Risk tip: Looking for a job is like investing, only you’re investing expertise and time. Similarly, the investment of work can be classified according to the risk and return: high risk and high return, such as stock futures, etc. Low risk and low yield, such as bond deposits. In addition, you can also be divided according to the holding time: long-term investment, you are optimistic about the company’s long-term prospects; Short term. You value the company’s salary. So if there are some changes in your current job, should you timely ship to cut your losses? Next, listen to veteran brother’s exclusive investment advice!

Recently, I wrote a series of articles about job-hopping and job-hopping. Some of my readers were confused about whether to stay with the company or change jobs. Out of faith in the veteran, he consulted with me. This situation is still quite common, veteran elder brother I have encountered, now omit privacy information to sort out this case for your reference.

  • Problem 1: does the leader have an opinion to me, intentionally whole me?

Partner: The company belongs to a traditional industry with a medium scale and is undergoing digital transformation. The Group has established several Internet subsidiaries. I used to develop business systems in the group headquarters, and was transferred to one of the subsidiaries to do 2B and 2C products. Soon after the launch of phase I, the company transferred me to another subsidiary as a project leader, responsible for the system development of a business line. Phase I will be launched at the end of this month. Next, the leader was ready to transfer me back to the headquarters to rebuild the original business system. The post is always transferred to and fro, lack of security, do not know this is good or bad for me. Is this normal, does the leader have an opinion or opinion about me, or… ?

Veteran brother: yes, most people prefer stability to instability. It’s like walking on a rickety drawbridge. If you don’t pay attention to it, you will fall into the water. You will feel unsafe. Why do you find your job turbulent? As an individual, you cannot separate yourself from the world, country, industry, company and so on. If you want to overcome this insecurity, you must first understand the logic behind the turmoil. I had a similar experience a few years ago, when I understood the logic behind it, I was able to move on from feelings of confusion, powerlessness, etc. Let’s not talk about the macro level of the world or the country, but let’s start with the industry. The biggest trend in recent years is Internet plus, which means that traditional enterprises need to complete digital and Internet-based transformation. The new productivity of the Internet is just like the steam engine or electric motor in those days. It is an extremely challenging task for traditional enterprises to apply it to various businesses.

Take traditional banks as an example. In the past, deposits and withdrawals were handled through branches or ATM machines. This sales service system has been deeply rooted, and the business processes and organizational structure are set up in accordance with this business model. But now that Internet payments have eliminated the need for cash, users have rarely visited branches or ATMs in just three to five years, and the change has come too soon for banks to figure out how to embrace the Internet. According to conventional thinking, banks have just started to decorate their branches with more technology and some self-service network terminals, but this is not the Internet service that users want at all. After realizing this, banks begin to reduce offline channels such as branches, which will involve the redistribution of internal interests. In addition, the banks just did not have the talent to understand the Internet, and did not start to copy the example, from outside the recruitment. But the environment of traditional enterprises is not the same as Internet enterprises, like “orange is born in Huainan is orange, born in Huaibei is orange”, usually toss a wave also went. The business of each traditional enterprise has its own particularity, and the industry does not have ready-made experience in digital transformation, so trial and error are inevitable.

Medium – and large-sized companies, in particular, have the talent and capital to focus on a vertical niche, unlike smaller companies. It will spread out in different sectors, looking for markets where there is a lot of room for growth, and generally not enough for pennies on the dollar. If, after trying, it finds that the imagined market does not exist, or there is no suitable entry point, it will adjust until it finds one, and then it will be hard to turn around. As a junior employee, you feel this change more obviously. The boss moves his mouth and the employee breaks his leg. This is the logic behind the turbulence.

Partner: Yes, I see. How should we deal with this situation?

Veteran Brother: As a junior employee in a large company, you should not be obsessed with specific projects or businesses, because you cannot lead the adjustment of the business. What you need to do is figure out what your career is going to look like, and stick to improving the hard and soft skills you need for your future career, no matter how the job changes. When the company needs you to join a new project, you can jump into the fray quickly, see trends, follow leaders, and stay the same. For more details, see: Big Company vs. Small Company, Which one would you choose?

If you haven’t done something that has particularly offended your boss, your boss won’t give you the slip for no reason, and even your boss can’t control the change. If you have this aspect of concern, you can also seek leadership communication, talk about their feelings, see how he said. If you change jobs, you become friends with each other, so don’t have such negative thoughts. If you don’t want to leave at the moment, you should look at it from a good point of view. Maybe it is because the leader values you and gives you the opportunity to improve yourself in different lines and accumulate experience. Then, he will check whether you follow the team closely in the changes. As for whether this is the case, you need to communicate with the leadership, daily slowly to verify.

  • Question 2: In turmoil, I have no chance to improve myself!

Partner: The company is adjusting its direction and expanding its business scope. The original business model is outdated, and it is moving closer to the Internet. This strategy is in line with the trend of the industry, and I fully agree with it. However, its strategy is contrary to the actual practice. For example, the transformation needs corresponding technical talents, but it does not expand recruitment, but only uses the existing barely available people to support, resulting in numerous product problems. On the technical level, there is no leader, everyone in the team is following their own development model; At the management level, the leaders take care of the team, which leads to the team being sometimes loose and sometimes nervous.

Now I am faced with the dilemma that I work in multiple project teams for development, but my technical ability is slowly improved. There are three reasons: First, the technologies used by the team are outdated and the mainstream technologies are not adopted in the industry; Second, the new skills I learned in my spare time have no use in the team. Third, even if I personally use the new technology, but the project team does not adopt it, it will be troublesome to upgrade and maintain in the future.

Veteran brother: Understand that the essence of the transformation of traditional enterprises to the Internet is the replacement of old and new things. The most difficult thing in this process is not technology, but people’s thinking and business model. Why people? Innovation and reform are to break through the boundaries of the original rules, which will involve the current pattern of interests, equivalent to changing the way the cake is divided, and it is difficult for the vested interests to accept. New productive force brings new productive relation, new productive relation represents new profit distribution pattern. Usually, only external pressure can trigger a change in everyone’s thinking, which leads to the lack of the right person to lead the technological innovation you mentioned.

The transition from the old distribution of benefits to the new one will be chaotic, and as an individual, you will feel confused and turbulent. Often, new things replace old things in the same way, with the company setting up a whole new subsidiary that incubates new businesses. In the whole incubation process, the new subsidiaries cannot be affected by the pollution of the old subsidiaries, which is equivalent to creating an ideal living environment for the new subsidiaries. The new environment is constructed according to the Internet companies. When a new subsidiary finds an entry point into the market, the group will invest heavily, and the new subsidiary that conforms to the trend will grow very fast. When the new subsidiary is strong enough, other old subsidiaries have to follow the model of the new subsidiary to restructure, which is the process of innovation.

As the saying goes, time makes a hero. Without chaos, there would be no heroes. This turbulent environment has both challenges and opportunities. The key is whether you believe in the company’s vision for the future and whether you believe in the company’s way of development. Isn’t your company a brand new subsidiary now? And you also transferred to support, you personally prefer which subsystem, combined with career planning, to find a suitable opportunity to internal transfer. Of course, this is only the direction, does not mean that the new subsidiary will be successful, any attempt to explore is risky. The key is that following big trends gives you the opportunity to refresh your skills. If you do decide to leave your current company, you’ll have a good grasp of the industry’s mainstream technology stack and a better chance of finding work in the job market.

Plus, if you have the personal confidence and ability to push the old and the new, you’ll have a better chance of getting ahead. In the process of digital transformation of traditional enterprises, the turnover rate of staff is very high. The key is to grasp the invariants of change, so that you don’t get swept away by the wind and the waves, and keep progressing at your own pace and schedule.

Partner: Yes, there is almost no possibility of individual promotion. The projects are at the group level, and they are carried out by a dedicated team after more than half a year of research. I am just a junior employee in the development department. I have been working in this company for nearly three years, but my colleagues are not satisfied with the current salary and treatment, and the effort and return are not in direct proportion. Next, I plan to return to the group headquarters to finish the reconstruction project, and master the new technology stack, and prepare to job-hopping in the first half of next year. Do you think it’s good or bad to leave the company under these circumstances?

Veteran brother: understand, this is a new challenge, if you have the confidence and ability to tackle it, then you can take it to the next level. If you can’t change your environment for the time being, or don’t want to develop your skills in this situation, such as pushing the old into the new, or preaching technology, consider changing your environment. As the saying goes, when a tree dies, a man lives. You can develop the ability to refresh the company by choosing the environment that works for you right now and later when you have more capacity. Now we just have to refresh ourselves.

After all, it’s better to stay here than to stay here, all those years of contacts and knowledge of the business. But if, after some rational thinking, you still don’t feel motivated, consider moving on. Also, if you have a good relationship with your boss, it is advisable to have an open conversation to see if your needs are met and if you can regain your motivation. Of course, you can ride the donkey to find the horse first, which will also be more proactive. At present, the employment environment of the whole industry is not very good, before deciding, we must let ourselves in a relatively safe state, now some enterprises disguised layoffs, we vulnerable groups to learn to protect themselves. If you decide to change your job, I suggest you check out another article I wrote: “Remember this and you won’t be able to find a Good Job!” .

Friend: I see, I know what I should do, and I will weigh the pros and cons myself. Thank you very much for your time, and I will bother you again if necessary in the future.

Veteran brother: You’re welcome! Good luck!

Today first share here, if you think the content is valuable, please move your finger to forward to other partners in need. In addition, I will share my experience in career planning, job interview, skill improvement and influence building in the future. Please pay attention to this blog or the public account “IT Veteran brother”!