I heard that Julia,

Walks like python. Runs like C.

Julia 1.0.0 download: julialang.org/downloads/

Julia is installed

Open Julia, and the window that displays is called Julia REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) or Julia Interpreter.

CTRL + D exit; CTRL + L screen clearing; CTRL+C terminates the command

Julia manual url: docs.julialang.org/en/latest/

Installation of the Atom text editor

Atom can be downloaded from atom. IO /

With Julia1.0.0 and Atom installed,

  • 1. Open the Julia REPL and press] to go to the PKG environment. Enter add Atom, Add CodeTools, and Add Juno. (No double quotes, Juno is installed because sometimes Atom can’t run The Julia program and an error is reported indicating no Juno)
  • 2. Open Atom, click Install a Package>Open Installer in the Welcome Guide, and search for language-Julia, Julia -client, ink in the Install Packages interface. # Activate-Power-Mode plugin is a little fun, you can try the next entertainment.

(2). Open Atom and click File>Settings>Install to search for it. You can manage them in the Packages TAB.

  • 3. Go to File>Settings>Packages, go to Settings of Jula-Client, go to Julia Path, and enter the installation directory of Jula. exe. # for example C: \ Users \ XXXX \ AppData \ Local \ Julia – 1.0.0 \ bin \ Julia exe
  • 4. In Atom, press CTRL + Shift +P to open the Command Palette, enter Windows: Reload to reopen the window, or enter Julia to check whether the Julia package is installed. So you can run Julia from Atom.

We can save the Untitled file and name it with the suffix.jl.

Click on Packages in the middle of the toolbar to see Julia in it. Move the mouse over it. You can either click on the Run Block to Run the program you have entered or Open the Open Console to check the feedback. (Press Ctrl+Enter, Shift+Enter, or Alt+Enter to run one or more lines of code directly.)

There are many useful and interesting plug-ins in Atom that you can search for yourself.

In the Pkg environment (press the Julia REPL key to enter)

Add “_____” # this statement is used to install the package (without double quotes)

Update # This statement is used to update installed packages

The status # statement is used to view installed packages

Rm # to remove packages that have been installed, such as “rm MATLAB” (without double quotes)

Registered packages can be searched at pkg.julialang.org.

Julia with MATLAB, R, Python access

MATLAB. Jl. Github.com/JuliaLang/M… ↩

Rif. Jl. Github.com/lgautier/Ri…

PyCall. Github.com/stevengj/Py… ↩

Take matlab in Windows as an example:

  • 1. Run the following command to open the command prompt in administrator mode:

matlab /regserver

  • 2. Type in Julia:



You can check out some matlab-python-Julia statements on the following page.

MATLAB-Python-Julia cheatsheet