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🚀 introduction

JTalk is organized by JTalk. Every issue of JTalk will invite outstanding engineers from vertical industries to share their excellent practical experience, skills and methods. It aims to provide offline technology exchange and interaction opportunities for developers to help them grow.

The ninth issue of JTalk invited three engineers, Li Chengyu, Ma Wanming and Yang Hu, from Meituan-Dianping’s technical team. In this evolution of the system architecture design, come and chat with you in the offline activities evolution of system architecture design, share Meituan new to store payment business development group of intelligent, understanding Meituan accept single equipment in the industry of the company has its own mode of system design, according to client architecture evolution and the stability of construction for experience sharing.

You will know:

  • Best practice of stable construction of Meituan trading system
  • Design of purchase, sale and inventory system for Meituan receiving equipment
  • Meituan smart payment client payment plug-in architecture evolution

📆 schedule

Time: 14:00 — 17:00, July 29, 2018

Venue: Nashi Room, 3rd Floor, Yinfeng Building, Haidian District, Beijing

💡 producer

Li Xingliang – Head of Smart payment technology at Meituan-Dianping

🎤 Guest


  • Topic: Evolution of Payment Plug-in Architecture for Smart Payment Client
  • Introduction: Meituan client technology expert, used to work in Huasan, Didi and other companies for many years, has been engaged in communication and client development, has many years of client development and architecture experience.

Ma Wanming

  • Topic: Design of Purchase, Sale and Inventory System for Meituan Receiving Equipment
  • Introduction: Meituan senior development engineer, engaged in the Internet industry for many years, once worked in Wanda, JINGdong, joined Meituan in 2017.


  • Speech Topic: “Best Practice of Stable Construction of Trading System”
  • Introduction: Meituan technical expert, graduated from Tsinghua University with a master’s degree in 2007, worked in nokia, a foreign company, for 3 years in 2010, joined Alibaba in 2013 and entered the Internet industry, then formally joined Meituan in 2015, engaged in the Internet for many years, now as a backstage technical expert of Meituan.

💬 activity group

Students who can’t come to the site can join the group, we will release the relevant activity information in the group. If the activity group is full, please add wechat: Devmoes reply jtalk to join the group

🎁 raffle prizes

The nuggets pamphlets

The Gold Digger booklet is a small, concentrated, systematic and profitable technical learning platform. At present, 17 volumes are online, covering topics such as front-end, back-end, iOS and blockchain, and 17,000 volumes have been sold like hot cakes. Visit juejin. Im /books to see if there are any pamphlets of interest. If you want to write a short book to make money click here.

The nuggets booklet will provide JTalk with 5 free codes and 50% discount codes as prizes. Sign up for a chance to win.

Gold digger notebook

Asynchronous community

5 paper book coupon (can be exchanged for any paper book in asynchronous community)

20 RMB 50 cash coupons coupon code

👑 organizers

Nuggets: A community that helps developers grow.

❤️ Partners

Asynchronous Community: produced by Posts and Telecommunications Press, IT is the leading IT professional book community in China, dedicated to publishing and sharing high-quality learning content.

Zen of Python: a public account that always insist on originality, hoping to help you on the road of Python learning, wechat official account: VTtalk

📷 exclusive live video cooperation

🚌 Venue Navigation

Nash Space, Yinfeng Building, Haidian District, Beijing

Take the subway

Exit B of Suzhou Street Subway Station, Line 10, walk 100 meters north of Suzhou Street to Yinfeng Building, then walk up the elevator to the third floor to Nash Space


Does the activity charge?

Part of the charge, charge, only a small charge, because the space is limited, and in order to ensure the quality of the activity.

When will it be held in XXX city?

  • JTalk is an offline experiment for the Nuggets,
  • JTalk 7 has been successfully held in Hangzhou, and we are going to expand to Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu and other cities.

Where can I find the ticket after purchase? Please click this link to retrieve ticket: Retrieve ticket

Become a JTalk partner

There will be plenty of exposure to JTalk’s offline activities. Please add wechat: memindcn

JTalk organizer recruited

JTalk has organized 8 events, welcome like-minded partners to join us, whether you are college students or Internet practitioners, JTalk is happy to broaden your network, enhance your ability, exercise together, and grow together!

Please add wechat: memindcn

🔥 Next announcement

JTalk issue 10: to be determined

Special thanks to

The layout and typography of this event page refer to the registration page of the Sketch Meetup by The designer Ding Yi.