code).

Since the operation of product C requires users’ mobile phone number, they may balance the loss caused by binding users’ mobile phone number with the loss caused by not having users’ mobile phone number, which may be the optimal solution

So we can not put aside the product itself to talk about the login and registration function experience of good or bad, this article will be all products in the login and registration function of the design of the function, experience to talk about the system with you, when you design the function as long as you need to screen your products.

First, the function design of login and registration

Login and registration function design, let alone product manager, even ordinary users should not be too strange, we describe each module.

Log in function

  1. First of all, we should know that many products do not use a single login method, the vast majority of cases are a mixture of many ways.
  2. The pros and cons of different login methods

Mobile phone number + password login is the most commonly used login method at present. The popularity of mobile phones and the development of mobile Internet provide unique advantages for this login method. For example, our parents may not have email, but they must have mobile phone number.

Cell phone number + captcha this way some of the product in use, such as hungry, 36 kr, they all recommend mobile number + captcha first landing, but different meanings, hungry? A user in order would need to verify user identity, so is equivalent to log in and authenticate users unified, and 36 kr ultralight login to experience, You don’t have to enter a complicated password. But the disadvantages of this way is also very obvious, after all, let the user verification code login, the risk can not control, the third-party SMS platform problems, abnormal user signal, will cause trouble to login.

Email + password this way from the PC era began rising stage, so many products have to leave email login entrance, the product by mail to the user authentication code is not as good as by texting so convenient, but also not to say that email login, in the era of mobile Internet, it’s no use email is in addition to the mobile phone number, after all, the other can and user communication way, Convenient for product operation and user contact, convenient for users to retrieve passwords, etc.

User name + password more dependent on the features of the product, such as a food platform, we have to get some food from the media in our platform set up their own food, can carry some recipes, cooking experience such as content, we are very want users to like running my own a small shop in platform is the production of content, for example, “lee aunts home cooking,” “Wang Po Hunan restaurant”, in order to emphasize the recognition of this user name, so we keep the user name + password login.

Third-party login you also not strange, the biggest advantage of this approach is convenient, don’t lose the password, don’t have to fill out personal information, for the user experience is good, but for the product is a little bit sad, don’t get any useful information, the user is very late is not convenient to carry out operating activities, it is also a lot of products have been looking for balance, Now many products will remind users to bind their mobile phone number after the third party login, users can also choose to skip, although it is not perfect, but it is also ok, the specific needs of the product itself.

Face login, fingerprint login, at present only some products auxiliary login functions, such as Alipay, if the replacement of the current mainstream login method, it is not clear, there is any possibility in the future

Registered function

Registered way and the same way to log in, it is important to note here is that the APP end registration approach and landing is not necessarily a one-to-one, why how to say, for example on zhihu APP, although because of PC users, to provide email log in, however, to limit new users use email to register, as more and more new users, Maybe the percentage of registered users with mobile phone numbers will be higher and higher

Retrieve password

By far the most common way to retrieve password is through a phone number or email to send a verification code, if there are any mobile phone no, or email also forgot password the limit this kind of situation, should also provide users with a complaint channels, to provide some information, let our system or staff audit, help them find the password.

Of course, some products also provide password retrieval methods according to their product functions. For example, e-commerce apps allow users to select recently purchased goods, and social apps allow users to select recently contacted friends, etc.

Change the mobile phone number, unbind the third-party account, and change the password

These functions are generally included in APP Settings – account Settings. These functions are relatively low frequency, but as a product with an attitude, we try our best to consider them all. Instead of providing a separate entry point to change your password, many products simply let you change your password through a “retrieve password” function.

2. Experience design for login and registration

You often say that land registration function of user experience, you can directly see the attitude of a product, a lot of land the registered giant APP still stuck situation, the function of land registration is not complicated, but if you want to experience excellent, really need to consider many factors, these factors are not every product must take all of these are included, according to the needs of their products, Develop the optimal solution, and let me briefly analyze what needs to be considered.

Instruct users to register with their mobile phone numbers

For some products want users to use more mobile phone number registration, but afraid of not being able to use email registration will lose a number of users, this time you can put the “use email registration” put a line of small words in the following, users can click to switch to email registration.

Display mode of the entered mobile phone number

An 11-digit user can seem like a bit of a brain already, so it would be easier to type in a phone number in a 3, 4, or 4 format, such as 131, 2108, 8669.

One click to clear the entered account or password

When users switch accounts or make a mistake, it’s up to them whether they want to delete it one by one, or whether they can erase an entire line with a single click

Whether the phone number distinguishes countries

First of all, we need to know the positioning of the product and whether it plans to enter the international market in the future. If so, we need to consider the phone number of different countries.

Validity period of the SMS verification code

The validity period of SMS verification code is generally proportional to the degree of product information security. For example, for financial products, the validity period of SMS verification code is generally shorter, such as 1 minute, because the night is long and the dream is many, so as to avoid some unnecessary trouble. But for the average product, it might take 10 minutes, maybe even half an hour. How many seconds are left before the user can resend the verification code for 30 seconds? 60 s? No more than 120s, of course, you can also use a better way, for example, in a day, from the first time to the second time to obtain the verification code, 30 seconds can be resend, second to third time to obtain the verification code, 60 seconds can resend, and so on, so that some people can avoid malicious brushing SMS verification code.

Voice verification code

Message authentication code in this step of the risk of uncontrolled SMS service problems, cell phone signal problem, even some messages may be intercepted, these could cause the user can’t normal received a text message authentication code, so now a lot of products increase the function of voice verification code, dual protection, reduce the probability of registered users cannot normal.

Real-time data validation

If the user is logging in with a mobile phone number, the first number of the user input 9, this time should be real-time to remind the user that the mobile phone number is not legal, so that the user correct in time, improve the efficiency of registration, similar situation, real-time verification of mobile phone number is registered, verify whether the mailbox is legal and so on

Mailbox login registration intelligent display suffix

Many users will be more annoyed to input, these mailbox suffixes, if the user can input, automatically display the commonly used mailbox suffixes, for the user experience will be better.

Mechanism for clearing user account information

Users log in to our product, so, how long does the user not log in need to log in again? This is also obviously related to the type of product. For products with a higher level of information security, such as China Merchants Bank client, as long as you exit the application, you will need to re-enter immediately; The second is Alipay, JINGdong finance products, because there are gesture password, payment password and other secondary verification, so the average user does not log in for a period of time, they need to re-enter the password; Finally, some products do not involve information security, such as food, under the kitchen, they may always remember the account password, as long as you do not manually log out, it has been logged in, and even some products you uninstall download again, account password will be retained.

Password specifies whether to switch between plain text and dark text

Believe everyone again for “input password” “password” is not strange, but now many people have challenged this way, don’t think it’s necessary, even if the mistyped, the next click forgot password can also be quickly solved, so now the big department product only allow the user to enter a password, sometimes in order to reduce the error probability, did a plaintext and ciphertext toggle switch, Users who suspect they have made a mistake can check by turning on the switch.

Clear user feedback

When there is a problem in the login and registration process, give clear feedback, such as incorrect email format, illegal mobile phone number, etc., do not let the user guess where he entered wrong. But there is a special case is the exception, when the user login, lose the wrong account or password, are generally not prompt the user account or password “error” rather than directly give clear incorrect account or password, there are some explanation to information security, can reduce the chance to be cracked, I personally think that if it is not actually what too deep user safety product, It doesn’t hurt to give a clear hint.

Do you want to remind users to bind mobile phone number after the third party login

This is another problem that requires trade-offs and balance. The third party can log in quickly, but cannot obtain effective information of the user. Without binding mobile phone number products can not obtain effective information of users, behind many operations are not good to carry out; Compulsory binding of mobile phone numbers will raise the registration threshold, which may lose some users; How to do? First, evaluate the consequences of different approaches based on the product itself, then you can do AB tests to see which approach is relatively best, and finally decide on the solution.

If an error message is displayed, corresponding solutions are provided

The user login registration process may appear a lot of errors, such as registration tips “your mobile phone number has been registered”, then we analyze the user behavior, it is not hard to find now that you have registered the user estimates to log in, then we can in the error message “immediately to stage such guidance is given below.

Password mechanism

Take into account and give clear hints as to the length of the password, whether it is case sensitive, whether it contains special characters, etc. There is also the temporary lockout of an account after a few incorrect passwords, which is common in financial products, mainly for information security.

Prevents malicious SMS verification code brushing mechanism

Forest big, what birds have, some unscrupulous SMS service providers, in order to attract your attention, to brush your SMS verification code, and then tell you to use our SMS service, we can provide what benefits. So we need to take this into account when designing the logic behind login and registration. First, the number of times that verification codes can be sent from the same IP address is limited. For example, one IP address can only send five short messages a day. However, some real users may be accidentally injured. Secondly, more than three verification codes are sent from one IP address in a day. Manual verification is required for obtaining verification codes again, such as entering a verification code or sliding verification.

This section describes the functions available to users when they are not logged in

Generally, there are three kinds. The first one can use all functions, such as inkblot weather and other tool applications. The second is to use part of the function, such as Taobao, do not log in can normally browse goods, but to buy the need to log in; The third kind is can not use any function, such as China Merchants Bank, must log in to be able to use. It is not difficult to sum up a small law, the higher the level of information security, the higher the degree of personalized products, the higher the requirements for login after use.

Can multiple devices be online at the same time

This depends on the product type. For example, financial products generally do not allow multiple devices to be online at the same time, but some reading and tool classes may allow multiple devices to be online. According to the function of the product, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of multi-device login, and make a decision after weighing.

Do you register on one page or step by step

Some products may not only need your registration information, you need more information, for example, keep a good living, they need more information, so that the custom content for you, this time not usually in a page to complete the registration, but multiple pages to complete registration, so that we can reduce the psychological burden of users in certain degree.

Custom keyboard pop-up style

This is especially common in the mobile clients of banks, because the withdrawal password of bank card is generally six digits. At this time, the user can directly pop up the numeric keypad when entering the password, so that the user experience will be better.

What page should I go to after login and registration

Still different products will have a different approach, if the user from a page in the APP trigger the land registry, you can follow the principle of return from where to where, before the return to the login page after log in successfully, if the registration is the first time, some APP may require you to subscribe to your interested in content, and then into the home page.

Third, do not ignore exceptions and compatibility

Abnormal state and compatibility is the case that every product function has to consider in the design, many functions may eventually compromise to abnormal state and compatibility, login and registration function is the same.

Abnormal state

Abnormal state is mainly reflected in the login and registration function, when the network condition is not good, and in addition to the normal registration and login process, the mobile phone number has been registered, the mobile phone number format error and so on. Users are most prone to emotional problems during abnormal times, when a friendly reminder may save users’ hearts.


Compatibility is mainly reflected in three aspects, the first is the compatibility of the old version; The second is the compatibility of different terminals; The third is compatible with other functions, it is easy to see a product function design flaws, the heart began to think such a big factory, design I design product function is not perfect, but you may not know that such design, may be after considering the compatibility of the optimal solution, such as we mentioned above email + password registered way, In the ERA of PC, the experience of this method is very good. In the era of mobile Internet, the experience of mobile phone number + password may be better. However, in order to be compatible with PC and old users, the APP end has to provide the login and registration method of email.

Simple summary

1, “all put aside the product itself to talk about landing registration behavior is playing rogue”

2. Not every product should contain the functions and experiences mentioned in the article, just take what you need.

3, abnormal state, compatibility should always keep in mind

4. Although all the factors affecting login and registration are included as far as possible, there will always be omissions, welcome to add. This is also the charm of the career of product manager.


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